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#31November 23rd, 2006 · 11:46 PM
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I was going to try to stay out of this one for personal reasons...   but, I can't resist this one...

   Aukard stated in his post on Buzz's Big Dog song the following:
akuard wrote…
Wow, I thought the guitar was good up until the wah solo. I guess I am weird. I really like the feel that the songs kicks out, and the vocals are like laid back but the lyrics are opposing to the feel.

I  am not cool like these people who can distinguing between the bassline and the normal riff though.

He says he is not cool like these other people who can distinguish between the bassline, and the normal riff....

   so, we are to understand, that someone who cannot tell the difference there, can tell what a person can and cannot do live versus in a studio...  interesting..    I think you have alot of growing to do, before you realize that most of the musicians you have no respect for, are actually DANG GOOD in their own right, and have more talent than you do...  or else you would be able to tell the difference between a bass line and main riff..  but, hey, what do I know... I've only got over 20 years experience in the music biz...  sheesh..  I am a novice hack..
#32November 24th, 2006 · 12:03 AM
34 threads / 16 songs
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Akuard: "I've spent two years listening to various jazz solos trying to figure out how exactly they're composing their music. (I've recently discovered scales and am trying to teach myself to learn to build chords.)"

Two years "trying to figure out ow exactly they're composing..." and JUST RECENTLY you discovered scales???? man, you really should try out making music with your computer... oh wait.. you ALSO NEED SCALES FOR THAT 
#33November 24th, 2006 · 12:40 AM
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Anyways. PX, that is my point! I can ENJOY almost anything - just not hold respect for it. I don't understand why you don't understand that point, I've said it a hundred times now.

I know the bass riff starts off a little early and I can distinguish it from the six string. I was trying to convey that the way it was presented was good, it seemed like "lead bass."

aeth wrote…
JUST RECENTLY you discovered scales????
Yup. I would tab out stuff and recreate it, but I didn't understand how it was formed. See, I got this book when it was published called, "How to Improv With Jazz" and it explains scales and cromatisim. And now I get most of the blues stuff I play and can deviate from the traditional notes.

I understood the pentonic and such, but I never understood how others were put togather like a melodic minor.
#34November 24th, 2006 · 01:03 AM
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i like the fact that your learning it
Good job on the learning more about the scales and modes and how music is written from them. it'll expand your musical vocabulary.
#35November 24th, 2006 · 01:46 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
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akuard wrote…
Anyways. PX, that is my point! I can ENJOY almost anything - just not hold respect for it. I don't understand why you don't understand that point, I've said it a hundred times now.

you can repeat yourself all you want, but what exactly are your arguments? because a musician cannot reproduce the studio work when playing live? that is not a valid argument because this is may simply not be the intention of the artist.

Anyways, akuard, I've tried to explain a hundred times that you SHOULD RECOGNIZE WHAT RESPECT REALLY IS, and that "enjoying something" without any kind of "respect" is just not quite all there. And yes I DO find your arrogant attitude rude and offensive to me personally and to so many others on this site who put much effort in creating their studio material,

You claim to have read and understood everything written in this thread, huh?

How about this:

Simon Says "But what about enjoying something that you don't respect. In this case, lets limit to things that we enjoy as that are created in an act of artistic expression. If you see a painting, or you hear a song, and you enjoy it, then probably the art was intended to be enjoyable, and the artist has succeeded. Why wouldn't you respect the talent and skill that went into it? Because it wasn't complex like Motzart? Expressing oneself simply is a gift and a talent in itself. Certainly not all simple art is enjoyable. Whether the art takes a simple form, a highly complex form, or something in between, if it is done successfully, it is deserving of respect."

... And about your pm comment to me "I have never insulted you or anyone else" - I would like you to explain what calling me a "neo nazi fascist of some sorts" was (also in a pm). You wanted to know why I had temporarily put your account on hold - that was to teach you a lesson, but you couldn't resist making a new account and contacting me in that manner.... If you had only asked politely, ..... I guess that type of respect is alien to you, too.... And remember I DID restore your account... Any gratitude? Does not show at all. I have tried to not bring it up publically, but now you've really done it.

