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#16July 16th, 2006 · 04:46 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
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JimkDaAdtman wrote…
Moses wrote…
No, whether you like it or not rap is a type of music. I listened to an hour of silence on a CD in one of my Music GCSE classes. It was music. Whether I liked it or not (and I really did not like the fact I had to listen to silence on a CD for an hour and not say a word against it) it was a type of music. Music is expression of the artist. I could fart in to a microphone and record it onto a CD. It would be music....which is funny considering... http://forum.bandamp.com/Audio_Review/2363.html.
Anyway, we've been here before and I remember what came afterwards. Wasn't fun and the admins of this site did not apreciate it.

  Funny that you should mention that particular song in this discussion, and in this context.. as I wrote that song because of another discussion on here http://forum.bandamp.com/Music_Theory/17835.html

I thought, "There is no better way to illustrate what I mean, than to actually record the song"....  and that is how the idea for Flatulence Odair began.. then in a discussion in the chat room, I got more inspired, and brought it to life...   :P

      Interesting how this stuff happens... and how it all comes full circle...  I wrote it to illustrate on point, and now somone else is using it to illustrate the same point...  I guess that means I accomplished what I set out to do, and got my point across well...
That is all one could hope for when writing a song....


                  Jim K

to stress I wrote it to illustrate on point, and now somone else is using it to illustrate the same point...  I guess that means I accomplished what I set out to do, and got my point across well...
That is all one could hope for when writing a song....
, you should have ended up with a 100% rating on that song... Because it served it's exact purpose... Experiment: fully succesful

Which should raise another discussion... The one on voting behaviour... And how objective should one really vote... ??? Thoughts anyone? ...
#17July 16th, 2006 · 06:19 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
two sticks
two sticks beating together can be rythmically musical. so can a lots of loops and beats and
sound in a computer. I like human touch on a instrument, but I can't say that computer generated sounds and effects aren't music . Besides I'm trying to figure out how to write some of that kinda of music ,just for fun.   Just because someone may not like that style of music does not mean it's not musical (listen to Ludicrous(sp)). Anyway I like the format of this website and the music I hear on it.
#18July 16th, 2006 · 07:42 PM
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United States of America
jesus christ all of you................. im not a big fan of rap but there are a few good rap artist (men and wemon alike) that arnt "all up in your face" and i admire that, their lyrics are good and i injoy the style every now and then "thought artist like 50 cent and what not make me gag to know end it's not because they are rappers but because what they choose to rap about and the manner in wich they do it that is offensive. but then again how many rockers do you know that do the same thing only in a dffrent seqence? rockers pretend to be hardcore and emo because it makes them look cool and rapper pretend to be gangst for the same reason. music is music wether it sux or not as long as it's got a beat it is music

and dont NOBODY mess with my country, it is a good type of music and i injoy it compleatly

the only way you can be a musicaian is you listen to ALL kinds of music and apreachaite the fact that it is made with a beat (very much like a soul) and has touching lyrics (be they discusting or wonderfull, for that is the heart)

i truley DO listen to everything for that is the only way you will grow in your musical experiance, and you know what? you dont HAVE to like it, but sont automaticly hate the entire genre because of a few egotistacle arse whole

and that is my lecture for the week 

paper girl
#19July 16th, 2006 · 07:43 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
i agree with you paperdoll
ditto to what you said I too like all styles and I like country especially bluegrass music.
I think Chet Atkins,Ricky Skaggs, Vince Gill, and Brad Paisley are some of the best guitarist around. I like Roy Clark too.
#20July 16th, 2006 · 10:17 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
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confession........i love the beasty boys 2
#21July 17th, 2006 · 10:39 AM
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United Kingdom
...see what youve done now, my Tapir wants an uzi for Christmas, the Mice are going gangsta on me selling rock to the neighbours and my mallard now wants to change his name to Fifty Pence, or is it Ten-Bob....i forget now...anyway...they all read some of the comments here and all think theyre tough guys now.....i aint being called no motherf*****g ho in my own lab and the guilt will rest on NOT my shoulders when i have to mention Vivesection......hope your happy now. And remember...when anyone points a finger...theres ALLWAYS three pointing back....so there..........Peace.
#22July 17th, 2006 · 12:41 PM
Honestly, have yet to find anybody who enjoys more genres of music than I. I know there's a few out there somewhere, and wouldn't be too surprised to find one amongst this site as well.

Anyway, yeah, the overwhelming of one genre does get a little annoying. I need a little bit of everything. Thing is that everybody I've ever come across listens to music for the lyrics. I can listen to music simply for it being music. If I don't like the lyrics, I try listening to the feelings or emotions used to project those words. If what most say is true about the emotions being put into music, then listen to how whatever is said is being said, rather than what is being said. I have yet to find one genre in which there isn't one song I enjoyed from it. Try asking alittlepaperdoll about it, too. She makes fun of me for some of the stuff I listen to....
#23July 17th, 2006 · 07:59 PM
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United States of America
Misunderstood; I think I've been misunderstood. I certainly do not listen to music for the lyrics. The fact that what the lyrics say has no effect on the song quality is easily the thing about music that i beleive most strongly. I despise rap because it is nothing but people acting tough and getting away with having nothing but a beat passed as a song. i hate rap for the MUSIC. Rap is the only music i WILL NOT listen to. I certainly do not thouroughly like every other style, im not crazy about country, but its ok. And i don't not love it because i think all the lyrics are dumb, and about how some guys wife left him and his dog died and his truck broke. I don't like it tons becuase i dont like the msuic a whole lot. Its not bad, ill isten to it if i have no other options except no music. I could care less about the lyrics in rap; i know plenty of my favorite rockers say much of the same things.

