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#1July 25th, 2011 · 09:12 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
Google+ ?
I know that not everybody automatically trusts a company like Google with private data, but I'm curious to know if anybody else at BandAMP is enthusiastic about the Google+ social network.

I like it for a few reasons, despite it being in invite-only beta right now: I stopped using the volatile Facebook (especially once the only things I was getting were spam requests from 18 year old girls in my area), it's more organized than Twitter is, and it starts from the right foundation: make groups of friends and share with those groups instead of to the masses who don't care.  Plus they give you a button to export all your data at any time, right from the start.  Google has an internal committee called the Data Liberation Front which makes sure that the Google products have export featuers.

Anybody else using G+?  If anybody is at all interested, people with accounts automatically have unlimited invites.  I'm Tim Valenta, of course, if anybody looks me up.
#2July 26th, 2011 · 01:27 AM
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United Kingdom
I'm not into facebook or similar. I have enough trouble keeping touch with people I know - if I want to contact them I'll phone or email them.
Facebook has now become over commercialised IMO - it's a means of free marketing in every sense of the word
#3July 26th, 2011 · 01:30 AM
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United States of America
I agree with you there.  For the time being, the Google+ thing is free of such stuff, but I'm sure it'll change.  Facebook makes a lot of money, and—let's face it—money is what businesses are in the business of making

On the flip side, keeping a full-blown blog is frequently too much work, and you usually just end up talking to yourself.  I enjoy a nice lightweight network for that, with all the invasive notifications turned off!
#4July 26th, 2011 · 07:26 AM
90 threads / 73 songs
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United Kingdom
Nothing wrong with free marketing Denis

Especially for us musicians who want to get our music heard!

I'm using Google+. But I'll stick with Facebook mostly for now.. never really got into Twitter.
#5July 26th, 2011 · 12:51 PM
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The thing about that kind of user marketing is only that people need to have the choice, preferably right up front.

What bothers most people I think is when they grow to like something, but then the company whirls about and betrays their trust.  I think that having the chance to make an active decision is probably always better than getting coerced into it via trickery, irrespective of the promised benefits.

In this situation, I happen to be alright with the whole setup.
#6July 26th, 2011 · 02:06 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Petermoncrieff wrote…
Nothing wrong with free marketing Denis

Especially for us musicians who want to get our music heard!

I'm using Google+. But I'll stick with Facebook mostly for now.. never really got into Twitter.

IMO Facebook will not help market your music a great deal - yes it's great to share with friends you actually know and if it's good they will tell their friends. I find it quite irritating when you get people putting stuff on your wall to market their services without my permission - feels like being Spammed...lol
Just my opinion 
#7July 26th, 2011 · 02:31 PM
117 threads / 27 songs
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Denis wrote…
Petermoncrieff wrote…
Nothing wrong with free marketing Denis

Especially for us musicians who want to get our music heard!

I'm using Google+. But I'll stick with Facebook mostly for now.. never really got into Twitter.

IMO Facebook will not help market your music a great deal - yes it's great to share with friends you actually know and if it's good they will tell their friends. I find it quite irritating when you get people putting stuff on my wall to market their services without my permission - feels like being Spammed...lol
Just my opinion  ;)
perhaps it is a matter of generation, of age. For young people it may be normal to ´promote` themselves this way.
"Listen to my music.......watch to my video............wanna be ya friend............bad weather and I´m picking my nose" is quite nerving for an old fart as I am.  That´s why I keep my fingers off of these networks.
A matter of age, I guess. 
#8July 26th, 2011 · 07:02 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
I dont do facebook nor twitter ... though twitter can be a handy tool to find out what's happening as it happens
I do google and youTube so I checked out G+ but I've had no invite ... boo
I've read that it not only has 'friends' it also has 'associates' ... I'll probably dabble with it.
#9July 26th, 2011 · 07:08 PM
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United States of America
The fuss about business stuff is that because it's still "beta" so to speak, they don't want businesses making profiles yet, or people trying to use pseudonyms instead of real names.  oops I misread your comment. You can set up groups of people so that you can post stuff to just them, etc, which is nice.  It means I can set up a "School Friends" group and a "Work friends" group, and share different stuff to them.  I can send you an invite if you'd like to try it out.  I'm not sure when they plan to open up the signup process.

ULI has a good point, but I'd at least point out that I don't think these things need to be all about self-promotion.  There'll be people who do that, but it's actually more about the "hey check this out" or getting input on decisions, or just discussions.  In fact G+ throws in 10-way video chat and calls the feature a "Hangout".  It's like Skype on steroids.

But you're absolutely allowed to feel differently about it.  Younger people are certainly growing up with the idea that lots of small yet high-frequency communication is the normal way to do things.
#10July 28th, 2011 · 03:56 AM
90 threads / 73 songs
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United Kingdom
Denis wrote…
Petermoncrieff wrote…
Nothing wrong with free marketing Denis

Especially for us musicians who want to get our music heard!

