This site is so amazing in that its members are so loyal and thats why I love it here. This isn't some big business company that is running the site. The members are running the site. Mud made this beautiful thing happen all those years ago! That's why this community is so different from anything else out there, its truly like a mom and pop business almost. And its not even a business! Its all free! Bandamp is amazing. I love it so much. If I had a job I would contribute at LEAST $5 every month. I wish I had a job. The economy is so so horrible right now. I do know that I don't ever want to see this site go down though, so I'm going to be watching closely for what people are saying and what's going to happen and if I do see something that I could help with I will instantly jump at the opportunity. In fact I'll notify my cousin connor. I know he has lots of server space and stuff like that so I'm sure you'll hear something.
Marino wrote…
You can count me in for ten dollars a month...and a little extra in the case we needed to make up for any month we are short changed...I don't like ads but I'm open to whatever keeps the site running! Just let me know when to start sending...Kings,Battlecat and Triton Keyborder are the main guys helping run the place but I know there is and has being other help involved so they might have better info on the matter.Glad to see you around and I'm sorry things didn't work out!
Thanks Marino! I'll continue to put in $10 a month to

I'm also against having ads, and it would be great if the website could be all member contributed. But, then again, in Wikipedia's case, I almost wish they'd have that one advertisement, instead of their "donate to us" ad-which kind of makes me feel guilty when I don't donate.
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
How much time do we have?
Analytics are shut down for years. I ever wanted to reactivate this options but didnt dare to make some changes on the server due to unstable behaviour. Remember my last change on Apache Server few months ago where battlecat had to find someone to push the reset button.
Google analytics are under my "account". But Im afraid I lost access data. Have to find it.
Server is low on traffic as there are only two hands full of members online and guests. Most of guests are bots.
You Mud should think about to give away the domain name. Moving the server is not that difficult. And Postgresql and PHP are pretty easy to install. I can do some backups of files (mp3 and pics) and database.
PHP code is on my local drive.
But do we have the time?
We have as much time as it takes—I told you I would let you know in advance. I'm not going to let the website go down, I'm saying, I'm really struggling here, and need help on this one. No worries on losing the Analytics, we can hook up another one. I'm not familiar with Unix, so glad you think it wont be a problem—what do you think the server instability is about?
When you talk about giving away the domain, are you referring to a charitable organization who would have the funding/desire to build upon a educational music community? If we can find the right candidate, that would grow this website in the right direction, I would be more than happy to do this.
Denis wrote…
How much money do we need to raise now to keep the website running? I assume the host would have an annual agreement? If it's monthly, lets simply send the money to muds account on a monthly/quarterly basis, paypal would be nice and easy for me. I don't think the bandAMP donation function is working, but we could set-up another one. TK I respect your judgement, what do you think?
It depends on where we find to host the server... I know that $100/month isn't bad for a dedicated server. But, it would be very cool to find a Cloud Hosting solution, that would support PostgreSQL/PHP, and have relatively cheap bandwidth costs. TK, do you have any idea what a good server would cost, or the feasibility of running a Cloud hosted solution? I've had great experience with
I was attempting to start up a Graphic Software company with a friend. It turned out we weren't such good friends, as when my money ran up (the funding), he decided he needed my shares in order to keep working. But, learned a lot through the process about programming in Javascript, and HTML5.
I really like your idea of hosting the MP3's on one server, and the website on another. There could even be multiple clone's of the audio data, in case one persons server goes down. But, that's probably getting ahead of ourselves
I think the server you described might actually work...
I'll poke around the BandAMP server admin area, and see whether there is a way to see how much bandwidth we're running.
My Skype is mudcube
I really like your idea of hosting the MP3's on one server, and the website on another. There could even be multiple clone's of the audio data, in case one persons server goes down. But, that's probably getting ahead of ourselves

I'll poke around the BandAMP server admin area, and see whether there is a way to see how much bandwidth we're running.
My Skype is mudcube
kings wrote…
Mud nice to hear from you .... exactly a year
So what exactly were you trying to start up for four years?
The sums are the same, it will cost 10 members 100euros each per year ..... as things stand now, I have no problem with that.
Not into sending money to someones privet account or an account with one administrator, as we've seen with the donations button ... JimK is not active enough to actually partake in decisions and transaction. Apparently there's about 15 dollars on there
I have a shit load of server space .... just sitting there. When I bought my company name I also bought server space... a few years ago they made it a lot bigger ... how nice of them !
Just checked and I have 8gb free with bandwidth up to 20gb ..... would this be enough ? I dont know all the stats.
