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#16August 22nd, 2006 · 02:59 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
Yes.....and I was just going to tell him he needed a fiddle..........
#17August 22nd, 2006 · 04:24 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
alittlepaperdoll wrote…
and as for all of you *glares at mean band amp men* cant you be a bit nicer? i mean, even if you think the question is stupid, and if i had poasted it would all of you have replied like that? i sure as hell hope not.
Oh yeah, I still would have.
Especially the bit about what sort of keyboard player I'd like in the band!

Sorry Pap.  Not very helpful am I!

A great pity it's ended up this way - but I guess it'll just be a temporary thing, eh PX?
#18August 22nd, 2006 · 05:21 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
I was kidding about the troll thing
I couldn't resist the   goat/troll thing.        Sorry about the suspension .  Like Jim"s post maybe just a temp thing?
#19August 23rd, 2006 · 01:36 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
temporary suspension...
... maybe...

He needs to learn how to do thorough reseach on his own,
how to be truly respectful,
and how to be really patient.

So this is going to take a while... I'll review his case from time to time and may let him off on probation in a few weeks but I really don't need a "ohh I really appreciate your bossy attitude!!" when I'm officially warning him on the chat page. Talk about contempt of court. It was then that I gave him his FINAL warning, and look how he responded in THIS thread:

"now for some logical and analitical game...
see pX...why do you think that i am trolling???"

I said: no playing games. Are you seriously THAT surprised that I call this how-to-kick-in-an-open-door question TROLLING?????

"well it is a serious question...
coz i need to find some very good intrumentalists
and all that stuff..."

I see, "and all that stuff"

well all this might help...
thanxs to all!!!"

Nobody gave you a single piece of advice that you couldn't have come up with yourself. The information given was generic at best... Mostly not serious at all (because the question can't be seen as such)

and I guess the comment to this thread: http://forum.bandamp.com/Audio_Review/2987.html wasn't a retaliation to what I wrote in your other troll post, about the "which is better" debate... eh? Each to his tastes ofcourse...

So Hyp, as you said so yourself in that chat we had, you're an attention seeker and you "particulary like moderator's attention!!!!!", ....

Well, you got it. And what do moderators do? Excactly, they kick people off the site (when they really have to)... SO, bye bye for now, I hope you manage to grow up a little ok?
#20August 23rd, 2006 · 01:42 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
let the lil guy back in...hes young..give him some time he'll be ok.....

#21August 23rd, 2006 · 01:47 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I'm giving him some time yes.
#22August 23rd, 2006 · 12:43 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
913 posts
United States of America
Listen guys....You may disagree and feel that Puppet acted too strongly, but I absolutely agree with the decision to suspend (and I have not discussed this with Puppet). It had become clear (from sharing a chat room with Hypnosia, where he demonstrated attention-seeking tendencies that were at worst, disruptive and at best, annoying. Granted, these didn't occur 100% of the time, but when he got on a roll with this stuff..there was no stopping him). He tended to blow off feedback from several of us about this silliness, and has recently carried  this coy, (even flirtatious) attitude into the threads. Don't be fooled, these two threads were not just naive information-seeking. They were quite "gamey".  A little "time out" wouldn't hurt.....(maybe he'll get the message and act more respectfully). Hypnosia, if you are able to come back (and if you choose to do so), I hope you will consider conducting yourself in a more respectful and considerate manner, because you can be a valuable member of this community.
#23August 24th, 2006 · 06:09 PM
44 threads / 6 songs
305 posts
United States of America
Just because he's young doesn't mean he has to exibit n00bish behavior, hello? From what I've seen on every single forum I've visited, people like hypnosia don't grow up, because they already *can* be respectful and blah blah blah, they just *choose* not to (because they think it's funny, or whatever). I would like to think he could become a positive part of this community but sorry, I don't see it happening.
#24August 29th, 2006 · 01:21 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts

Hypnosia, listen.

I banned you from the AMP because of exactly that n00bish behaviour.

This means that you should STAY AWAY for a while, DO NOT sign up as different members (deMusique... Copyright) because you're not a great actor, and we can SMELL your presence.

Again you're showing a lack of respect for the community by doing this, which only supports the decision of your dismissal.

this (site) is not a game

So GET REAL, kid, go someplace else.

ps. forget about creating yet another account to reply to this thread, I've locked it.
I don't need your response, the decision is final. You got that? GOOD BYE.
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