#1February 24th, 2008 · 09:00 AM
92 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
new member needs attention
I am including two links to reviews that appear to have abusive and inflammatory elements in them, by a new member with the nickname "LeisureClass". Notably, he does include some seemingly constructive views in both reviews, but the negative elements seem to outweigh the positive (negative elements include some unnecessarily judgmental and condescending/abusive statements directly personally towards both members he "critiqued"). This behavior appears potentially problematic for the community. Can we have a discussion and review of the rules with this person (it appears he is violating the "RESPECT" portion of the rules).
#2February 24th, 2008 · 10:37 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I've sent him a pm.

Mr LeisureClass, if you are reading this, I think it should be clear that insults have no place on this site.

Respect is the key. If you are having difficulty reviewing and/or rating uploaded material (notice how I use the term "uploaded material" as opposed to "songs" --- ), please read this and this and this.

You are welcome.

PX (mod)
#3February 24th, 2008 · 10:56 AM
92 threads / 12 songs
911 posts
United States of America
PuppetXeno wrote…
I've sent him a pm.

Mr LeisureClass, if you are reading this, I think it should be clear that insults have no place on this site.

Respect is the key. If you are having difficulty reviewing and/or rating uploaded material (notice how I use the term "uploaded material" as opposed to "songs" --- ), please read this and this and this.

You are welcome.

PX (mod)

#4February 24th, 2008 · 01:25 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Good call BC
Tx PX!!!!!!
#5February 24th, 2008 · 01:36 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
I'm glad this has been made attention to all. Thanks for all your support.


#6February 25th, 2008 · 09:53 PM
1 threads / 1 songs
9 posts
United States of America
1st off I didn't cuss, I didn't post pornography, I didn't spam anyone, I didn't steal anyone's credit card number. All I did was give my opinion, and if I come off as a jerk I'm sure its just because I have a false sense of anonymity from being on a computer, OR it could be that I am a jerk.

And what is wrong with being a jerk? Are we Nazis here? Must everyone act in narrowly defined terms? Should I have kissed Denis's ass for genuinely showing interest in his material, only to find that his 'material' was a 6-minute song that should have been 3 minutes? I was merely stating my opinion, which was that I felt insulted that I sat there and listened to that 6 minute heap of poo when I could have been experimenting with self-fellatio.

So, where, then, is respect when some one posts some self-indulgent instrumental? Should I have lied to Denis and told him I liked his song? Gentlemen, THAT would be disrespectful to everyone involved.

Here's what I think: Denis is very proud of his music, which he should be - he is very talented (BTW: Denis, if I had known you played the flute I may have not said anything about it, because it's not the flute-playing I was insulting, just the flute as an instrument. Either way, kuddos on the flute-playing - I thought it was a natural flautist), but he also seems very unwilling to accept criticism. Seriously, go back, listen to his song, then read over what I wrote one more time, was it really that harsh? I don't think so, but I'm a jerk, so judge for yourself, and let me know. If you think my stuff is too harsh, I'll tone it down, I'll go back and edit my post or delete it, but know that I put a lot of time and effort into writing that, and how many other people do that? How many people are just passively posting generic crap such as,"I like it," or "great song?" I refuse to do that because I have too much respect for other artists. It's those generic-posters you should threaten with this bs.

Anyway, Denis's hurt feelings are non of our responsibilities. If he chooses to get upset about one stupid comment, why is he on bandamp? I am not sorry about your hurt feelings Denis, I am sorry that you made these busy guys pm me. I feel bad for them, they probably have real lives.

Finally, if the powers that be believe that I have seriously violated bandamp's rules to the extent that I should be banned, then I will take down my posts and stop being jerky, but really, is the stuff I've said that bad? Let me know.

PS: I did change my post to that high school kid's song, that was pretty harsh. My bad.
#7February 25th, 2008 · 10:27 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I think you missed the point buddy!!!Disliking is acceptable and no you don't have to kiss butt.Its how you address your constructive(which was more like and insult) criticism...Don't tell me you can see that!!!Or do you need me to point it for you???

Ohhh wait here we go!!
Quote"PS: I did change my post to that high school kid's song, that was pretty harsh. My bad."

