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#1March 27th, 2011 · 05:49 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
911 posts
United States of America
The End of BandAMP?
We have recently received word from Mud, (who many of you know is the owner and originator of the site) that he is undergoing some financial challenges and thereby may choose to discontinue financial support of the site at the end of this year. This has serious implications for the continued operations of the site, as Mud has been financing and providing occasional maintenance to the server. This issue has been met with some discussion among the three of us, (Tritonkeyboarder, who has served as our volunteer site Programmer and Administrator, Kings and Battlecat who have served as volunteer Moderators) for the past couple of days, as we pondered the best way to approach this situation.

Responding to some questions posed recently in an email exchange with Tritonkeyboarder, Mud states: “It's $100 per month for the server (including bandwidth ect) it's running on, past that there are no expenses—it's running on an 100mbps unmetered line, it's a bit overkill, but not much more expensive than a metered bandwidth line.”

This news raises more questions, such as: Can the BandAMP community achieve a takeover of the expenses for continued operation of the server? If the community is indeed interested in doing so, how will we raise the money? (Donations? Memberships Fees? Allowing commercial advertising on the site?) If we were somehow able to produce the money each year, would Mud continue to maintain the server for us?

 Naturally, it was agreed that we should bring this issue to the BandAMP community for discussion and possible action.

Originated in 2003, BandAMP is quite unique in that it is a community that is extensive, yet intimate. People from all over the world have been able to develop friendships with one another that have existed for years even though they may never have seen each other in person. Originally designated for the promotion and development of independent music artists, the site evolved into a community of people that converse about a variety of topics, from world events to mysticism to celebrations of a member’s birthday. People who are separated by thousands of miles of ocean have been able to create music together through collaboration projects. Efforts are currently underway to produce an album compilation of BandAMP community member’s music. Through participation in the forums, people are able to exchange information, support and inspiration for the continued development of their artistry.  These are merely a few of the activities that are taking place on the site.

Undoubtedly, this issue will warrant further discussion and action. Some questions remain: Do you feel the site is worth saving?  Would you be willing to chip in and help in any way you can?

Suggestions and assistance are welcome.
#2March 27th, 2011 · 06:20 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom

IF COST AROUND 1200 dollars per year
Im prepared to stamp up a large CHUNK OF cost
as my care to the ''community'' input


I'll talk to you guys....the 'moderators '  in due course I am sure....
as far as your comments quote ''is this site worth saving''


Mud bowing out ......thats fine he has been a true 'arts' benefactor
Thank you Mud for creating the site
Time for you to move on it seems
#3March 27th, 2011 · 07:01 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
re: WOW
swordfish wrote…

IF COST AROUND 1200 dollars per year
Im prepared to stamp up a large CHUNK OF cost
as my care to the ''community'' input


I'll talk to you guys....the 'moderators '  in due course I am sure....
as far as your comments quote ''is this site worth saving''


Mud bowing out ......thats fine he has been a true 'arts' benefactor
Thank you Mud for creating the site
Time for you to move on it seems

Hear ! Hear !   

and the same here too !  
#4March 28th, 2011 · 07:07 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Well large chunk large chunk welll I am certainly up to financially supporting the site, even though I'm not as active - but this place is in my heart always, and would not want to see it go. I can easily donate monthly if that's what it takes. Yet IMO this site should be free for the most part, so those who opt to finance it should do this solely on a voluntary basis. I'm up for a Skype meeting to discuss this issue.
#5March 28th, 2011 · 09:07 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
Well this are the costs NOW!
As we published before (http://forum.bandamp.com/Announcements/32918.html) Mud was thinking about to move BandAmp to a new server with likely more options and less cost. It's not possible to reduce the costs of the old server and switch to another rate.
In case of movement lots of things have to be prepared first before the step can be taken. Like a real movement everything must have its same place w/o new programmings.
I know what has to be done and how a possible new server should be configured although the old one is running properly. But if the costs can be reduced we should do it.

Another idea of mine was to take the earnings of published albums for reinvestments. What do you think?

