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#31June 27th, 2007 · 12:35 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
Oh my...
or maybe the extreme goddess herself,
mother earth using the chemical parts
and the energy or "power" as the indians
saw it, is soaked into the continuum that is
the exact point where positive and negative
energy meet and become one??  philosophy
only can carry it so far, physics only so far,
psychology only so far.. hey who knows??
just think it will be neat to finally find out...
it may simply be like a video game, getting
to advance to the next level of play??
 Ya know, according to science the human
shell is supposed to be able to last a millennium.
and you can break the body down into a simple
pump and bellows engine with an electronic
sensor system with an organic self contained
learning intelligence control mechanism...  let's
see if I got that right.. pump and bellows  =
heart and lungs,  central nervous system =
electronic sensor system, and well then there's
the brain to care for the next one...  yea I think
I'm kinda on the right track here..   to bad I'm
so far off my rocker I may not have a clue..
can't even afford to buy a vowel these days
much less a clue...  guess I'm on the wrong track
after all..   .
 but one does so hafta love these fire side chats..
remember the scene in animal house where
donald sutherland the professor was getting the
students stoned and the one kid was zoning out
on philosophical idealism??  
 Brother, I only care how you treat me while we
share a hunk of this rock together..  and I will
only promise to treat you with the same amount
of respect..  will even lend a hand, never expecting
anything more then the same considerations while
we're here!! that way we can almost get past all the
bull shit and enjoy each other's positive chi, energy
and/or souls as it should be..   no greed of any kind.
My words speak with the same amount of dignity
that your's do!!  share everything so there is no lust
for what the other one has!!
 the basic idea behind my religion and spirituality is
simply that,  let's do unto each other at the same
time.. that way no one ever get's the upper hand or
more then the other. and we don't have to want to
kill the other person cause we have more and they
want to take it.. or vice versa..
  Hey remember the song "One Tin Solider"???
bout says it all. and our jobs as story tellers,
is to continue to spread that around.. 

oh well I too ramble on..


Dan - Blue
#32June 27th, 2007 · 01:55 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I'm confused about it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well I guess ill stick to music!!!!
#33June 27th, 2007 · 07:18 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
Time to hand in the mobile phones,oh yeah  keys to the car, forget electricity,FLstudio waawaa pedals  &  penicillin .......... go buy a donkey& live in a mud brick house   like it was 500bc                            Ironically  the way the majority of the world's population still lives 2 day.
Too many have been burnt at the stake for thinking the world is not flat,that women have rights and while we are on the subject........ just who has re written "sacred " texts ............ to serve their own personal interests.
In the words of John Lennon.

They keep you doped on religion and sex and tv.
Think you're so clever classless and free
Still *#2 ing peasants as far as I can see.

#34June 28th, 2007 · 07:22 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
blakhatz wrote…
They keep you doped with religion and sex on tv.
Think you're so clever classless and free
You're still *#2ing peasants as far as I can see.
Absolutely blakhatz ! 
John Lennon, now there's God for you!
#35June 28th, 2007 · 07:51 AM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
Zachblume...going to retort?
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