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#46September 9th, 2006 · 05:22 AM
4 threads / 4 songs
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United States of America
Not that it's steriotypical...
I'm not offended at this at all. I agree that American politics are fucked up. However, you're just repeating the same stuff over and again. If you want to make a point, don't just say "America fuck off" Name off some shit that American politics have done to fuck things up like killing for oil, depelted uranium bullets and shells, the war in general, banning gay marrages and etc... This sounds like more of a hate song than it does a political song.

Just a suggestion.

Also, the song is a bit steriotypical. You shouldn't point the song at American citizes as a whole. There are a lot of bands from the US that are extremely political. For example, NOFX, Pennywise, ANTI-FLAG and Rise Against just to name a few, not to mention most of the youth in America today (including myself) agree that American politics are fucked up.
Anyway, I'll end this now before it gets any longer.

-TJ of The Bombers.
#47September 9th, 2006 · 07:49 AM
A lot people aren't gonna know how to take that. Perhaps thats what you intended. But if you're gonna tell someone to fuck off you shouldn't be so vague in the supporting evidence. I'm not what you meant by 'we are not indians'. But all in all, better you vent that anger in a song than with violence so cheers.
#48September 9th, 2006 · 09:37 AM
3 posts
yeah yeah...don't beat around the Bush!
#49September 20th, 2006 · 09:44 PM
12 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
Don't waste your angst us!
I find your lyrics offensive and find your ignorance of history is astounding.  Perhaps the horror of a real regime worthy of such disdain has faded from the world's memory.  I wish in noble strength Bush was worthy of half criticism he receives.  Why waste it on a teddy bear like Bush?  Why not blank the Khmer Rouge or Idi Amin or current real tyrants?  Perhaps that will be too factual and not as fashionable.  If one lacks the inspiration to express real creativity perhaps Bush bashing can jump start your angst and offer a hip looking bandwagon outlet to let it fly....to each is own.  Why waste it  on hating America .....maybe...blank greasy Chavez, blank the Iranian nuke freak, blank Castro who murdered thousands for absolute power, blank Carlos Salinas De Gortari for raping Mexico and stealing billions.  Hey maybe I feel a song coming on.......thanks for jump starting my punk rock tude.
#50September 20th, 2006 · 10:01 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
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United States of America
its funny...but the song is not that good.

Politics is my favorite thing to have songs about, but I prefer more subtle and learned lyrics than "america, fuck off!"
#51September 20th, 2006 · 10:10 PM
12 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
P.S. Perhaps this could be a suitable chorus line:

Through a U.S. initiative, on April 30, 1994 Latvia and Russia signed a troop withdrawal agreement. Russia withdrew its troops by August 31, 1994, a........

I don't think punk was allowed in your country before this.
#52September 21st, 2006 · 12:30 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
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United States of America
I think you guys are wasting cogent political insights on a reactionary.

Stuffx is no different than the people in this country who spout absolutist ideology without regard to fact, statistics or history. (see  "crazyjoe" on page three)
Some guy told me the other day that the war in Iraq was a great idea and had served a noble purpose because it kept the terrorists in the middle east where they belong. His argument included the gem " How many people have died in America from terrorism since the war began?None!" Apparently sending Americans over to Iraq to die, effectively saving the terrorists the cost and logistics of a trip to the U.S., didn't bother him. I guess it's ok to send Americans away to die as long as we can say we've had no attacks here,  our increased security measures notwithstanding. This dumb-shit bit of lunacy is typical of the absurdities we hear in this country from people who don't bother to analyze their own opinions.

Here on the Amp, it's a global community. Americans should get a good idea of how
we're viewed by the rest of the world by being here. If it bothers us, we shoud start wondering what we might do about it.

BandAmpers from the rest of the world should be getting the idea from us that it's not a clear-cut, black and white issue.
Millions of U.S. Americans here and abroad are working, sometimes at great risk to themselves, to make the world, not just our country, a better place. To ignore their contributions to the global culture and stability is foolish.

Stuffx can think and say what she wants. But if offended parties are going to take her to task for it, she'd better have a more compelling retort than " you make me laugh".

This song doesn't offend me anymore than death-metal offends my sense of spirituality or gangsta rap offends my sense of morality. It's vacuous political invective, obviously un-informed, and hardly worth countering. She sees a small part of us and hates the whole, or at least her lyrics imply that. I originally took this song to be a half-assed poke at entrenched government in the spirit of Anarchy in the UK. Her subsequent posts seem to indicate otherwise.

