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#1January 11th, 2006 · 06:00 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Mental Trap
Score: 88.3%
Rank: 2nd
Battle: 2006-03

Progressive Rock Song.
This is the re-make of Progressive ( Demo). Now it has lyrics.

I mixed many styles and influences to make it interesting to listen. You will find all kind rock styles, plus some samba and jazz and some ballad part.

The song is long, but I PROMISE you WON'T get BORED.

Really worked hard to make a good sound quality, considering my sources are just my electric guitar with a multi-effect, my $3 mic and my PC.

Wanna thank to PuppetXeno, Sworfish and TritonKeyboarder who gave some advices to improve the sound of this.

Guess the lyrics and vocals are not my strongest point but I did was I was able to.

Please, listen it till the end. You won't get bored. And use headphones if you have, sounds better that way.

      > Iszil

PS: Here goes lyrics:

 Let me take you to a place
Where nothing can harm you
No lines between pain and love

Forget about the fear your feel
Clear your mind and then enjoy
Have the time of your life

Music is the blood that
Runs thru’ your veins
Feel it spreading all over you

Warm rushing in
Overtaking your senses
Your soul comes alive!

Run away
Rush away
And don’t return

Life is now
As it was then
But you are alone
You have no friend

When you feel a knife
Is stabbed in your back,
Just relax cause it’s me

Don’t try to run  or to hide
Cause you have fallen
Into my mental trap


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#2January 11th, 2006 · 06:17 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
Fantastic job... Sounds great!!!!   

       Awesome...   Love the Lyrics....
#3January 11th, 2006 · 06:22 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
Did I mention how great it sounds....  The production is awesome....  
#4January 12th, 2006 · 01:54 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
WOW, I'm really impressed to see how the quality has improved!

your vocals sound really great, considering the fact that they were done with a $3 mic, it's amazing! I'm glad to find those suggestions worked out so well!

Awesome, really! it's a great mix, a very well constructed piece of work indeed!

you probably did as good a job as ever possible with the current equipment you have, it's really great!
#5January 12th, 2006 · 03:00 AM
7 threads
104 posts
United Kingdom
You can tell that a LOT of work went into this & the results speak for themselves. Well done!
#6January 12th, 2006 · 11:09 AM
31 threads / 5 songs
178 posts
I'm pretty much writing this as I'm listening to the song. The begginnig has me interested right away with the deep moody keyboard sound and then the guitar solo comes in and sounds very sweet. The solo continues and changes feel a little to become more complex - seems to have become slightly detached from the original mood.

The keyboard has faded out - I expected the song to kick in with the same power. The contrast of going from all that bass power to no bass at all was a bit of a suprise, but now the bass guitar starts playing and fattens the sound up again.

Now I'm listening to some reall cool tight heavy riffs. The singing is ok - everything is in tune. Theres a very nice picked riff over the verses now - liking that sound a lot.

The diveristy of styles I'm hearing is making this song into an epic track - the mix here is remarkable - the way it steps into and out of styles.

Just love the swinging part around 8:00

All the playing on this is excellent, the sound has turned out really well - you must have had some good advice. I'm suprised at the quality of the vocals considering the mic you were using.

A very well thought out piece, nicely put together and produced - it's obvious that you worked hard on this. Well done!
#7January 12th, 2006 · 06:07 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
1,558 posts
United Kingdom
Loved it before, love it even more now!!!
What a difference in the recording and overall feel of the track.
Well done!!! 

(another one for my playlist, and to be downloaded)
#8January 12th, 2006 · 09:44 PM
11 threads / 11 songs
45 posts
Ok here is what I think while listening to the song for the first time, I'm not bored it's a fact ! But you must experiment a lot more with your effects and trying to get a warmer sound with the guitar wich will give more sensibility to the playing. And as I said before, you still have to perfect your ear to be more precise but I can hear progress and very good ones.
Your skills for composing are good too in anyway you're on the way man. Nice job I really enjoy listening to it.
#9January 13th, 2006 · 09:58 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Thanks for Feedback!
Like when you appreciate a hard work.
For Lucky: Well, I have a very bad sound card so the guitar won't ever sound good, no matter which f¿effect I use on it... May be the fact of using a of Chorus made it sound like that, but I wanted a more progressive sound ( Alex Lifeson uses a lot of Chorus, so I tried with that).
But thanks again for all your feedback. Gonna keep working on more songs, some acoustic and some rockers... and some International Collaborations.

      > Iszil
#10January 13th, 2006 · 01:34 PM
15 threads / 15 songs
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United States of America
#11January 13th, 2006 · 04:14 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
Love the detatched sound of the begining guitar solo.
The diversity in this song is spectacular, and they all blend perfectly together.
The bass power is amazingly good.
I liked when you switched styles at 3:40 without even changing the sound of the guitar at all.
The vocals sound like a half Plant and half Hendrix mix. Awesome.
Just awesome, man.
Did i mention that it blends perfectly?
Oh.  I did.
You've combined the best of all the styles you used.
I sure didn't get BORED, that's for sure.
Oh yeah, what are the whispers at the end? Not that there's anything wrong with them, they're cool, but why aren't they in the lyrics?
#12January 14th, 2006 · 10:14 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Liked that of BANDAMP MASTERPIECE... lol... that's cool.
I feel praised of that you said that vocals are like Plant ( love Plant voice).
Well, about those whispers... well, I just wanted some sound at the end so i put them. They don't really say something important; it's just something like " Take it easy, you are with me, you have fallen into my mental trap..." and things like that...
And again, thanks for comments.

     > Iszil
#13January 15th, 2006 · 02:02 AM
7 threads / 5 songs
20 posts
United States of America
It's hard here to say something that hasn't already been said, although it's nice to hear it again.  So I'll concur - you sound kinda like Plant, but not like a guy who's trying to sound like Plant.  It's obvious that you've got a good hold on your voice and what it can do.

I'm assuming people have told you that you play the electric very well.  So I'll concur with that one too.

The sudden introduction of drums was fantastic - it pulled at least one curse word out of me (one of those "expressing delight" sort of curse words).

Other than that, and what others have said...dang.  I really like this song.  I like it even more when I read that you put a lot of work into it.  It shows.  I've listened to a lot of songs that run about ten minutes, and in this case, I had no idea it was playing that long.  Were it not for the timer, I would have assumed about six minutes.  Point being, you're right, you don't get bored.

That's about all I can think of.  Nice, nice job.
#14January 15th, 2006 · 07:25 AM
38 threads / 36 songs
118 posts
You're progressing nicely from one song to next.  Keep going.  Even though it is not my kind of music, I'd say you did a fantastic job.  Sky's the limit--just don't pay much attention to what people say.  When all's said and done, you are your own judge.
#15January 15th, 2006 · 03:08 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Mental Trap
nice one iszil..................
your hard work and enthusiasm ooooooze out of this song

keep on rocking

the fish
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