So there's your inconsistency. In my opinion you should really accept your losses and take a whole bunch of steps back... I personally do not disrespect or hate you or whatever but I really think you are completely immature and wrong in your argumentation. Now be a good boy and apologize, and start working on your social manners, ok? Because you are WAY out of line.
#36November 24th, 2006 · 12:19 PM
3 threads / 3 songs
29 posts
This is what i have to say in my humble opinion.
I think that live and studio musicians are close connected and that there is really not that much difference.
Cause both have to know music.
I like to make electronic music and it is not just push a button and there it is.
Now i can only talk for me but i have to know chords to and play a solo or whatever is needed for the job.
To make a new track i have to compose a chord line and a melody to.
And the drums i program myself.
The chord lines and melody's in my music i actually play, now it ends up in a sequencer to get it as tight as possible.
So what, if the live player(singer) ends up in a studio (i've been there), He has sometimes to do it over and over again to get it right.
Or if not the studio technician uses software to get just that missed note right to get it sound good on CD or whatever it is for.
So in my opinion we need each other in one way or another, and we shout all respect each other for that.
If you hate trance and you love rock to the max it is because there is trance that you can love rock and the way around.
One thing does not go without the other.
And if this site really is supposed for live musicians than it shout be cleare as a whistle and i Will respect that when that is the case cause there are also sites where only dance/electronic is aloud.

I hope this at's something to the question
#37November 24th, 2006 · 12:46 PM
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no, this site is for every musician creating their own stuff, be it via sequencer programs or acoustic instruments or whatever. we just don't really like rappaz, but that's mainly because of the attitude, not particulary because of the music itself. Dang, I even have a rap tune on here myself! anyway, rock, electro, trance, doom metal, gothic, psychedelic, soundscape, (country), acoustic folk, world music, ALL IS WELCOME! and in any (but foul) language (as long as the song description and replies are in english, that is) you know, if everyone is respectful to eachother... then we have a fine site! that is.. the respect thing is most important.. we should all show respect and have respect... that's what makes the bandamp community work like it does, feedback to support one another's soundweaving endeavours, be it bit-crushed, over-manipulated studio work or plain ol singer songwriter 1 detuned guitar thru a crappy mic with no talent, IT'S ALRIGHT

#38November 24th, 2006 · 03:39 PM
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Cymru (Wales)

#39November 24th, 2006 · 05:21 PM
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United States of America
Jeez guys, no offense, but who gives a Darn?
Music is expression and satisfaction. If some people get that by mindlessly listening to the radio/MTV or lip syncing to their favorite old green day song, who are we to say that's any worse than playing along with your favorite James Taylor song or anything else for that matter.

Music is about you. Even I know that and I'm a mtv-hater.
#40November 24th, 2006 · 05:23 PM
44 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
flamewar oh yeah baby !!!!!!!!1111oneone!!!!!!!!!

you are pwnt and i am right. you are teh wrong. shut up or i will own you with more superiorityness logical stuff things. yeah. .
#41November 24th, 2006 · 10:18 PM
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United States of America
akuard wrote…
xeno wrote…
Furthering this... no respect equals disrespect, and disrespect means questioning it's right to exist.
Having "no particular respect" equals Ambivalence, which is alright with me.
By adding an adjective it becomes alright? Sorry, that isn't how my mind works.

Hahahaha. Seriously man? That's not how your mind works? So a BIG ball and a NORMAL ball and a SMALL ball are all the same thing to you? That's pretty funny.

I'm gonna try not to take this out of context;
akaurd wrote…
I don't have any pedals, but one can use a pedal live to enhance music. It takes a bit of skill and practice to work a pedal properly.

So. IF something requires practice and  skill, it's ok. Thus you imply that making yourself sound better in studio is easy. So.....you could go into your studio right now and make every one on this site sound like Jimmy Page?
And if you can't doesn't that mean that it takes skill? And, if we look back to that quote, we see that pedals are ok because they require skill. And studio work requires skill, obviously. So...why not respect it?

Maybe you didn't fully understand Simon. It was a bit confusing. let me clear it up;

Enjoyment is the acknowledgment of an artist's success in creating a response in you, the viewer. Obviously, if the artist had no skill or talent, he could not have achieved that success. And since your basis for respect is a measure of skill and talent, ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN WORDS, YOU COULD NOT POSSIBLY DIS-RESPECT THAT WHICH YOU ENJOY.
#42November 25th, 2006 · 05:44 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
hm, akuard sent this to me in a private message. I think it belongs here, as it clearly a reply to this thread, and I want everybody to read this.

akuard wrote…
px wrote…
    And about your pm comment to me "I have never insulted you or anyone else" - I would like you to explain what calling me a "neo nazi fascist of some sorts" was (also in a pm).

