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#16November 12th, 2006 · 11:36 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
122 posts
United States of America
OK. Not to stoop to your level... but I think your music SUCKS!..IMO
Only by the means of your personality.....a typical MORON of a MAN/BAND!.... A DUH!
further more... I am NOT a HE!!!..... If you knew anything about this site..
you would be able to just look at my symbol and tell.....
I have music on here....maybe listen to it?? I'd rather you didn't you'd find it not worthy!
I have a few songs...I did play music in.... ya know what? it SUCKS....
for I do not care to actually learn to play a guitar! Not that I can not...
I choose not to, I may in the future who knows... at this point I have emotional
issues... (yea push my buttons )... I think Your asking for it... I LOVE YOU!
There are other songs I have that  either Jimk has played instruments on
or other friends have....or I have used software..... it is called COLLABORATION!!!!!!
ANOTHER thing this site is here for......many here do collaborate..it's AWESOME
and your right.... they more then likely would NEVER be able to or have the chance to play LIVE
on stage in a band for these songs....(Unless a member like SPOON tries to make it so)
I think before someone starts downing what sites are for.... they should become
more aware of what it is.... Don't YOU??...... this really is a family oriented site...
and maybe get to know more of the people on here, maybe I should not post in their defense
Maybe you should be grateful for the critiques you have received, for the HELP
I can see YOU are the dysfunctional ONE!.......Woopy DO! You have a band.. YOU
work hard at it.... so do others work hard at what they do...and others have bands to!
HEY! and they PLAY LIVE!!  IT IS AMAZING and so COOL!..... SOMEDAY
I hope you grow up and accomplish that task. I mean as Hmmm   forget it....
I understand YOUR type... you will never understand  Narrow-mindedness should
be considered a disease!.......   BTW
OH!!  and there is a spell checker you can run BEFORE you finalize your post!
Quote me all you want.... I know I am not perfect & maybe I should not post,
due to that fact I know nothing..... I just take offense to people criticizing people
I really care about....... I love the members of this site......well maybe all but ONE
at this time.... Hope the shoe fits, wear it well.....
#17November 12th, 2006 · 11:38 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
22 posts
@JimK, why do you take all that personal? We were provoking with extreme points of view to be heard, and we had success. Maybe these are our 15 minutes of fame, as Andy Warhol put it. Is it because you are the father of Noodling, which we criticized?

You said "solo-efforts", that doesnt match with the definition of a noodle.

@NakedToes: You completely got it wrong.

When you read the latest post, you can see that this is absolutely NOT about personal taste or musical instruments.

This discussion is about people's attitude towards music. Please dont nitpick about the way HOW we present our statements but focus on WHAT we're actually trying to say.
#18November 12th, 2006 · 12:13 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
122 posts
United States of America
So... You say I have it wrong??
Then maybe YOU should re write what you originally wrote....

AHHH Maybe that's the problem..... YOU lack in communication skills....

#19November 12th, 2006 · 12:15 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
I am not taking it personally...  I use my personal Situation as my argument....  there is a difference....

    It shows that in the real world, with real people opinions are only opinions... And that we do what we need to do to create the music that is inside us....

  As for your statement "This discussion is about people's attitude towards music. Please dont nitpick about the way HOW we present our statements but focus on WHAT we're actually trying to say."

 That is a ridiculous statement...  You are saying that you need to put your best effort into everything you do, and that 10 minutes with a guitar is not music...  And you want to debate this, but you admit to not preparing your statement... not putting your best into it....  It is ALL about how you present your argument... otherwise your meaning is lost......
#20November 12th, 2006 · 01:05 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
22 posts
It is kind of sad that so little people take interest in this debate, because it is a really basic topic.

@NakedToes : I can see no point in what ur saying (I think ur trying to say that we suck but ... but well ... we disagree)

Anyways you also said : "I just take offense to people criticizing people
I really care about"

This attitude is not very helpful, if your aim is to improve. Its criticsms what brings you forward, and most of the times it is not meant personal.
But lets drop now all those stuff, which is off the topic.

Somehow, you are all misunderstaning us, either willingly or because ... well, I dont know why ... maybe we should express us more clearly.

Firstly, now and forever : We never meant to say that electronic music is no "real" music, no art !!!

Our problem was, that there were very little bands here with "conventinal" casts, but many solo artists, who play one instrument (mostly the guitar) and create the rest of the band with the computer. In this case the computer is just a cheap substitute for the "real" instrument. They dont use the computer because it fits their style or because it can do things, humans cant do on their instruments.

JimK you wrote : "I am only one person, and I play ALL the instruments... Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, Vocals, all are me.. I even play keyboards"

why do you want to do it all alone, all on your own ? Only a incredible genius could play all those instruments. You said you did this band thing for 20 years and we respect that. You probably got more experience than we do. But the songs which come out of a one man band ( either one person playing everything or using the computer as a substitute) are always faulse compromises.