It runs php5 already but you'd need more database.
It could be setup that TK remains the admin and that you remain the owner .....
Could the site be hosted from one server and the mp3 library from another?
Just proposing some possibilities.
If it's a matter of time , we all have skype and we all have the time to sort this out ... fairly pronto.
Very much like the CAPTCH that needs to be set up soon, this last wave of false registrars is becoming constant.
TheKunadiun wrote…
This site is so amazing in that its members are so loyal and thats why I love it here. This isn't some big business company that is running the site. The members are running the site. Mud made this beautiful thing happen all those years ago! That's why this community is so different from anything else out there, its truly like a mom and pop business almost. And its not even a business! Its all free! Bandamp is amazing. I love it so much. If I had a job I would contribute at LEAST $5 every month. I wish I had a job. The economy is so so horrible right now. I do know that I don't ever want to see this site go down though, so I'm going to be watching closely for what people are saying and what's going to happen and if I do see something that I could help with I will instantly jump at the opportunity. In fact I'll notify my cousin connor. I know he has lots of server space and stuff like that so I'm sure you'll hear something.
BandAMP will prevail! No worries, we're not going away

It's very cool of you to be so proactive, thank you.
A friend of mine runs a web hosting, multiple server site business. I'll talk to him and get some info on costs ect. I'm back in school now learning all about severs, networks, security, and website development with html5,sql, java,, and c# (still learning these, just at the beginning stages).. I have worked in Linux, but I'm not a Linux programmer. I did some work with Unix, maintaining oracle database, very basic stuff. If it got to hard it was escalated to others.
Here is a link to Rick's business.
Here is a link to Rick's business.
toastedgoat wrote…
A friend of mine runs a web hosting, multiple server site business. I'll talk to him and get some info on costs ect. I'm back in school now learning all about severs, networks, security, and website development with html5,sql, java,, and c# (still learning these, just at the beginning stages).. I have worked in Linux, but I'm not a Linux programmer. I did some work with Unix, maintaining oracle database, very basic stuff. If it got to hard it was escalated to others.
Here is a link to Rick's business.
Thanks toastedgoat

Every Dog Has Its Day |
I know I haven't been around so much lately. I have been working multiple jobs, sometimes 80+ hours a week and doing a lot of screenplay work as well. It seems to be a sign of the times that more intimate forums such as these are going the way of the Dodo. A poetry site I have been a member of has recently announced its closure. It is dis-heartening to see this type of thing happen. It seems that nowadays it is 'go big or go home'. With so many social media sites, society is doused with pokes, adds and friends we have never spoken to.
While I am a firm proponent of keeping things intimate here on BandAmp, I truly believe we need to evolve with the times.
Social media is the new king. We need to be part of this. I think there could be some additions to this site that would bring many more visitors and some income stream. At least enough to keep the gears greased.
1- Create a Twitter feed on the right margin of the main page and on the non-review sections of the forums. Have links to individual members' Twitter accounts. I believe there is a way for admin to select particular tweets to appear on the feed. If not, oh well. It would be neat either way.
2- Integrate ITunes into the forums. When you review a song or visit a member page and listen, you should have the option to immediately purchase the song via ITunes. Members would have the option to sell or not sell MP3s. Albums could be offered as well. Any tunes sold from this site would be deposited in a BandAmp account. Profits could either be wholly contributed to the site or a split could occur. At the end of each 3 month period, someone in charge of the funds would transfer via paypal half of the proceeds to the musician and the rest would be put towards operating costs.
--This will help in another way. Many members do not want to put their best work on a free site due to them not making any profit from their work. And they are just in that view. They work hard and should be paid as such. In return for the opportunity to be paid for their work, we will get more of their best posted for review. On top of that, members would be more inclined to work together to create even better music collaborations.
3. Find a sponsor. This could be a series of small recording studios, guitar companies, etc. Find one or two SPONSORS, NOT ADVERTISERS. They would have a single banner ad. It would not be invasive, but they would be guaranteed to be the only one or two advertisers for our site for a period of time. Getting 100 dollars for this would not be out of the question.
4. Have a music video contest. Find a sponsor to supply the prizes. Have special guests from YouTube(popular people with many viewers) act as a panel of judges. This will drive visitors from those YouTube channels and propel some of our talented people into a new spotlight and medium. We do still have our own YouTube channel to use as well.
5. Yes. Open donations. Don't make it a monthly fee but offer a monthly donation option so a set amount comes out each month. An option could be to put a symbol next to the names of people who have helped out. A small form of recognition when you see their names posted.