Na !!!
I'm not wasting my time and especially after the Pm you sent me..As I said to you good luck in your music horizons,wish you no ill but please be professional about your critiques, the whole Idea is to give feedback,help and grow as a community of musicians and friends...You find all skill levels here so be understanding and patient this is for everyone to share their music pros and armatures alike...
#8February 26th, 2008 · 02:04 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
LeisureClass wrote…
PS: I did change my post to that high school kid's song, that was pretty harsh. My bad.

Well, I'm still 31, and I still responded to your post explaining why I wrote it the way I wrote it. You do ofcourse have every freedom to write your posts in the style to your liking, so I guess we're going to have to get used to it.

#9February 26th, 2008 · 06:44 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
LeisureClass wrote…
I was merely stating my opinion, which was that I felt insulted that I sat there and listened to that 6 minute heap of poo when I could have been experimenting with self-fellatio.


Well, it's weird to feel insulted by listening to a song that you chose to listen to yourself, but hey, that too is a matter of choice.
#10February 26th, 2008 · 08:30 AM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
He certainly is free to write in his own style. And he is not limited to only saying nice things about the song. But surely, you can comment on the good parts, and be helpful, not hurtful. Give the person ideas of what could make it better, do not just say this is crap, that is unacceptable behavior. You really have no right to do so. The world wide web offers only anonymity, that means sure, I don't know who you are. BUT, There are rules and Regulations to this website. It is free from any confines of any governments bill of rights or other legal bindings. Which means in essence you have only the rights given you by the admin. So I suggest you read the rules and regulations that you agreed to when you signed up. We are a very tight community here. Unlike ANY other website out there. We try to keep this friendly and helpful. I will admit we bicker sometimes about stupid things, and other times we bicker about larger things. But that is what friends do. And you know what? So far it's working well, and we are growing. So, I think we are doing pretty good. We aren't infiltrated with a bunch of flamers and spammers, because we keep tight control over that. No tens of thousands of popup ads, because guess what? This  site really is free... so enjoy the freeness of the site, and be helpful and respectful, that is all we ask. Nothing more. We aren't trying to control your creativity, or your mind.. Just want to keep it nice and enjoyable.We want to know what is wrong with the material posted, but we don't need to hear it as this is the biggest load of crap ever, except for the end thing. That doesn't help. Saying, Well, the Ending actually is really cool, but it doesn't match the rest of the song, and honestly, the rest of the song seemed out of sync or something, perhaps go back to the drawing board, and take a closer look at that ending, perhaps build something more to go along with it..
See how that was much more helpful,. and less smack you in the mouth? That will get attention. I said what the person needs to hear, and did it well. and Constructively. Try things like that. That is Bandamp..
Also, keep in mind, that people will allot of times write a small bit of info about the song, and sometimes people don't even read what the author wrote there. There are a couple members here who do that allot. THey don't read it, and will write a critique that if they would have erad what the author put in there they would realize they are not saying anything at all. and their entire post is a waste of time. Anyway, Just keep that in mind please.. thanks.. 

BTW, we don't ban people willy-nilly around here. We believe in trying to resolve issues with conversation if at all possible. Most people are willing to converse, and we usually can come to a mutual understanding. Again, we aren't trying to force anyone into a mold. But we only ask that you watch how you word things, so as not to be inflammatory.

#11February 26th, 2008 · 11:48 AM
2 threads
49 posts

Lets put this to bed if we can. . . . .
It's ok to say you dont like something and why you dont - same as it's ok to say you do like it and why!
But remember,  there are different genres and different levels of ability - not everyone is coming from the same direction or trying to achieve the same things here as you are. Hell, some of the people here are from completely different cultures with completely different value systems  where english is not their first language - so go GENTLY!!!  It costs nothing to be polite. . . . .

It's NOT ok to adopt a superior attitude, get personal, abusive or nasty!
#12February 26th, 2008 · 06:03 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
yeh just  like Hillary 
#13February 26th, 2008 · 07:21 PM
113 threads / 58 songs
464 posts
if you've got nothing nice to say better shut up I say
you don't have to comment so if you really dislike something why not just try to find something of interest and write a constructive comment about it
there's all kind of music and level of skill on the amp I'm sure you can find something you would relate to
I think as well that it's very easy to start on the wrong foot when you join such a close community but hang in there try to be pleasant and I'm sure if you stick with us you will find something good here
#14March 4th, 2008 · 10:17 AM
5 threads / 5 songs
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United Kingdom
wow, that guys a dick. lol. He shall end up lonely and shrivelled up from too much of this: "I could have been experimenting with self-fellatio."
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