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#16September 8th, 2007 · 04:05 PM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
yea skype really isn't all that great
and might i suggest a skype-like
chat for collabs and stuff I like the
idea of VIDamp but also think that battles would
be great.... i really never knew there
were batles on the amp i mean i
herd every1 ranting on about it but never
really herd anything so thats been back in april
but there are some really great things about
this site im not going to say it sux but
we do need some upgrades here and there
with out this site i probably never would have really
gotten into music like i am now so thanks
guys and good luck!!!!!
#17September 8th, 2007 · 06:49 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
Yeah its free, Meow.  make sure you are dl'ing from the right spot.  I have to agree with TK, in that, We have all talked about this before and especially since Mud cant seem to even find the time to deny or confirm any of our fears and concerns, How can we have any confidence that anything will be changed at all?  IMHO
#18September 8th, 2007 · 07:55 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Bandamp..shopping list--shopping trolley
What a reaction!!!!!

Please keep your ideas pouring in...................
Positive please rather than negative though every bright cloud has a dark lining

just nice to focus in one thread all the ideas scattered in the various threads....

stunned at take up to this thread by the way........


#19September 8th, 2007 · 07:57 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: Bandamp..shopping list--shopping trolley
swordfish wrote…
What a reaction!!!!!

Please keep your ideas pouring in...................
Positive please rather than negative though every bright cloud has a dark lining

just nice to focus in one thread all the ideas scattered in the various threads....

stunned at take up to this thread by the way........



at the end of the thread (maybe next week or so) i will make a list of all the points revealed by the thread........ok?
#20September 9th, 2007 · 06:29 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Hmm ok in an attempt to quote what TK said about me having to relay what mud says all the time... I don't really enjoy this task either... But atleast I'm keeping you up to date.

I tried to make a nice quote but site navigation is absurdly slow today. It took me 20 minutes to even so much as sign on, let alone visiting this thread and going to second page. I'm not going to wait another 20 minutes to move back to page one just to quote a post.

Anyway I do not usually do this but here is a direct quote from a email conversation I've been having since august - this particular mail was posted to me on aug 14th 2007.

Mud wrote: "Do you think it would be possible to give the site to the community? I'm
really not seeing myself doing much good in the near future. I would
love to help out, but between school and work it has not been
possible... things just keep popping up

We could move BandAMP onto a server of it's own (which I can pay for),
and give access to a few people (people who can code in PHP and know
something about databases). We could even put the site under a
non-profit organization to make it official, and put a few of you guys
on the board. I would love to not be responsible for BandAMP anymore.
That's not to say I don't want to help out someday in the future, but
right now my being "in charge" is hindering the site more than helping it.

Does this sound like something reasonable? The other options are (A)
closing the site or (B) leaving it at is and waiting for god knows how
long till I have time again. Both of those options really suck :("

I hope this helps. Ofcourse we've been talking more after this, it speaks for itself. On aug 16th followed "... and either get
chuck or someone from bandamp to setup subversion (in case someone
screws something up, we can revert it back). From there we can give a
few people access and see what happens! I'm looking forward to this,
will relieve a lot of stress I'm feeling about the whole mess :)"

So ... What I know is what mud says, he does, you only have to have a little patience...
#21September 9th, 2007 · 08:47 AM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
I have been toying with that idea for a while, PX....of course I don't think I ever outright mentioned it, as it doesn't seem like my place. As much as I respect mud, I agree with hi (crazy bad phrasing, isn't it?). I consider myself part of this community, to some extent, but I have to say; as cool and amazing as this site is, you might say it needs a bit of housecleaning.
#22September 9th, 2007 · 10:35 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
PuppetXeno wrote…
Hmm ok in an attempt to quote what TK said about me having to relay what mud says all the time... I don't really enjoy this task either... But atleast I'm keeping you up to date.

I tried to make a nice quote but site navigation is absurdly slow today. It took me 20 minutes to even so much as sign on, let alone visiting this thread and going to second page. I'm not going to wait another 20 minutes to move back to page one just to quote a post.