And the server (wherever it is located) needs somebody to push a button or do daily backups (changing tapes?)
But this is what it needs
#6March 28th, 2011 · 09:38 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Another idea of mine was to take the earnings of published albums for reinvestments. What do you think?
This was my first thought when I read the announcement. It makes sence to use possible incomes of an / or further album/s for keeping the site running. And why not placing commercials on the site ?
Nearly on every site in the web are commercials, pop-ups and dunnowhatelse .

I´m afraid of the imagination that a handful of members invest some money to keep the site alive coz it might be able to deflect interests , relationships , states of members in case of possible discussions or dissents.
It´s an absolutely  honorable idea to spend money as Swordy or Denis suggested.
But I think this is dangerous for a community . There´s an old german saying : "Geld zerstört Freundschaft"
which means : "money destroys friendship".
I think we should generate money as other sites do. A bit more professionality seems to be needed.

On the amp is so much really good musical material . We can release one album every 3 month .
Why not throwing it onto the market? Why not making  ourselves heard ?

U. l . I .
#7March 28th, 2011 · 11:55 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
re: Another idea of mine was to take the earnings of published albums for reinvestments. What do you think?
ULI wrote…
This was my first thought when I read the announcement. It makes sence to use possible incomes of an / or further album/s for keeping the site running. And why not placing commercials on the site ?
Nearly on every site in the web are commercials, pop-ups and dunnowhatelse .

I´m afraid of the imagination that a handful of members invest some money to keep the site alive coz it might be able to deflect interests , relationships , states of members in case of possible discussions or dissents.
It´s an absolutely  honorable idea to spend money as Swordy or Denis suggested.
But I think this is dangerous for a community . There´s an old german saying : "Geld zerstört Freundschaft"
which means : "money destroys friendship".
I think we should generate money as other sites do. A bit more professionality seems to be needed.

On the amp is so much really good musical material . We can release one album every 3 month .
Why not throwing it onto the market? Why not making  ourselves heard ?

U. l . I .

popups no, relevant ads no problem -

and about generating money via album sales, may not be very realistic.... That will take too much organisation than we are capable of (as a community) and sorry for putting this harshly, but it's true. We are hobbyists all with loads of other stuffs demanding our time and attention, and getting any album to sell one needs hard time consuming marketing.. Arguably money generated from BandAMP compilation albums might be invested in maintaining the site but still but they need to sell first. Having talent and great music isn't enough. In fact good marketing can sell complete crap to triple platinum (and it does over and over and over), but if you don't put muscle behind your uttermost brilliant releases.... Sales stop at zero.

The main issue is how to finance the upkeep of BandAMP... for real.
#8March 28th, 2011 · 12:56 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Wow, such big news in so little time. I love this site to death and it is literally the most unique and best forum type website I have ever seen. This site means so much to me and is worth so much. We cannot and will not let the uniqueness of bandAMP die. If there's one thing I hate...its ads...most generally of any kind. Especially because when and if we agree to put ads on this site, then someone will add a few more...and then a few more...and then there's the occasional pop up and then there's those friggin annoying ads that when you mouse over them they get giant. If we bring ads into bandamp...it will RUIN the uniqueness. Thats half the reason why bandamp is so great! NO ADS!!! So please people...while we need to do anything we can to save this site...adding ads is like gutting out the vital organs and leaving a vegetable on the table.
#9March 28th, 2011 · 12:58 PM
38 threads / 11 songs
278 posts
Hey guys,

Sorry for not logging in for like forever, but Kunadiun (craig) let me know about this so I should hop on and say something.

This site doesn't really need to be run on a 100 dollar per month server/connection.  I know that you can get VPS Dedicated servers for like 50 dollars or less per month which would probably make keeping the site up easier for everyone.

Also, when we move, will we keep the old songs and everything that we have here on bandamp already?  Perhaps it's time to start over?

If we started over and fresh, then we could market the site from a new perspective, perhaps change it up a bit?

I love this old bandamp theme, but maybe we could change that up a bit too?  What forum software does bandamp run on anyways?

If this is then end for this particular "incarnation" of bandamp, then this is the end I suppose, but we should keep the community going somehow. 

How about I set up a temporary forum (or "meeting point") running on hosting that I pay for where we can all meet in case this forum goes down.  something like bandamp.mydailytech.com, just a little forum where we can keep it all together i guess....