Another misunderstanding : We dont mind noodling in general!

Just when it gets out of hand and evreybody is only posting noodles, then the sense of noodling gets lost somewhere on the way.
Also, we dont mind stupid songs in general. But the same when it increases too much, the jokes arent funny anymore and this site becomes a circus(I´m not saying it is a circus)

We just wanted to pull attention to this trend and hoped to encourage some of the solo artists to get together with other people, to found bands, to the profit of this site. As Jimk said, we didnt comment a lot, but thats due to the fact that, there is not much music which is our cup of tea.

So, ... I hope I eliminated some problems. Dont take it personal NakedToe
#21November 12th, 2006 · 01:19 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
What is noodling?

I will tell you. Noodling is musical ideas; the very heart and soul of song writing, the physical embodiments of a person's emotions and feelings in sound waves. No other way can you record and experiment and invent and express as freely as you can while 'noodling'. This is where the good ideas happen. So they use a computer because, as you said, it would take an "incredible genius" to play all the instruments. What do you expect them to do?

Now, what is your music?
A borrowed chord progression. Hmm. That's a valuable skill.
A beat. Straight quarter/eighth notes. NO syncopation, swing, changing tempos, just quarters.
But you have a real band. And that makes it ok, right? Because everyone knows that bands are better. Right? Even if you're unimaginative, un-original, un-inventive, and un-intuitive, you don't use a computer. So it's better. Right?

But hey, let's not stop there. Let's go all the way. Pickups, effects, mixers, amplifiers, speakers, digital recorders, they're all FAKE.
It's music UNPLUGGED, guys, the thebonbonrose is here to lead us.
#22November 12th, 2006 · 02:32 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts

DOOD: the definition of art: Art, in its broadest meaning, is the expression of creativity or imagination, or both. (from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art)

so, if some dude here comes up with a "made in 10 minutes.. I know it sounds like crap, it was done with a cheap mic and a out-of-tune guitar, but hey, I was drunk" then that is PURE ART!

We are all here to GROW as musicians/artists, we are here for the COMMUNITY, we are here for FUN... and I highly respect ANYONE with the guts to post ANYTHING!!! because we are showing our barenaked BUTTS to everyone with our creative efforts, we're putting our SOULS on display, and we LEARN from it... Whether we do it all on a sequencer program... Or we do it as part of our bands (like your song, bonbonrose, wasn't exactly the best ever recorded) we show what we are made of, and for that we are ALL STARS!!!

#23November 12th, 2006 · 02:38 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
Ok, so I've seen this thread going nowhere after lots and lots of words. But that doesn't means that nothing has been said.  So far, I think the two basic statments have been made.  The initial statement of the bonbonrose has changed a lot since he said that "NERD amp" thing, but still stays strong (don't ask me how) on some things.

So here are a few "highlights" that I found on the previous comments on wich I'd like to say something.

When Nakedtoes4me said that "If you can make music with it.....then it is music!" I thought it was enough for the discussion about if PC's are an instrument or not.  But then thebonbonrose stated that "When you start painting or drawing, your work is not immediately a piece of art. There is more to it than just the process of making it. You have to study technique, composition, setting and all kinds of different things to call yourself an "artist"." Completly missunderstanding what nakedtoes4me intended to say.  In my opinion, his position can be resumed as a praise of hard work, forgetting that art is based on a basic intuition that then developes into an idea, and that any media you use to develope that idea is as "valid" as any other.  I've used brass, strings, grand piano, etc. on my music... should I hah waited until I could hire an orchestra?

Then Jim came up with a beautiful deffinition of art: "Art is all about breaking conventional rules and thought...going out into a new unconfining dimension and bringing back a piece of that world"... Is there anything else to say about that?!!

On her comment, Aetherius wrote that "Aetherius: everything is subjective" but then... what's the point in posting your opinions? there most be something objective... something common, lets say (the philosopher fighting the poet LOL).

So.. keep your comments comming!

EDIT: damn... just seen xeno's post.... why clossing this thread? 
#24November 12th, 2006 · 03:04 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I believe in freedom; Those who want to be closed-minded can only get trapped inside themselves...

The End.. again (thread ends)
#25November 12th, 2006 · 07:03 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
thebonbonrose wrote…
JimK you wrote : "I am only one person, and I play ALL the instruments... Rythm Guitar, Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, Vocals, all are me.. I even play keyboards"

why do you want to do it all alone, all on your own ? Only a incredible genius could play all those instruments. You said you did this band thing for 20 years and we respect that. You probably got more experience than we do. But the songs which come out of a one man band ( either one person playing everything or using the computer as a substitute) are always faulse compromises.

Are you serious?  Just wondering...  Because a guitar is a guitar...  Wether playing lead or rythm... Bass is a guitar, nothing more just a guitar...  so, It doen't take a genius... just the desire to do so....

                  And If I create a song, by myself, there is no false compromising...  it is how I want it...  Period...
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