Musician Ads |
Hey what about an area on Bandamp where we can advertise our services and such as musicians? Resell equipment... offer lessons... advertise gigs.... Looking for musician type stuff? Thought i would mention it while the rewrite is happening but I think it would be a great idea... i personally would like to offer online FL Studio lessons... It might also bring more musician traffic this way???? Whatch yall think?
I think it's an idea worth investigating.
I'll project name it the "Market" for now. I'm working on the Forums currently, but I'd soon like to brainstorm for some concepts of how we could lay out such a spot.
Excellent idea, MAP. Very good work
I'll project name it the "Market" for now. I'm working on the Forums currently, but I'd soon like to brainstorm for some concepts of how we could lay out such a spot.
Excellent idea, MAP. Very good work

Hey thats a good idea! I have another idea similar to this that I hope will get jammed into the mix:
On the users My Home page, I think we should have like a link to their website and then updates or any new CDs that they may be releasing and stuff like that.
On the users My Home page, I think we should have like a link to their website and then updates or any new CDs that they may be releasing and stuff like that.
Or,going off of what Kunadian said, if they posted any new songs. :]
what about a calendar for gigs or events by the members or nonmembers?
what about integration of
what about integration of
What about sticking to the point ?
Theres an ideas thread here :
If ideas are all in the same place they are easier to follow
.....put it this way, if TLS is busy with the site and thus not always around and you havent "quoted" him so he has no notification of your post, the chances are greater that he wont get to see them........ipso dipso!
I like the Market idea a lot, opens possibilities all round, bandAmp products included, sounds like it could be an excellent place to hang out once it gets going.
Theres an ideas thread here :
If ideas are all in the same place they are easier to follow
.....put it this way, if TLS is busy with the site and thus not always around and you havent "quoted" him so he has no notification of your post, the chances are greater that he wont get to see them........ipso dipso!
I like the Market idea a lot, opens possibilities all round, bandAmp products included, sounds like it could be an excellent place to hang out once it gets going.

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