mud wrote…
As far as the stars. How about this: The stars could count the relative distance of wherever you clicked in the stars. So, you could click 25% of the way through the 3rd star, and that would be a vote of 3.25 stars... or 65%. This would actually give you more possibilities than before... Yet, would be easier to use.
BTW, do we have a Guide to Critiquing on bandamp? That would be really great for the about page!
Sounds great actually, about the relative distance in the stars. I've gotten used to using them to rate songs with, still I hope they are obvious enough to find for new members.
And we do have a draft to a guide to critiquing somewhere in the Ideas and Feedback forum, in the thread "Help Wanted". Atleast I remember writing something... It could use a revision, and it wasn't completely finished, having to introduction and no end, but I guess that shouldn't be too much work.
OK then there is the problem of not being able to edit one's profile (setting a new password or email address, that is). And it seems to be impossible to "Declare Peace" at the moment, if you have a song in the battle that you would want to withdraw. Other than that I haven't encountered other problems, except for the things you already know.
Take care!
aetheris wrote…
yea I can see everything but it's all messed up. For example the "+", "-" little boxes that (I imagine) should be next to the menus they open/close are in my version way below. The bandamp logo with the "Wellcome..." thing sometimes appears on top but sometimes on bottom of the screen. On the chat, the "users online" box moves from top to bottom, etc![]()
So I guess I'm getting firefox ;)
Alright, yeah, get firefox for the maximum experience. It will always work best with bandamp, as it's easier to work with, and is my browser of choice. However, I'm going to try to sort out these IE problems. I may call in a specialist for $150 and get things sorted out that way. I really hate how IE's CSS handles things so illogically. Like, it doesn't support saying something is WIDTH: 100%. Weird FLOAT errors, inheritance issues and so on.
Iszil wrote…
Well, now works with MI Explorer, but I can't do it with FF.
Mud, I need your help.
> Iszil
Have you tried clearing your cache / cookies in Firefox?
I've tested your account on my computer in Firefox and it seems to work fine.
takaminerbb13 wrote…
oh, and just for in your spare time, some bugs that I've noticed:
1. the "you've got mail" icon is always there
2. I have the ability to rate threads outside of the audio review, this one for example...
K, the problem with the You've got mail, is cause you have a mail that is marked as something you have not read... Perhaps some obscure email way in your past. So, I'm going to make it so it's more recent. Only in the last month (something you havent read), and also going to set the recieved date on all current PMs, because a lot of you probably read most of this stuff. Oh, and I added a button to mark the pms as read... So you can toggle all and click "mark read".
As for the stars. This was on purpose. If you guys vote for threads, we can figure out what the best content on bandamp is and make them more accessable. Also, we'll know the people who wrote the post are doing good on bandamp. Someday, it would be nice to have a "karma" level calculated by information such as this.
well i entered an song in the october battle..and now its locked there..
there is no option for me to "declare peace"...
px asked me to report this bug....
and i certainly do believe that when you browse....there is lot of empty spaces around making the site a bit awkward to handle!!!
there is no option for me to "declare peace"...
px asked me to report this bug....
and i certainly do believe that when you browse....there is lot of empty spaces around making the site a bit awkward to handle!!!
TheTeenDream wrote…
well i entered an song in the october battle..and now its locked there..
there is no option for me to "declare peace"...
px asked me to report this bug....
and i certainly do believe that when you browse....there is lot of empty spaces around making the site a bit awkward to handle!!!
Ok, fixed the declare peace problem. And, are you using Firefox, or IE? If you are using IE, it's totally messed up.
mud wrote…
...the problem of not being able to edit one's profile (setting a new password or email address, that is). And it seems to be impossible to "Declare Peace" at the moment, if you have a song in the battle that you would want to withdraw. Other than that I haven't encountered other problems, except for the things you already know.
Took care of the edit bug.
mud wrote…
K, the problem with the You've got mail, is cause you have a mail that is marked as something you have not read... Perhaps some obscure email way in your past. So, I'm going to make it so it's more recent. Only in the last month (something you havent read), and also going to set the recieved date on all current PMs, because a lot of you probably read most of this stuff. Oh, and I added a button to mark the pms as read... So you can toggle all and click "mark read".
Well, I have deleted all my mail, in all folders... and It's still there.... I don't mind the icon, but it would be nice if it was a closed envelope when new mail is there, and open when mail is read, or just not there unless new mail is there..... Because otherwise, One doesn't know to check their mail....

