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#16April 12th, 2010 · 08:22 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Absolutely PX lol, but thats not my screenshot, thats just something on line somewhere.
MSN....I had a mandatory REG file for every XP installation I ever did...disable MSN immediately !
Compatibility problems...a few, but you end up with newer and faster programs.
Not trying to sell you anything..it just reminded me of my own liking of 98 so much I refused to install XP for 2 years and when I did install XP I made it look like 98 for the next year...lol 
I gave Vista a big miss but jumped at 7 when it was 'finally' released....half knowing that as a windows user 7 had to be right.

Yea sorry TK............off-topic ! 
#17April 12th, 2010 · 09:45 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
phew.. glad you agree on MSN..

True I've heard good things about W7, but as said it takes time, effort and money to upgrade while I really don't need it.. So I won't.... Not unless I'd *really* have to...

Back to topic,

the new chat is a little bit buggy, but far far better than the old one (or even the one before)...

Not sure about the battlecat problem, was u kidding m8? If you are afk for a bit, you timeout/auto quit the chat, right? But he was listed as online and really didn't respond for really a long time. Also I've noticed people having logged in but not logged out while they are not listed as online.. not sure whether that's a real problem... Or maybe the cause behind the non-responsiveness anomaly?
#18April 12th, 2010 · 10:04 AM
92 threads / 12 songs
911 posts
United States of America
PuppetXeno wrote…
Not sure about the battlecat problem, was u kidding m8? If you are afk for a bit, you timeout/auto quit the chat, right? But he was listed as online and really didn't respond for really a long time. Also I've noticed people having logged in but not logged out while they are not listed as online.. not sure whether that's a real problem... Or maybe the cause behind the non-responsiveness anomaly?
lol...yeah I was kidding....I was AFK, and forgot to "X" out or log off, and apparently the thing didn't kick me off the way the old one used to (and now I can't remember if this one ever did auto quit).
#19April 12th, 2010 · 10:27 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
im really impressed with windows 7! it works and rocks in all 3 dimensions. trash vista as soon as possible and get windows 7
#20April 13th, 2010 · 07:45 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
That close window button on the window form is not fully supported to the /quit command. Sometimes it works sometimes not.
To end the session either simply type /quit in the input box or close the tab by clicking on the little red x or disconnect from the chat.

After diving through the PHP code of BandAMP and comparing it with the phpfreechat code the download issue IMO is caused by different session parameters stored in the cookies and and and...
I found an announcement today in my mailbox included a download to a new version of the chat system. Let me check the changes and fixes. I will announce a possible upgrade when the time has come.
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