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#1August 31st, 2005 · 04:53 PM
13 threads / 1 songs
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United States of America
Guess What I'm Doing
I'm flipping through the channels and see RockStar INXS and I think hey may be good.
But I see a guy that reminds me of Ricky Martin, that's right I said Ricky Martin on this site.
This guy is supposedly performing to be the lead singer for INXS, but he can't sing. Then I see another guy that can't sing.
I've never heard of this show before, and I think rightfully so, but I find out people in Canada, Australia, and I think the UK too are voting!!!!?
I'm quite sure I'm not missing something, but is this supposed to be a big deal?
I'm just not feelin' what they are layin' down.
#2August 31st, 2005 · 05:36 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
I've never heard of this show before

woah.  i just flipped and saw that too... weird.  i've never heard of it before, and it wasn't really catching my attention.  i saw only about 45 seconds of it though.

anything good?
#3September 1st, 2005 · 02:49 AM
28 threads / 20 songs
255 posts
its really popular here in australia because inxs are an old australian band and there singer died a while ago and so this is a search for a new singer... oh and by the way inxs really suck
#4September 1st, 2005 · 02:54 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
the name sounds like a cheap ripoff of nofx..

ya know.. pronouncing the first two letters than then actually saying the last two, like "no eff ecks"

"in ecks ess" ... ?

okay, i'm done.
#5September 1st, 2005 · 03:08 AM
8 threads / 4 songs
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United Kingdom
yeah - like out of spinal tap or something !!  what is it with audition reality TV shows?  when will the world wake up and realise that the ALL suck!
#6September 1st, 2005 · 03:49 AM
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United States of America
i think i wouldn't limit that statement to just audition tv..

i hate reality tv anyway

wanna know why?

b/c it's not real.  i have no idea why they call it reality tv.  it's. not. real.  like those stupid "the bachelor" and shows like that..  what on earth is real about putting a guy with 20-something women and telling them all to fight over one another..

on a small scale, yah, that might be somewhat realistic, but when there's 20-something girls living in the same place, and you've got camera following you around wanting to see you make out with all 20 of the girls..

...?  what's real about it?  it's so SURreal that they fool people into watching it!

sry, i'm done now.



the end.

besides, all of the people on that audition show for inxs looked fake.  maybe that's just me.  only 2 of them looked like they would ACTUALLY go around with their hair and clothes like that.  the others looked poorly "punk'd out".  it was kind of funny to watch breifly though
#7September 1st, 2005 · 05:01 AM
8 threads / 4 songs
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United Kingdom
yeah - i totally agree, although we (men) must all admit that we'd secretly love to be the guy on that batchellor program you were describing!  sounds like fun to me!!

do you have "big brother" where you guys come from?
#8September 1st, 2005 · 05:43 AM
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United States of America
well.. i must admit that messing around at random and not caring b/c you know you're going to win anyway does seem appealing.. but once again, that's not real life.  if i were to try to go and emulate that senario with 20 girls, i'll bet it'll just turn into a headache, b/c there are no rules or anything when it comes to real life.  they could all turn around and hate me b/c they don't like the fact that i'm 2-timing times 20

i'd so much rather just stick with one girl that makes me happy.  oi, that made me sound overly sappy.  i don't take it back, but what i mean is that i'd rather just stick with one person who i know is going to be there the day after tomarrow and the day after, instead of all that... that.. rediculous drama.

i'm not a literary realist, i'm just saying that i don't care to see comepletely stupid tv shows

i guess it's b/c i don't watch much tv anyway.  i watch Alias.  that's all.  i'm a devoted fan, but really, it's the only show that:

a) i have time for
b) i have a remote interest in

everything else i don't watch b/c it doesn't fit into the above 2 reasons, hehe.

as for big brother: i've never seen it, but i know of it.  i think it's on cable television.  it was taken away from local stations after the first show or something.
#9September 1st, 2005 · 06:59 AM
8 threads / 4 songs
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United Kingdom
yeah - big brother shocking.  you cant get away from it here.  its EVERYWHERE!!  and i hate it with a vengance.

as for the 20 girls, i do agree with you to a certain extent.  i'd love to find one person who i can trust and love for ever and ever and ever, but on the other hand, i kinda enjoy the thrill of the chase too!  i'd love to settle down with someone, but im not in a hurry!
#10September 1st, 2005 · 07:05 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
hahaha, fair enough
#11September 1st, 2005 · 07:12 AM
8 threads / 4 songs
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United Kingdom
don't you find it amusing that threads can wind up being nothing to do with what the title suggests they should be about?
#12September 1st, 2005 · 07:17 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
i was thinking the same thing earlier!

let's change it again.  i have no idea what to change it to though

anything but adoption.

i mean., i meant "abortion."  the words got mixed up in my head
#13September 1st, 2005 · 07:27 AM
8 threads / 4 songs
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United Kingdom
you what??
#14September 1st, 2005 · 07:32 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America

you: don't you find it amusing that threads can wind up being nothing to do with what the title suggests they should be about?

me: let's change it again. (meaning, change the topic)  i have no idea what to change it to though

and then i meant to say: anything but abortion

but instead i wrote "adoption"
#15September 1st, 2005 · 08:22 AM
13 threads / 1 songs
408 posts
United States of America
TLS your math is wrong. It'd be 2 timing-times 10 = 20. Andyou're right, you're not a realist, your an optimist.
You're an optimist too RD.

Not about the 20 girl thing, about finding someone out there just for you. IMO there's no such thing as a soul mate~from that you can conclude I'm a realist...but I like to call it pessimistic
Is it our BIg Bro or yours, RD?
I didn't finish watching INSX I started watching Criss Angel suspend himself with fishhooks...yuk. ugh. What is wrong with me? Dont answer that.
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