You banned me before I said that.
                      (RESPONSE: I would reply to this: but you said "I have never insulted you or anyone else" AFTER calling me a neo nazi fascist of some sorts, so what's the matter, can't see the timeline here? )

    px wrote…
    You wanted to know why I had temporarily put your account on hold - that was to teach you a lesson, but you couldn't resist making a new account and contacting me in that manner....

Because I couldn't contact you any other way. You email isn't published an banning doesn't let you log in at all.
                      (RESPONSE: "that manner" refers to calling me a neo nazi fascist - you should work on your comprehensive reading skills. also: when your membership is put on hold, there is a reason behind it deemed justified by the moderator team. you should have just sit it out.)

    px wrote…
    If you had only asked politely, ..... I guess that type of respect is alien to you, too.... And remember I DID restore your account... Any gratitude? Does not show at all. I have tried to not bring it up publically, but now you've really done it.

I am not appologizing for having an oppinion or thanking you for correcting an injustice.
                      (RESPONSE: boy are you going to get far in your life with an attitude like that. You are a complete asshole! and again: there wasn't an injustice, perhaps by your opinion, but when it comes to your opinion and sense of justice, it is not taken into respect when dealing with moderator issues. Moderators are not some random dweebs, that's as much "justice" as you need to understand.)
A) I can't sing and play at the same time.

B) I am not going to hide this fact with layering.

C) I am not going to respect anyone who is A but not B.

I can't make it any more clear than that. You seem to think that I hate everyone that uses a recording medium. That simply isn't the case and I am tired of trying to explain it.
                      (RESPONSE: that's the problem, you haven't explained anything, you keep coming up with invalid arguments to which others cannot see the reasoning behind - and you haven't given the reasoning behind it, because it is based on a personal preference which you project on the world outside your own frame of mind: because YOU don't WANT to do something, you don't FEEL you need to respect OTHERS who CAN and WILL? isn't that a little bit simplistic, if not utterly retarded?)
You can continue letting everyone make fun of me and attack me in that thread if you want, I could care less. But once I get back to my college in Maryville where I can record, I will; actually hear the music so I can reply, I will.

Akaurd Out,
Discussion from my end, over.

O Infallible one, I am not worthy! Please forgive me my impudence, I hath not seen thou art Our Holy Lord, I am but a blind leper locked outside the gates of Thy Paradise, I crawl for thee in shame and ignorance!

Come to think of it... Funny, you are both not A and B. So you have no self respect?

ps. I may come off a little bit disrespectful but that's just me holding up a mirror, akuard.

pps. you have one last chance to apologize, if you don't, you are out of here, do you understand?
#43November 25th, 2006 · 11:15 AM
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United States of America
Don't misunderstand xeno. He's not asking you to apologize for having your opinion or feeling strongly about it or whatever. He simply wants you to stop being an asshole.
#44November 25th, 2006 · 02:07 PM
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... just for the record, I still think akuard's arguments make no sense, but he said he has no respect for those who are A but NOT B.. so he respects himself (and probably only himself  ).

I would ask JimK to post on this thread as a Moderator since PuppetXeno has no longer an objective point of view for the matter (and I don't blame him for that)

I think discussion should be over from "both ends".
#45November 25th, 2006 · 04:11 PM
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United States of America
I posted as an observer.. but you're right.. not as a moderator.. so here goes..

  I think Aukards actual own point of view has been distored and even now he doesn't remember what his initial point of view was..  I believe his initial point of view was that he did not respect people who go to studios, and have them pitch shift voice and instruments, simply because they cannot hit the notes, and are too lazy to improve...  WHich I understand, but I am not sure he understands who that might be..  Bands like Green Day, and other Punk bands are not who he should be disparaging..  HE may not like punk, and I certainly am not a large fan of the popular punk music on the radio..  but the artists who put this music out, are in fact artists..  I will give an example of such an artistic issue.. though not punk..  Shania Twain, when she first broke out on the scene, was horrible live..  her singing lacked alot...  most of her imperfections were covered up on cd's and sounded great..  now, she is much better live than before.. 

  as for this thread.. I am closing it.. simply because it has strayed so far from it's initial idea.. and now ison the road to becomming nothing more than a flame fest.. which we dont want....

            Jimk (Mod)
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