Anyway I do not usually do this but here is a direct quote from a email conversation I've been having since august - this particular mail was posted to me on aug 14th 2007.

Mud wrote: "Do you think it would be possible to give the site to the community? I'm
really not seeing myself doing much good in the near future. I would
love to help out, but between school and work it has not been
possible... things just keep popping up

We could move BandAMP onto a server of it's own (which I can pay for),
and give access to a few people (people who can code in PHP and know
something about databases). We could even put the site under a
non-profit organization to make it official, and put a few of you guys
on the board. I would love to not be responsible for BandAMP anymore.
That's not to say I don't want to help out someday in the future, but
right now my being "in charge" is hindering the site more than helping it.

Does this sound like something reasonable? The other options are (A)
closing the site or (B) leaving it at is and waiting for god knows how
long till I have time again. Both of those options really suck :("

I hope this helps. Ofcourse we've been talking more after this, it speaks for itself. On aug 16th followed "... and either get
chuck or someone from bandamp to setup subversion (in case someone
screws something up, we can revert it back). From there we can give a
few people access and see what happens! I'm looking forward to this,
will relieve a lot of stress I'm feeling about the whole mess :)"

So ... What I know is what mud says, he does, you only have to have a little patience...

Thats quite informative!
Well I'm no PHP coder or nothing of the sort but in any other way I can help even financially I'm willing to give 200 % of my efforts to keep this site going!
#23September 9th, 2007 · 10:45 AM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
Im new here (well kinda) and i dont know
anything about coding (except a little javascript)
but i too will give 200% effort to keep
this place up!!!!!!!!!!!
#24September 9th, 2007 · 11:59 AM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
This is the best news ive read in awhile.  I definately think its a great idea to put the site in the hands of the community.  And I think the community will definately appreciate the responsibility.  I know we take a lot of pride in this place and would only want the best for it!  Im very interested to see how things develop.
#25September 9th, 2007 · 03:38 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
silentslaughter wrote…
Im new here (well kinda)
Will you stop saying your 'New Here', because your not !
You've become one of the old fart already!

PX, I'd say you kneed to ask Mud to give us his personal attention one last two times, one time to copy the whole site and send you the admin password (of the copy) and then a second time to finalize the serving of the "new" bandAmp.
In between Muds copying of the site and flicking the final switch, you, PX, could administer who works on the "copy of bandAmp.com" and which ideas should be implemented.

This only addresses the sites set up and code and not the fact that the site and all its contents (especially MP3s) have to be hosted somewhere.
That in it's self is another discussion.
#26September 9th, 2007 · 03:42 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
Well, i think there was some talk about putting it on its own server, Kings.  Possibly under a non profit?
#27September 9th, 2007 · 03:48 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
well if it becomes profitable,I will gladly pay
#28September 9th, 2007 · 05:33 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Minds : How is that going to be sorted out ?
Do we have to send letters and e-mails to loads of charitable and non-profit organisations asking them for space?
If some one has the time to look for a (or more than one) 'free-server' that will/can host the site and its MP3's, we'll just have to deal with the adds and banners!! 

I can set up a few Computers as servers, but I don't know if that would be enough or even how much would be enough! 
Am I right in thinking that if a few more did the same thing we would make a network that could host / serve the site, each with it's own back up?
#29September 9th, 2007 · 05:54 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
I will input wherever I can; I am all for going "indpendent".
#30September 9th, 2007 · 06:34 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America

We could move BandAMP onto a server of it's own (which I can pay for),
and give access to a few people (people who can code in PHP and know
something about databases). We could even put the site under a
non-profit organization to make it official, and put a few of you guys
on the board. I would love to not be responsible for BandAMP anymore.
That's not to say I don't want to help out someday in the future, but
right now my being "in charge" is hindering the site more than helping it.

Have no clue how it would work...just going by what the man says....
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