6. Mods become active outside of BandAmp. We need a few enthusiastic people to get on YouTube and start watching indie musicians and COMMENTING and INVITING them to our site to check it out. This will go MILES towards gathering more members. People post on YouTube to get recognition for what they are doing. Funny, isn't that what happens here too? I bet, if we recognize others on YouTube and offer valuable comments, they would feel more encouraged and welcome in coming to visit us here. In every comment and message to these users this should be posted:
7. Create a marketing team. Every good site will focus on marketing. This is not only for sites who are revenue based. We can benefit from a great marketing campaign too. We need people who have ideas and are willing to follow through with them until completion/success. The ideal amount of people on the team would be 4. More and it gets messy; less and there is too much work for each person. This team should be allowed a good amount of leeway to get the job done. If everything has to be voted on by the entire community, nothing will get done.
There are many things that can be done. The best things we can do are:
Become Enthusiastic
Get the BandAmp name seen everywhere
...and the rest will follow.
Yes, I am willing to donate to keep this site going because I know its value and what it can be.
However, I think simple donations will only allow us to doggy paddle into the future, never really making any forward progress. And while every dog has his day, I don't think we should count on it just happening. We need to take a pro-active approach and get things going. We have a great community and if they get behind a good effort, good things will happen.
I would be more than willing to help out in any way I can. Message me or send an email to if you would like to chat.
I know I haven't been around so much lately. I have been working multiple jobs, sometimes 80+ hours a week and doing a lot of screenplay work as well. It seems to be a sign of the times that more intimate forums such as these are going the way of the Dodo. A poetry site I have been a member of has recently announced its closure. It is dis-heartening to see this type of thing happen. It seems that nowadays it is 'go big or go home'. With so many social media sites, society is doused with pokes, adds and friends we have never spoken to.
While I am a firm proponent of keeping things intimate here on BandAmp, I truly believe we need to evolve with the times.
Social media is the new king. We need to be part of this. I think there could be some additions to this site that would bring many more visitors and some income stream. At least enough to keep the gears greased.
1- Create a Twitter feed on the right margin of the main page and on the non-review sections of the forums. Have links to individual members' Twitter accounts. I believe there is a way for admin to select particular tweets to appear on the feed. If not, oh well. It would be neat either way.
2- Integrate ITunes into the forums. When you review a song or visit a member page and listen, you should have the option to immediately purchase the song via ITunes. Members would have the option to sell or not sell MP3s. Albums could be offered as well. Any tunes sold from this site would be deposited in a BandAmp account. Profits could either be wholly contributed to the site or a split could occur. At the end of each 3 month period, someone in charge of the funds would transfer via paypal half of the proceeds to the musician and the rest would be put towards operating costs.
--This will help in another way. Many members do not want to put their best work on a free site due to them not making any profit from their work. And they are just in that view. They work hard and should be paid as such. In return for the opportunity to be paid for their work, we will get more of their best posted for review. On top of that, members would be more inclined to work together to create even better music collaborations.
3. Find a sponsor. This could be a series of small recording studios, guitar companies, etc. Find one or two SPONSORS, NOT ADVERTISERS. They would have a single banner ad. It would not be invasive, but they would be guaranteed to be the only one or two advertisers for our site for a period of time. Getting 100 dollars for this would not be out of the question.
4. Have a music video contest. Find a sponsor to supply the prizes. Have special guests from YouTube(popular people with many viewers) act as a panel of judges. This will drive visitors from those YouTube channels and propel some of our talented people into a new spotlight and medium. We do still have our own YouTube channel to use as well.
5. Yes. Open donations. Don't make it a monthly fee but offer a monthly donation option so a set amount comes out each month. An option could be to put a symbol next to the names of people who have helped out. A small form of recognition when you see their names posted.
6. Mods become active outside of BandAmp. We need a few enthusiastic people to get on YouTube and start watching indie musicians and COMMENTING and INVITING them to our site to check it out. This will go MILES towards gathering more members. People post on YouTube to get recognition for what they are doing. Funny, isn't that what happens here too? I bet, if we recognize others on YouTube and offer valuable comments, they would feel more encouraged and welcome in coming to visit us here. In every comment and message to these users this should be posted:
7. Create a marketing team. Every good site will focus on marketing. This is not only for sites who are revenue based. We can benefit from a great marketing campaign too. We need people who have ideas and are willing to follow through with them until completion/success. The ideal amount of people on the team would be 4. More and it gets messy; less and there is too much work for each person. This team should be allowed a good amount of leeway to get the job done. If everything has to be voted on by the entire community, nothing will get done.