Someone who can speak to a simple beat doesn't qualify as a composer.
#24July 17th, 2006 · 08:15 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
that has got to take first place as the best post on here/ I lmoa for a bit and still lmao
 when I think about it. ( no mother@#$%%^& ho in my own lab) is great. The Mice are selling rock to the hood . you are in big trouble now. they'll be pullin out duh nine's and cappin sumbody shizey down
#25July 18th, 2006 · 12:54 AM
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Someone who can speak to a simple beat doesn't qualify as a composer.

I used to agree with you, but now I disagree. If they came up with the lyrics, and came up with the rhythmic styling of those lyrics, came up with the beat, background sounds, etc., then they are a composer. Good, bad, or ugly.

In classical music, there are songs that are composed of only percussion instruments. Just because it doesn't have lyrics or non-percussion instruments, doesn't make it any less a composed piece of music.

And it doesn't even have to have traditional tonalities. Listen to John Cage, and other composers of the "modern" avante garde style. Some of it I like, some of it sucks.

Just because one doesn't like (or hate) a certain style of "music", doesn't make it less valid as a medium.

I usually don't like rap either, mainly the gansta style, for a number of reasons, but I have found some songs rather good and enjoyable, it's come a long way. Usually has to do with the intricate rhythm, blending in the speech with melodies, some unusual twist. Some of it is crap, some of it is pretty good. IMHO. Just like all styles.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and while I may not like certain styles, I can at least appreciate the good artists in that style, and respect talent.
#26July 18th, 2006 · 06:24 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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Hal9000, you are mad, dude, you know that?
Nice post, man.
         > Iszil
#27July 20th, 2006 · 08:32 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
81 posts
Rap???Dont understand A way of expression , sure , music ?Nooooo!
#28July 21st, 2006 · 02:53 PM
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United States of America
Taken from the wiki on music http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music:

Definition of music

    Main article: Definition of music

The definition of music as sound with particular characteristics is taken as a given by psychoacoustics, and is a common one in musicology and performance. There are observable patterns to what is broadly labeled music, and while there are understandable cultural variations, the properties of music are the properties of sound as perceived and processed by humans.

Greek philosophers and medieval theorists defined music as tones ordered horizontally melodies, and vertically as harmonies. Music theory, within this realm, is studied with the presupposition that music is orderly and often pleasant to hear. However, in the 20th century, composers challenged the notion that music had to be pleasant by creating music that explored harsher, darker timbres.

20th century composer John Cage disagreed with the notion that music was pleasant melodies. Instead, he argued that any sounds we can hear can be music, saying, for example, "There is no noise, only sound,"[1]. According to musicologist Jean-Jacques Nattiez (1990 p.47-8,55): "The border between music and noise is always culturally defined--which implies that, even within a single society, this border does not always pass through the same place; in short, there is rarely a consensus.... By all accounts there is no single and intercultural universal concept defining what music might be."

The composer Anton Webern expressed in his legendary statement With me, things never turn out as I wish, but only as is ordained for me-as I must stating the underlying generative process of music. The German philosopher Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe stated the nature of patterns and forms as the basis of music by stating that "architecture is frozen music". By this he meant that any natural stimulus that has underlying structural-patterns is musical in form.

Note that the 1st paragraph talks about sound, not tonality. So in that broader sense, the vocal sounds a rapper makes, by this definition, is music. It also contains a pulse, ergo rhythm, as well.

All kinds of "sounds" have been incorporated into "music", wind, water drops, water falls, crickets, bird chirps, voice narration, and I've even heard some of the songs on Bandamp use non-tonal sounds and effects.

So in the objective sense, rap is music as much as any organized sounds are. Now it is entirely subjective whether or not someone thinks it is good/bad. The same as any genre of musical style found here.

Which, IMHO, means that rap, hip-hop, and pretty much any style have a place here at bandamp.
#29July 23rd, 2006 · 08:15 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
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United States of America
Nemo6 wrote…
Rap???Dont understand A way of expression , sure , music ?Nooooo!

Indeed. There are examples of it on here as well; Techno Erotica. Is it really a song? I don't think so. But a creative creation that took plenty of skill and probably a lot of hard work? Absolutely.  But rap is neither of those; it requires absolutely no creativity to make, its all exactly the same. And anyone who knows anything about recording and sequencing can do it easily.  Music is not JUST expression; it can not be defined as "sounds put together to express something". That could also include poetry read aloud. And no matter how hard you argue you can't make poetry into music. A recording of rain falling can be expressing something; but can you claim that that is music? NO. Music may mean expression. but expression does not necessarily mean music.
#30July 23rd, 2006 · 10:41 PM
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United States of America
but rap and all that is nOT a recording of rain or poetry read out loud and even though it is a seaquence of beats it STILL HAS A BEAT it still has LYRICS and it still has HARD WORK put behinde it granted it may not seem so hard but can YOU spit out a beat and rymes and so it with out stumbling all over yourself? electonica music is a bunch of beats put toegether with reapeated words most the time yet it is still classifide as music by MANY people around the world.


after all acapelo is classifide as music, and there arent any insterments in it at all. it's simpley that of the human voice. and you may have forgotten that rap had started out the same way. they fit the words into a beat using their own voices and after a while beat boxing became pritty commen...

show of hands, how many of you boys (and girls) can beat box and not mess up?

how many of you can start rhymes at the top of your head automaticly making them into a beat?

i cant.
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