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#31November 26th, 2008 · 03:10 PM
189 threads / 27 songs
2,834 posts
nevertheless good work TLS!!!!
#32November 26th, 2008 · 03:18 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
a bigup for this fabulous work TLS

regarding the last discussions about 4-letter-words I think about having a string parser for textboxes like this here. Maybe the RegExp function is nice to bring up some asterisks or replace those words with *peep*
lol: name the subroutine peepshow(s as string)

I suppose that we shouldn't encourage such things, and that we should promote self-control, but perhaps we could give each user a self-defined filter list of words they'd simply rather not see?

That way, if my personal values dictate that I'd rather not see the word "schoolbus", I could have it bleeped out?
#33November 26th, 2008 · 03:44 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
TonightsLastSong wrote…
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
a bigup for this fabulous work TLS

regarding the last discussions about 4-letter-words I think about having a string parser for textboxes like this here. Maybe the RegExp function is nice to bring up some asterisks or replace those words with *peep*
lol: name the subroutine peepshow(s as string)

I suppose that we shouldn't encourage such things, and that we should promote self-control, but perhaps we could give each user a self-defined filter list of words they'd simply rather not see?

That way, if my personal values dictate that I'd rather not see the word "schoolbus", I could have it bleeped out?
That's a really good way around the problem. you sure your not making it too complicated for your self?
#34November 26th, 2008 · 03:59 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
Nah.. I'll let the users do most of the work.  They can use a text box to enter a string (comma separated) of any words they don't want to see.

Then, any time a forum post is being displayed, I can call their filter from their user info and pass it over the text.  If the user has no filter defined, then no changes are made on the text.

It'll be like regular expressions, but just word based.  All it will be is something like

$filters = split(" *, *", $filter);
for ($filters as $filter)
     $forumText = str_replace($filter, "***", $forumText);

... and then it'd be done
#35November 27th, 2008 · 04:53 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
This is great ...Way to go guys...
#36November 27th, 2008 · 04:54 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
The Chat Room
I have a suggestion to make concerning the chat. When someone leaves the chat after saying good bye..State that you are gone or that you have left...like so

Flyer::::: Gone....

 Many times one's name is left in the chat room long after they have left the room....and the other person is left talking to themselves..

It would be a good idea to inform the chat room once one has decided to go...Rock on ampers

#37November 27th, 2008 · 01:20 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Thats a good idea.
I also dont like how there is a delay when people say something, and sometimes, when I type and send messages, they dont even show up! I have to click forums, and then go back into the chat, and theres like 7 things that someone else has typed that didnt even show up for me!
#38November 27th, 2008 · 01:47 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
re: The Chat Room
FLYER7747 wrote…
Many times one's name is left in the chat room long after they have left the room....and the other person is left talking to themselves..

Yes... And we've all decided that "Lace" isn't the best chat thing anyway.  There's a lot of lag sometimes, and I'll get 5 messages suddenly at the same time.  Not to mention what you've pointed out, Flyer.  The hard part is that the website can't know for sure if you are still there on the page without some sort of explicit "logout" of the chat part.  I'm thinking about trying to use a prebuilt tool for a new chat concept.  I'll have to try to make it easy to skin/theme like the rest of the site.  I'll keep you posted on any developments here, but be aware that I'm not working on that stuff yet...

I will though.. I will.
#39November 29th, 2008 · 11:44 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Extra, extra, read all about it

New screenshots of the (mostly) completed forums:

Let us start with a slightly revised look of the forums.  Since some forum pages such as the general "Media" forum tosses posts from all media types into a single forum (although divided up by "in progress", "complete", and "dropped"), there needs to be a way to visually let the user know what media type any given thread is all about.  The "Traditional" skin chooses to do this with a light overlay of the media type icon.  Also, if you've been paying attention, I changed the "videos" media type icon to something that fits the look a little better.

And, let me point out the crowning new feature: the search bars at the top of ALL forums.  The bar requests that you type something into it so that an INSTANT search can be performed in that forum.  Let me demonstrate in the following screenshots.

Next, rest your eyes upon a search being performed, looking for the word "tab" in the title of the post, which is yielding just one result:

Now, this time notice that the top forum is searching for a number, which is matching the number of views the thread has, and the bottom forum is searching for any threads whose last contributer or author is "TLS" (my username) :

And, last but not least, the answer to a question posed by a few others a little while ago:
How does that "authors" text box on the media uploader work?

Here you go: running on the same concept as the forum searches, you have a little popup that looks for authors by the username that you are in the process of typing:

Names pop up on partial matches, of course, so that you don't have to remember perfectly the spelling of a user's name.  Your search could be for letters that appear anywhere in the users' name(s).

You'll have to excuse the goofy names of the 2 test users in this screenshot.  Also, I've simply copied my profile picture into theirs so that they have a little bit of lovin, too.

tell me what you think.

#40November 30th, 2008 · 12:02 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
oh, also note the "URL to YouTube video" line on the uploader.  bandAMP will automatically grab the embedded video if you just paste the link to the page in there.
#41November 30th, 2008 · 10:50 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
woah man awesome work.
your doing such a great job on this
cant wait to see the finished product.
#42November 30th, 2008 · 11:38 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Thank you   I'll shoot off another static snapshot of a forum page once I've got just a few more things done.  If the additions look daunting to skin, don't worry about it too much :P  The hardest part will just be positioning the sorting headers, etc.
#43December 1st, 2008 · 01:44 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
This is looking very interesting indeed. Can't wait for it to go in beta I remember we had a beta bandamp for a while (cant remember the URL) but it would be an idea to run your new forum seperately for a couple months before a complete transition of the old one to the new, so you can work out the kinks and tweak some of this or that for user friendliness. Though I trust all will go fine

Any ETA?
#44December 1st, 2008 · 02:41 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
PuppetXeno wrote…
This is looking very interesting indeed. Can't wait for it to go in beta I remember we had a beta bandamp for a while (cant remember the URL) but it would be an idea to run your new forum seperately for a couple months before a complete transition of the old one to the new, so you can work out the kinks and tweak some of this or that for user friendliness. Though I trust all will go fine

Any ETA?

The only thing I have to work out before putting up in a beta domain of the site is the database.  This new site can't work off of the old database very well.  There are too many differences, from what I can tell.  We can put it up within a few weeks, though it'll have to be running kind of separate from our current BandAMP.

I want to build a few tools for database management through admin pages before I stick my local database on a remote location.  It'll help us greatly if I take the time to do that.
#45December 1st, 2008 · 11:36 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
take us much time as you need!
this is going to be great!
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