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#16March 18th, 2009 · 01:21 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Well, I've done almost everything in a gig; from cutting cables to curse the audience.
I remember once at school I was playing for I-don't-remember-what and I need to read the lyrics on a paper, but there was a lot of wind and didn't have any way to hold the paper, so we called a kid from the audience to hold it. He came over the stage but he accidentally stepped over the cable that went from my pedals to the amplifier. He cut it, we didn't have more cables, we only played like 2 songs and that was it! We just had to leave. I mas remark that this gig was because 2 weeks before, due to bad organization, we just could play 2 songs and leave, so they asked to play again but now the full track list. Funny, uh?
I also remember one gig when, again because of bad organization, we were supposed to play early but we ended by playing at the end of the show. So while we were playing Smoke On The Water I started to curse the audience and "f*ck, s*ck my... etc" during we played the song. That really funny to. Remark also that was at school, and many teaches, prefects and even the principal was there.    I was a good kid.
Also remember for a contest we were supposed to play Under pressure but we decided to add Another Brick in the Wall pt. 2 because of what the lyrics represented. Of course we were disqualified from the contest. Must say many of the teachers were really turn on with the performance.
Well, I guess something useful you can get from my experience; carry replacement cables, don't let kids get to the stage, learn the lyrics - don't read them, if you are pissed off just curse but as if it were part of the lyrics ( kidding LOL... just kick the gear when you finish), and don't add more songs to the repertory, less when they are "protest" songs.
Have a great gig!

          > Iszil
#17March 18th, 2009 · 10:18 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
man stupid teachers...another brick of the wall pt. 2 is a song they NEED TO HEAR!!!!

man im glad all of you guys can make all these mistakes so i dont have to!!
im gonna bring replacement strings, picks, cables, annnnnnnd.......shine...

man that makes me mad that you were disqualified. school is about expressing your creative desire and when these teachers are clamping down on the students only letting the students do few things....i forgot my point but it was a good one. we dont need no education.
#18March 18th, 2009 · 02:32 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Shine on is a good song to play..I'll be looking for the video of you all ...good luck..I'm sure you will do just fine
#19March 18th, 2009 · 08:34 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
thanks flyer!
My friend was actually over today so we practiced like crazy. we have all of the guitar down (im doing the first solo, hes doing the second solo, then we're both doing the solo thats in where the lyrics are) and the rest of the guitar we got covered as well.
all we need to do is figure out some of the synth parts that are where the first guitar solo comes in...and then just master singing it...and possibly record a drum track to play back at the concert that we can play along wiht....and then we'll be done...

does anyone know where we can get like free sheet music for the synth? (we learned the guitar parts from the Wish You Were Here tab book). also do you think that I should record a drum track (while my friend is playing so I know what to do) and then play it back when we are both playing at the gig? do you think itll make the song fuller?
#20March 19th, 2009 · 09:22 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Man, get Guitar Pro 5, then go to www.ultimate-guitar.com and you get the tabs of the song you want.
And if you want some backing tracks, like bass, drums, keyboards, just export the .midi file of the Guitar Pro tab to Cubase and then you can use some good VSTi for drum (eg EZ Drummer) and then you have some decent backing drums... it's easy... well, if it's not that clear I can help you.
Good luck.

         > Iszil
#21March 20th, 2009 · 12:07 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Man I'd like some help. I use ultimate-guitar.com all the time but i dont have guitar pro 5.
if you could pm me with like instructions on stuff on how to do this and what it does that be great! thanks so much!
#22March 20th, 2009 · 03:08 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
OK, man, this is how it works.
First get a copy of Guitar Pro 5 ( search it on the internet). You also need any software that accepts VSTi plug-ins ( virtual instruments that work with MIDI triggers). You can also use only Guitar Pro, but if you want a more real sound quality, then VSTi will work a lot better. In my case I use Cubase SX (any version) to trigger the VSTi's I have.
Now, how to get a backing track:

If only want to use GP5 you should do this:
- You get the tab file and then open it with GP5 (get them from ultimate guitar - be sure that you download the ones that says "guitar pro tab"). Once you open it on GP5 first make sure that the song it's complete and sounds good to you (sometimes the people that makes the tabs don't do a good job). Once you have the song exactly as you want mute every track that you won't use (guitars, vocals, etc) or - better idea- single the track that you want. For example: you want the drums, so you single the drums, then go to File/Export as Audio File. Then you select the type of audio file that you want ( I suggest .wav). Once you do that GP5 will tell you that the audio will be created from the moment that you press "play" on GP5 until you press "stop" ( with the space bar you can do both actions, so just use it). Repeat the same action with the bass, synths, or whatever other instrument you want to use.
- Once you have all the tracks for your backtracks converted to audio just use an audio editor (whatever you have) mix them, pan them, some effects or whatever and then you make the mixdown.
- Voila, you have a backing track for your performance.