I Started using IE7 to see what it was like - the BandAMP pages have a ton of white space at the top. This doesn't happen in IE6 (although pre-cache clearing in FF it did), so I guess it's an issue with IE7 and not the coding.
With some minor points I think the voting stars are fine; I think their function needs to be more obvious. I like the idea of being location sensitive, but I think voting still needs to start at 10% and go up in 10% increments (I have voted 10% for a song before - and a few songs have been given 40% too; I tend to explain my reasons in the comments). I'm sure our very nice moderators
will be able to sort out the people who vote tactically or maliciously in battles, so I don't think it should be too much of a problem.
Another possible bug is that the other day I deleted my blogs (the ones I wrote to test a slightly erratic system); Today they were back! I've deleted them again, but will check later to see if they've actually disappeared.
And finally - it seems like I can vote on my own songs. Is this true? If so, then I'd best give them all 100%
Other than that - the slick new interface is very nice indeed. Good one Mr Mud!

With some minor points I think the voting stars are fine; I think their function needs to be more obvious. I like the idea of being location sensitive, but I think voting still needs to start at 10% and go up in 10% increments (I have voted 10% for a song before - and a few songs have been given 40% too; I tend to explain my reasons in the comments). I'm sure our very nice moderators

Another possible bug is that the other day I deleted my blogs (the ones I wrote to test a slightly erratic system); Today they were back! I've deleted them again, but will check later to see if they've actually disappeared.
And finally - it seems like I can vote on my own songs. Is this true? If so, then I'd best give them all 100%

Other than that - the slick new interface is very nice indeed. Good one Mr Mud!

Jiminuk wrote…
With some minor points I think the voting stars are fine; I think their function needs to be more obvious. I like the idea of being location sensitive, but I think voting still needs to start at 10% and go up in 10% increments (I have voted 10% for a song before - and a few songs have been given 40% too; I tend to explain my reasons in the comments). I'm sure our very nice moderatorswill be able to sort out the people who vote tactically or maliciously in battles, so I don't think it should be too much of a problem.
Um yeah, about sorting out that tactical and malicious behaviour, we will (and have)

About the location sensitive stars: I think mud's idea will have even more precise step increments (5% !) ooh I'd love that.
Oh, you said something about voting for one's own songs? Yeah I've noticed that too. It won't help you though, since just about everybody will be smart enough to give oneself the big nice one... Everybody will, so nothing lost, nothing gained.
JimkDaAdtman wrote…
Well, I have deleted all my mail, in all folders... and It's still there.... I don't mind the icon, but it would be nice if it was a closed envelope when new mail is there, and open when mail is read, or just not there unless new mail is there..... Because otherwise, One doesn't know to check their mail....
I'm pretty damn sure it works now. Just added a little more code. It was actually saying you have email you have never read, but you have deleted already. So, thanks for reporting that.
BTW, I'm in the works talking to someone to help with the CSS in IE.
album pictures |
I'm not sure why but when you click on the pictures in my album they are way to big now. I had resized them for the other version. Do I need to resize them again?
The chat font could be bigger
The sent messages and the receive messages are both in my receive mailbox
The sent messages and the receive messages are both in my receive mailbox
I also noticed the problem with the album pics. I guess they open full sized as a default, so several of them are several times as large as the screen. It would be nice if there was a way to resize them to fit in the screen.
oh, one last thing...
I can no longer see the current voting percentage on my songs. Is it just hiding somewhere? Or was that taken away?
I can no longer see the current voting percentage on my songs. Is it just hiding somewhere? Or was that taken away?
Iszil wrote…
Mud, where do I clean the FF cookies?
> Iszil
Go to TOOLS, then OPTIONS, then PRIVACY, then choose the tab for CACHE, and clear that first... The cookies you may not need to clear... but the cache for sure...
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