I'm using Google+. But I'll stick with Facebook mostly for now.. never really got into Twitter.

IMO Facebook will not help market your music a great deal - yes it's great to share with friends you actually know and if it's good they will tell their friends. I find it quite irritating when you get people putting stuff on your wall to market their services without my permission - feels like being Spammed...lol
Just my opinion  ;)

I think it will, "liking" is a very powerful tool, if people see that their friends have "liked" something (especially if it's more than one friend) they'll often go and check it out.. So in our case, they'll check out our artist page, listen to the music, and hopefully "like" the page too, sending out the fact that they've "liked" it to all of their friends, and so on.

Then once someone's "liked" your page you can post what you want and it's on their news feed. Quite powerful I think. I think the spamming on your wall stuff happens a lot less than it did on MySpace. I think I've only ever seen it once or twice where a band has actually posted some kind of automated message on someone's wall.. and that's only when the band has set up an account as a "person" and not as a "band" or "artist" page.
#11July 30th, 2011 · 08:26 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Join Google +? what is it? Not facebook.
What's it like? Facebook.

I guess that's all I ever wanted.

(Plagarized from this fantastic xkcd comic: http://xkcd.com/918/ )

seriously though, I don't use facebook or even twitter or anything like that so I could care less about google +
#12July 31st, 2011 · 07:29 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
TonightsLastSong wrote…
The fuss about business stuff is that because it's still "beta" so to speak, they don't want businesses making profiles yet, or people trying to use pseudonyms instead of real names.

I read about the problems they're causing by not allowing pseudonyms.
Even though Google is driven by the advertisers and what they want to know about us, I still think that the whole Google+ thing will also just fail if it does not allow pseudonyms.
One John Smith is not the same as another John Smith and a lot of people, as they grow, really dont need 'old friends' looking for them.

If I started my own social network I would quite explicitly not allow real names .... because the internet is a written thing and so all who use it are all authors.
And on a deeper key, a lot of people are closer in character to their pseudonyms than they are to their given birth name. Your birth name is given by your parents, you do grow with it, but like most poets and performers, people who grow to know different sides of themselves, eventually grow to associate with a different name.
#13August 2nd, 2011 · 07:42 PM
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United States of America
kings wrote…
TonightsLastSong wrote…
The fuss about business stuff is that because it's still "beta" so to speak, they don't want businesses making profiles yet, or people trying to use pseudonyms instead of real names.

I read about the problems they're causing by not allowing pseudonyms.
Even though Google is driven by the advertisers and what they want to know about us, I still think that the whole Google+ thing will also just fail if it does not allow pseudonyms.
One John Smith is not the same as another John Smith and a lot of people, as they grow, really dont need 'old friends' looking for them.

If I started my own social network I would quite explicitly not allow real names .... because the internet is a written thing and so all who use it are all authors.
And on a deeper key, a lot of people are closer in character to their pseudonyms than they are to their given birth name. Your birth name is given by your parents, you do grow with it, but like most poets and performers, people who grow to know different sides of themselves, eventually grow to associate with a different name.

They're going to have a solution for that sooner or later.  They're not trying to prop up just another anonymous network, though.  The purpose is more concrete than Twitter, and really does require some sort of canonical identity.  What you're saying about having people more closely tied to their honest nicknames is absolutely the key part of why G+ needs a way to address the problem.  They have a spot for nicknames, but they're secondary information on the profile, while the problem is that the nickname could (should?) be primary info.

The purpose of this G+ thing is to service a need that the web has: a Facebook that doesn't have some of the snotty Facebook-isms that have developed over the years.  The web already has lots of places to be anonymous, but it doesn't have lots of places to be yourself in a meaningful way.  Facebook fails to meet certain core expectations for me (and a lot of others, whatever their reasons are).

Facebook, to me, is like a roadside shop where people stop in and then go on their way.  Twitter is like a carnival full of megaphones; people broadcasting their thoughts just a little too loudly.  Google+ is like a houseparty where the guests (some I know, some I don't) are in nice groups according to their interests, and consequently the conversations I have with them are, by default, more meaningful and relavent.  I find that kind of nice, and when everybody's got a real name and not a snarky alias, the tone of the conversation is raised to a nice dignified level.

So there are my deep pondering thoughts for the day :P  I've got more code to write before the sun sets!
#14August 5th, 2011 · 02:58 AM
189 threads / 27 songs
2,834 posts
just another social s**t.
thought we have this wonderful BandAMP with a wonderful community!?
this community isn't that big like on ********, ******* or *******. But it holds together. No child p**** or xxx crime, no te***r a***ck announcements, no odd opinions or people (aren't we?)
How many platforms do you need to express yourself?

the tone of the conversation is raised to a nice dignified level.

Have you missed it on BandAMP? What is YOUR relationship to g**** or g****+?

I say NO to SNs (please don't send me invitings)
#15August 5th, 2011 · 03:00 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
Yikes.  ...?

Not all my friends are musicians.  Case closed.
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