There are many things that can be done. The best things we can do are:
Become Enthusiastic
Get the BandAmp name seen everywhere
...and the rest will follow.
Yes, I am willing to donate to keep this site going because I know its value and what it can be.
However, I think simple donations will only allow us to doggy paddle into the future, never really making any forward progress. And while every dog has his day, I don't think we should count on it just happening. We need to take a pro-active approach and get things going. We have a great community and if they get behind a good effort, good things will happen.
I would be more than willing to help out in any way I can. Message me or send an email to if you would like to chat.
re: Every Dog Has Its Day |
dustyskates wrote…
I know I haven't been around so much lately. I have been working multiple jobs, sometimes 80+ hours a week and doing a lot of screenplay work as well. It seems to be a sign of the times that more intimate forums such as these are going the way of the Dodo. A poetry site I have been a member of has recently announced its closure. It is dis-heartening to see this type of thing happen. It seems that nowadays it is 'go big or go home'. With so many social media sites, society is doused with pokes, adds and friends we have never spoken to.
While I am a firm proponent of keeping things intimate here on BandAmp, I truly believe we need to evolve with the times.
Social media is the new king. We need to be part of this. I think there could be some additions to this site that would bring many more visitors and some income stream. At least enough to keep the gears greased.
1- Create a Twitter feed on the right margin of the main page and on the non-review sections of the forums. Have links to individual members' Twitter accounts. I believe there is a way for admin to select particular tweets to appear on the feed. If not, oh well. It would be neat either way.
2- Integrate ITunes into the forums. When you review a song or visit a member page and listen, you should have the option to immediately purchase the song via ITunes. Members would have the option to sell or not sell MP3s. Albums could be offered as well. Any tunes sold from this site would be deposited in a BandAmp account. Profits could either be wholly contributed to the site or a split could occur. At the end of each 3 month period, someone in charge of the funds would transfer via paypal half of the proceeds to the musician and the rest would be put towards operating costs.
--This will help in another way. Many members do not want to put their best work on a free site due to them not making any profit from their work. And they are just in that view. They work hard and should be paid as such. In return for the opportunity to be paid for their work, we will get more of their best posted for review. On top of that, members would be more inclined to work together to create even better music collaborations.
3. Find a sponsor. This could be a series of small recording studios, guitar companies, etc. Find one or two SPONSORS, NOT ADVERTISERS. They would have a single banner ad. It would not be invasive, but they would be guaranteed to be the only one or two advertisers for our site for a period of time. Getting 100 dollars for this would not be out of the question.
4. Have a music video contest. Find a sponsor to supply the prizes. Have special guests from YouTube(popular people with many viewers) act as a panel of judges. This will drive visitors from those YouTube channels and propel some of our talented people into a new spotlight and medium. We do still have our own YouTube channel to use as well.
5. Yes. Open donations. Don't make it a monthly fee but offer a monthly donation option so a set amount comes out each month. An option could be to put a symbol next to the names of people who have helped out. A small form of recognition when you see their names posted.
6. Mods become active outside of BandAmp. We need a few enthusiastic people to get on YouTube and start watching indie musicians and COMMENTING and INVITING them to our site to check it out. This will go MILES towards gathering more members. People post on YouTube to get recognition for what they are doing. Funny, isn't that what happens here too? I bet, if we recognize others on YouTube and offer valuable comments, they would feel more encouraged and welcome in coming to visit us here. In every comment and message to these users this should be posted:
7. Create a marketing team. Every good site will focus on marketing. This is not only for sites who are revenue based. We can benefit from a great marketing campaign too. We need people who have ideas and are willing to follow through with them until completion/success. The ideal amount of people on the team would be 4. More and it gets messy; less and there is too much work for each person. This team should be allowed a good amount of leeway to get the job done. If everything has to be voted on by the entire community, nothing will get done.
There are many things that can be done. The best things we can do are:
Become Enthusiastic
Get the BandAmp name seen everywhere
...and the rest will follow.
Yes, I am willing to donate to keep this site going because I know its value and what it can be.
However, I think simple donations will only allow us to doggy paddle into the future, never really making any forward progress. And while every dog has his day, I don't think we should count on it just happening. We need to take a pro-active approach and get things going. We have a great community and if they get behind a good effort, good things will happen.
I would be more than willing to help out in any way I can. Message me or send an email to if you would like to chat.
OK ... doing all this would take time .... everyone here , keeping the place going, comes here of their own free will, no charges or costs involved ... the only ties any of us have are personal .... which is how it should be in one way as you cant tie down a creative artist ... they need a sense of freedom.