Let me know
#10March 28th, 2011 · 02:25 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: WOW
swordfish wrote…

IF COST AROUND 1200 dollars per year
Im prepared to stamp up a large CHUNK OF cost
as my care to the ''community'' input


I'll talk to you guys....the 'moderators '  in due course I am sure....
as far as your comments quote ''is this site worth saving''


Mud bowing out ......thats fine he has been a true 'arts' benefactor
Thank you Mud for creating the site
Time for you to move on it seems

On The Other Hand!!!!!

other sites do offer similar service and look better too!!!...
and are also free.
if our current total membership with more than one post is currently 1,482
and that figure stretches back to the start of the site!!!!
then our active regular posting membership must currently be very low indeed..

And it kinda follows that the active number of songwriters must also be very very very low ......

its a shame but maybe it is time for it to wither on the vine????


it would be interesting to know how many have used the site over the last month or two...

#11March 28th, 2011 · 04:02 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
bandAMP Skype meeting
The more I think about this the more planning and resourches needed.
We really need to get our heads together on this for it work.
So Let's get together and have a dicsussion, I don't think we can sort this out in a forum.

So who's up for a Skype meeting?
#12March 28th, 2011 · 08:55 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
re: Another idea of mine was to take the earnings of published albums for reinvestments. What do you think?
ULI wrote…
This was my first thought when I read the announcement. It makes sence to use possible incomes of an / or further album/s for keeping the site running. And why not placing commercials on the site ?
Nearly on every site in the web are commercials, pop-ups and dunnowhatelse .

I´m afraid of the imagination that a handful of members invest some money to keep the site alive coz it might be able to deflect interests , relationships , states of members in case of possible discussions or dissents.
It´s an absolutely  honorable idea to spend money as Swordy or Denis suggested.
But I think this is dangerous for a community . There´s an old german saying : "Geld zerstört Freundschaft"
which means : "money destroys friendship".
I think we should generate money as other sites do. A bit more professionality seems to be needed.

On the amp is so much really good musical material . We can release one album every 3 month .
Why not throwing it onto the market? Why not making  ourselves heard ?

U. l . I .
PX is right it's unrealistic to expect Albums to be made (organised) and actually sold quick enough to fund the whole site.
It would work eventually, but like anything you have to stick to it
I think the most realistic answer is for the few who feel they want to get up and say weyeeiieieyi ...
Agree on who is in , have each member to automatically send their equal share to 'muds' account, if we can get it to notify us of a payment stopping , we could split it up equally again ......

Things like adverts and banners and sharing and links and freeer sites and servers can still be discussed as usual but with a greater sense of reality.
We might also come to the conclusion that with a little bit of money coming in we could do a lot more .....
#13March 28th, 2011 · 09:19 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
911 posts
United States of America
As I review Swordfish's link regarding site traffic, Bandamp fares pretty poorly - then I notice some of the names of the high performers: "Jizzhut", "Spankwire"....hmmmm.....maybe we're in the wrong business?

Seriously, I also agree with PX that it may be unrealistic to expect to fund the site with sales alone, or to be able to manage the major effort required to put together and market an album with the expectation of garnering regular profit (it may be a fun project as a sideline, however, and if it generates money to help the site that's great!) Look at us now, we have sporadic participation and most people are pretty busy with their own lives. Probably the most reasonable and secure way of funding the site is going to be through donations until we're able to demonstrate greater energy and participation in the long run (although I see ULI's point of concern about this as well).
#14March 29th, 2011 · 02:37 AM
28 threads / 20 songs
255 posts
Yep I too agree that funding the site through album sales is impossible in this case.

I think the only way to keep BandAMP alive and healthy is to get enough advertisements on the site to pay the bills and start a fresh new server and database. And so that nobody unexpectedly loses their music, send out an email to everyone before the old database is erased.

I don't think it's sustainable to just run the site with donations, wouldn't want to be the guy chasing up everyone's monthly payments!

A new site with new fresh members really might work as this current site is doom to fail since it hasn't been getting decent traffic in the last 5 years.
#15March 29th, 2011 · 02:39 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
We could approch our family or respectable business people who we know to help sponser bandAMP.

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