If you want to use VSTi plug-ins, go this way:
- Export the tracks from the instruments from GP5 exactly as I told you, with the exception that instead of using "Export to Audio File" use "Export to MIDI file" ( in that case you don't have to make the play/stop process).
- Get some VSTi for you Cubase and install them (for drums I suggest EZ Drummer - Rock/Pop Kit; for bass Trilogy by Spectrasonics works amazing; for synth you can get ABsynth by Native Instruments and for organs B4 from NI as well).
- Now import the .midi files of the instruments into Cubase. They will appear in a track as a MIDI track. Then simply choose the VSTi that you will use for that track and open it in the track that have the midi file..
- If you are happy with the sound of all you backing instruments in the project mixdown every track into an audio track so you can mix them and get them as you want.
- Once you are happy with the final result you make the mixdown and you have a backing track.

Hope this works for you -  and that it's not to complicated or messy.
Any doubt just post it here, so everybody can help you and may be learn about this, cause it's very useful.
Luck with it, and just ask if any problem comes up.

           > Iszil
#23March 20th, 2009 · 08:58 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Oh thanks so much man! Im actually doing a yard sale this morning but ill try some of this out when I get back. What do VSTi's do? Are they like effects or what? also is guitar pro 5 free? cubase free? ez drummer free?
thanks a bunch man
#24March 20th, 2009 · 07:05 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Best of luck...My first show was a talent show at the age of 13...We played Boston and Triumph songs..I joined my first professional band at almost 15 by that point we were playing a bit more progressive and heavier..There I really got to play in front of big crowds..One never looses the crawling feeling in the stomach hoping that you don't mess up or break a string or something..Its all worth it though..Im 40 and still do it and always will...

Best of luck..
I found this link of a cover of shine..Very simple arrangement of guitars...

Best rule of thumb ..Keep it as simple as possible and do your dress rehearsal like Goat said..Don't forget yer dress though..
Good luck!!!
Were with you!
#25March 20th, 2009 · 07:18 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
Iszil wrote…
I also remember one gig when, again because of bad organization, we were supposed to play early but we ended by playing at the end of the show. So while we were playing Smoke On The Water I started to curse the audience and "f*ck, s*ck my... etc" during we played the song. That really funny to. Remark also that was at school, and many teaches, prefects and even the principal was there.    I was a good kid.
Also remember for a contest we were supposed to play Under pressure but we decided to add Another Brick in the Wall pt. 2 because of what the lyrics represented. Of course we were disqualified from the contest. Must say many of the teachers were really turn on with the performance.

Have a great gig!

          > Iszil

Iszil ; you are a true rocker that is a fact. you not only have the talent but the right attitude too.
#26March 21st, 2009 · 12:13 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Thanks marino!
This place can hold over 200 people so I think itll be around 200 people in the crowd. thats pretty good for a first gig i think lol.

i got your pm. i cant wait to start using all this stuff
#27March 21st, 2009 · 12:56 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Read the email - I'll send it to you from my googlemail account - you'll recognise the name!

All that Iz says is spot on if you're going to add backing tracks while you're playing - I do this pretty much with all the stuff that sounds empty when played just by a three piece, and sometimes use the technique with GP5 and Cubase that Iszil talks about.  The only addition to his excellent advice is that I'd recommend the backing is mono to the front of house, with one side of the stereo field sent to the drummer with the addition of a relatively loud click track (I use the left channel for this - and our drummer wears headphones).

You asked about how you connect with the audience - in both performing and watching bands live, I've found it best if the band is up there having fun... that in itself goes part of the way.  Of course, you have to sound pretty good too of course.

Jim A
#28March 22nd, 2009 · 05:53 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
TheKunadiun wrote…
Oh thanks so much man! Im actually doing a yard sale this morning but ill try some of this out when I get back. What do VSTi's do? Are they like effects or what? also is guitar pro 5 free? cubase free? ez drummer free?
thanks a bunch man

Well, you can get them free... I don't know if BandAMP allows me to "help you" on that matter  .

       > Iszil

PS: LOL, Gerg. Now I managed to control myself a bit better hahaha.
#29March 22nd, 2009 · 08:14 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
lol...well im sure you can help me "under the table" wink wink nudge nudge.

jiminuk was trying to send me guitar pro 5 but the file was too large so hes finding another way to do it.
#30March 23rd, 2009 · 05:07 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
I'll help you with the "under the table" issue, but need more time... may be by the end of the week, if you don't mind.

         > Iszil
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