If the site were promoted ... yes it needs some, but a BIG promo would bring in LOADS more people (one aims and hopes for ... ) which would eventually mean more time having to be spent on the site 'keeping it going' .... as I said we are all 'volunteers' and we all have other 'darker' sides ... called 'everyday life'.
Notice that the one person who really does pay for the site is very rarely here ... he's out there trying to make all kind of things work ... bandAMP being a side issue, as important as it may be to all of us.
I think setting up a 'transparent' bank account where we could 'donate' would be a very good step .... it might be a step that has to be taken before we can take others.
I have looked into it but not seriously yet ... again a question of time and priority ....
Promoting the site in the way you say is something any member can do .... all it takes is small amount of effort and enthusiasm ....

donations |
Take it from me, be careful, I had set up that Paypal account, and set it up as nonprofit, but we had never really got set up as a nonprofit organization. Therefore, Pay pal shut down the account, the money got ate up in fees, and I had a crapload of explaining to do to lawyers. I can't even log into that Pay pal account anymore. It is locked, and declared a scammer account.
I would not set it up as nonprofit. You will pay fees per donation, but you wont have to deal with legality issues. I am still recovering financially from being out of work for so long, but will contribute what I can, when I can. I also use Godaddy for hosting, though, my hosting is free
my Domain names. And they only cost me about $12 per year.. But their support is great, back before I lost my job, I bought a hosting account from them, it was very inexpensive, and I think it could be an option.
Anyway, I will try to show up more often.. I do miss this place...
I would not set it up as nonprofit. You will pay fees per donation, but you wont have to deal with legality issues. I am still recovering financially from being out of work for so long, but will contribute what I can, when I can. I also use Godaddy for hosting, though, my hosting is free
my Domain names. And they only cost me about $12 per year.. But their support is great, back before I lost my job, I bought a hosting account from them, it was very inexpensive, and I think it could be an option.
Anyway, I will try to show up more often.. I do miss this place...
re: donations |
JimkDaAdtman wrote…
Take it from me, be careful, I had set up that Paypal account, and set it up as nonprofit, but we had never really got set up as a nonprofit organization. Therefore, Pay pal shut down the account, the money got ate up in fees, and I had a crapload of explaining to do to lawyers. I can't even log into that Pay pal account anymore. It is locked, and declared a scammer account.
I would not set it up as nonprofit. You will pay fees per donation, but you wont have to deal with legality issues. I am still recovering financially from being out of work for so long, but will contribute what I can, when I can. I also use Godaddy for hosting, though, my hosting is free
my Domain names. And they only cost me about $12 per year.. But their support is great, back before I lost my job, I bought a hosting account from them, it was very inexpensive, and I think it could be an option.
Anyway, I will try to show up more often.. I do miss this place...
So who are you these days if your not da ADT man ?
Though you'll always be THE Jim da ADT man around here !
I've mentioned your donations account every time we've come to this bandAmp point .... I did not know that it had gone that way .... but you've learnt from the experience.
Thinking ahead just a little ... we will come here again to this point of needing to pay for the server so having an account in place makes sense ... Do you have any suggestions as to what the non-profit internet site can do to have such an account ?
jimkdaman |
Since I am no longer ADT man,I now work for a company named Koorsen Security Technology. It's really a much better fit. I now focus on integrated security solutions, combining access control, CCTV, and burg/fire along with network to give a complete security interface. Anyway, Paypal would still
work, but unless you actually get registsered in he US as a not for profit, you have to just set up as a personal or small business account. Otherwise, there are other banks that could do it, but none as easy to setup and use as Paypal, and most server hosting places accept paypal for payments, so it is just a smarter decision.
work, but unless you actually get registsered in he US as a not for profit, you have to just set up as a personal or small business account. Otherwise, there are other banks that could do it, but none as easy to setup and use as Paypal, and most server hosting places accept paypal for payments, so it is just a smarter decision.
What's the latest???
Where can I send money?
Dammit! I just got a new puter and finally remembered my password!!
So i went away for a couple years......well....those porn sites really got ahold of me......
Seriously........your computer speak is confusing the hell outta me......but.....know this:
I will support this site any way i can!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me how..... I'm there.
Where can I send money?
Dammit! I just got a new puter and finally remembered my password!!
So i went away for a couple years......well....those porn sites really got ahold of me......

Seriously........your computer speak is confusing the hell outta me......but.....know this:
I will support this site any way i can!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me how..... I'm there.
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