But I think she should have the freedom to say what she wants regardless of how offensive it might be to some party or other.

And I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she's never been here.

Still , in this country we take a tip from Voltaire and use the phrase:
"I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

That's just the kind of assholes we are!
#53September 21st, 2006 · 11:46 AM
15 threads / 14 songs
56 posts

The last critique is outstanding!!! Great!!! I like this type if critics. This is not plain and simple "fuck you" to my "fuck off"

But as I said before this song is aimed at US politics and policies, in every country there "good" and "bad" people... maybe my lyrics aren't that perfect, but what can I do? ...I'm just a little girl in a big world

Anyway my home city will become a maximum security prison in NATO summit days ...hate that!!!!! It was like that when Mr. Bush (god of democracy) was wisting Latvia...
#54September 21st, 2006 · 01:11 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
oh my god what a underlighted brain.....

Mr. Bush is no god of democracy. Your people of your country are the democracy. You can choose where you live and what you want to do. This is freedom in a good demonstrated democracy. In our country everyone enjoys democracy but not the politics. Thats what you should do: not being a little girl in a big world. You can change it but you won't. You're still crying and attacking other people in other countries. This is the wrong way. May be this idea comes out of a female and dumb mind.  

Don't talk, do it  

but do it in private not via this site for musicians by musicians. Or arent you one?
#55September 21st, 2006 · 07:43 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
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don't shoot the messenger
Hmm TK what are you aiming at?

Listen... in my opinion this is a punk song. and it does a hell of a good job being one... look at the discussion is raises... people are forced to think about the situation, exactly what this tune intends to do. If the lyrics would be politically elaborate people would either take it for granted (and forget about it) or sing praise (and forget about it, since the artist would have already "thought about it" for the observer, who can opt to share the viewpoints or not, and then move on with the site) or not understand it very well (and forget about it, leaving a low vote in the process).

To me this song is da BOMB... Causing the most heated discussion on this site, having those who listened to it think about what the hell is going on in the world, people showing their political and sometimes downright nationalist faces, this tune it's fulfilling it's purpose for real: confrontation. You can't get around it: look at all the words of defense spilt by so many. I guess this means there's something in need for defense alright... So anyone who did not vote 100% for it does not understand what this song is clearly all about

Oh and... One more thing... You can attack stuffx for being not thoughtful or whatever, but then I still think you're missing the point of this song. Punk music is about the EFFECT it causes... Because it's a reaction to what happens to the world the people live in, and anger and frustration has to be vented... In the process sending a message out to the general public to confront them with their own part of responsibility in whatever the hell is going on... And stuffx is just the messenger... Anyone with any social background knows you shouldn't shoot the messenger, what the hell are you all thinking??

PX (mod)
#56September 21st, 2006 · 08:42 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
I believe....
What Mr. TritonK was meaning was that the song is fine, but the lyrics and the message are uninformed, and misguided... perhaps she needs to work on her own situation, and then she can understand.... 

 as for me..

  Her statement "I would rather live in slavery than in American "Freedom" tells me how un-informed she is....and how spoiled...  She has never known what slavery is...  Let me inform you, slavery is hell... slavery is your soul being taken from you.... It is unimaginable...

   You should really educate yourself before making such a bold political song... I love the feel of the song, and believe me, I am not offended, because I understand the ignorance behind the song....  Punk is cool, I do punk myself..  But, Political punk is for the informed... You will have to answer for your music when you get political, better have the right answers, or noone will take you seriously... You aimed this at US policies, and politics, yet, nowhere are you referencing any or what angers you about them.... THat is where to start to re-do this song and make it a good political song...  I mean, to say Us policies and politics suck is too general, when in reality, a fair majority are very fair, and good.. it is but a slim percentage that are not so good, but that slim percentage is REALLY bad... so, yes, the US needs a political makeover..  And I for one would like to see it soon, but, we don't have much control over that.... until we can enlighten the entire populous of the US to the need, although there has been an awakening lately...
#57September 21st, 2006 · 08:43 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
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United States of America
If only it were that simple, pX. At heart I agree with you. I was 17 when punk hit big in the USA and I was all about it , the aesthetic and the messages.

However , a lot of people of that era, including John Lydon, abused the forum punk provided and used the copout of it being "art intended to engage a polemic" to hide behind.

