#1June 19th, 2006 · 01:42 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Authentic PX stuff for sale ;)
Hey all,

I thought... Well, I just wanted to share...

I wanna make room for new equipment, so I'm selling my Digitech Talker device... It's a real nice talkbox/vocoder type effect, quite unique in it's functionality.

But quite frankly I haven't used it since Prayers of Omen ( ) so, also in order to raise money for a new toy, I think it's best to... let it go...

my Digitech Talker on ebay

Well, posting it here, to hopefully have it "stay in the family" (i.e. selling to another Amper) but hey if not no prob...

It's one fine little thing I tell you that... Makes for awesome trippy effects - filtering instrumental tracks (also v. good with percussion) with your own voice... Real cool...

Anyways... Thanks.........................
#2June 20th, 2006 · 03:41 AM
15 threads / 5 songs
76 posts
what does a digitech talker do? I have heard of stuff like that but I have no idea ... you probably just think Im an idiot but could you please give a breif explanation or somin
#3June 20th, 2006 · 04:38 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Well, what it does is:

" Offering the most advanced effect technology to hit the music industry and broadcast markets since the introduction of the Whammy Pedal, the Talker is a vocal synthesis processor that enables guitarists, bassists, keyboardists and other musicians to make their instruments talk and sing.

Talking or singing into a microphone while playing an external electric/electronic instrument through the Talker creates intelligible words and phrases through an amplifier or PA. This is achieved by a revolutionary new process called Advanced Vocal Synthesis. This new technology is the product of two years of extensive research into physical modeling of the human voice. Unlike anything else on the market, the DigiTech Talker truly needs to be experienced to be believed. "

Here's some explanation on how classic analog vocoding works: click here

Basically it analyses the voice input for frequency peaks and filters the instrumental input by those peaks, so your instrument's melody more or less takes over your vocal cords while your voweling is kept intact. Really, you can clearly understand what's being said. It's pretty wild.

You can hear the device in action in my song Prayers of Omen, the voweling sub-track (though I wasn't saying anything at all, just radom vowels) was created by routing a keyboard to the instrument input and a mic to the mic input. It works with guitar too, and it also sounds great on percussion.
#4July 1st, 2006 · 01:35 PM
1 posts
United States of America
Hi, do you still have the talker for sale?
If yes please email Dave@oda.edu and I'll buy it. Thanks!
#5July 2nd, 2006 · 10:28 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
re: Talker
Davemon wrote…
Hi, do you still have the talker for sale?
If yes please email Dave@oda.edu and I'll buy it. Thanks!

Nope, it's sold,

and with the money from this and other items, I purchased a Boss RC-50 loop station.

You can hear it in action here, it's doing my guitar, bass and vocal looping for me...

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