The problem with that particular cop out is that anything goes. If I write a song called "Kill The Niggers" or "The Jews had it coming in '39" I can generate just as much discussion on the amp as Stuffx did, no problem (There would be people who would agree with such craziness, too.). it doesn't take a genius or a really insightful "messenger" to start an argument., just pick a topic.
Just starting a discussion is easy.but I have to be prepared to counter the criticism I generate, otherwise it's meaningless bullshit.

The idea that Stuffx wrote this song to start a dialogue about US foreign policy is crazy. She's just pissed at the US and can't find the words to say why exactly. Which is exactly what eventually turned me off to punk. Lotsa blowhards starting arguments they lack the wit to finish.

Anger is great. It motivates a lot of what we do. Blind anger is just stupid. I LOVE pissing people off about the world as I see it vs. the world as they see it. I just try not to leave it at that. I'm all for stirring up some shit, but I'll see it through

Still, after all that, I still really like this song. It's just plain old good in a high energy-of-youth way.
I may not agree with what you say,Stuffx,  but who the fuck cares? Keep that shit coming, baby!
#58September 22nd, 2006 · 01:41 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
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alerion wrote…
Lotsa blowhards starting arguments they lack the wit to finish.

Right! Look, that's a part of the punk process yeah, but the arguments were started based on an intuitive feeling. Lacking the wit to finish - well that's just individual growth, but the argument is out there for the more mature to deal with.

As you say, high energy in a youthful kind of way. The more you grow up the easier you navigate through life and deal with all it's inequities, generally taking crap for granted, losing sight of how much B/S there's actually being played at the general public. The youthful may not have the wit to fully comprehend this yet (will anybody ever fully comprehend anything btw) or find sufficient wording to make sophisticated statements, but atleast they still, intuitively, identify it's "wrong". Thus they can confront the more responsible, in this case via punk music. Thus, punk has by all means the right to exist yeah!

and um, well statements like "the jews had it coming", I think a whole lot less people will intuitively come up with something like that. Though I agree there are unfortunate souls who would - not much of a comparison with US politics though, I hope!!!
#59September 22nd, 2006 · 08:33 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
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BandAmp is no platform for politics but for MUSIC. If Stuffx wants to make some punk music (where the music is the expression of anger) then she's welcome. If only she wants to start a political thread on this site then I dont know she is on the right site. Its not that worth at.

PX, I DO NOT like political discussions in any forum belonging to BandAMP. That's the last word from me to this nice thread. But if I read any other political discussions on this site be sure that I stand at my point of view.
#60September 22nd, 2006 · 11:18 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
Sorry. I'll shut up now
PuppetXeno wrote…
alerion wrote…
Lotsa blowhards starting arguments they lack the wit to finish.

As you say, high energy in a youthful kind of way. The more you grow up the easier you navigate through life and deal with all it's inequities, generally taking crap for granted, losing sight of how much B/S there's actually being played at the general public. The youthful may not have the wit to fully comprehend this yet (will anybody ever fully comprehend anything btw) or find sufficient wording to make sophisticated statements, but atleast they still, intuitively, identify it's "wrong". Thus they can confront the more responsible, in this case via punk music. Thus, punk has by all means the right to exist yeah!

This is a great point. i actually thought i was being hard on Stuffx because now I'm OLD, and I'm (statistically) one of the people she's yelling at, not with.
on the other hand, i stopped taking Punk seriously as a movement, platform, whatever when i was 20. Even then i recognized that it was more attitude than substance, which is cool as long as you acknowledge it. I'm not saying she shouldn't post stuff like this, I'm not even saying she's wrong. I'm just saying that when you start some shit like this, the people on the other side of the argument are going to utterly dismiss you, blow you off or ignore you if you let your song (a whole 2 verses) talk for you. History will repeat itself

Every politically motivated write from Woodie Guthrie to Dylan to Sting, has commented outside their songs to elaborate their point.

You wrote:
"and um, well statements like "the jews had it coming", I think a whole lot less people will intuitively come up with something like that. Though I agree there are unfortunate souls who would  - not much of a comparison with US politics though, I hope!!!"

Visit the Mid-East right now and you'll find a whole bunch of people who would intuitively come up with a statement like that.
20 years ago in South Africa or 50 years ago in the U.S., a song called "Kill the Niggers" could have been a cult hit. Scary but unfortunately true.

BTW  your english is excellent.
We here SUCK at foreign languages and I'm always humbled when i visit the Amp.
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