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#31March 2nd, 2007 · 11:36 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
re: Whose music is it?
baverbach wrote…
After music is written it has to be played to be heard; right?
Well it no longer reflects the composer completely. It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer and can never exclusively represent anyone's feelings or personality.
How can the compositions of Bach represent fully his personality when, in reality, one can only guess what was going through his mind when the piece was being composed.
There are no recordings of his performances and, even if there were, he may have had new experiences after he composed the piece that profoundly chenged his concept as to how the piece might be performed.
Therefore we can only look and listen and create music the way we create it at the moment and learn from our experiences.

Right, the question is pertaining to music performed by the composer, as in this site is only music performed by the composer... That's the deal here, you write it, you record it, you post it... Since you can't post other peoples work, and you can only post cover tunes when certain specific criteria are involved, so, the question is, if YOU write a piece of music, and YOU record the piece of music, then does YOUR personality come through, and your soul show in the music? I think one can always cop out and say "noone knows what was going through the composer's mind at the time" but that is just it, He put right there, in the music, what was going through his mind, if you only open your mind...

#32March 3rd, 2007 · 12:57 AM
13 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
re: re: Whose music is it?
JimkDaAdtman wrote…
baverbach wrote…
After music is written it has to be played to be heard; right?
Well it no longer reflects the composer completely. It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer and can never exclusively represent anyone's feelings or personality.
How can the compositions of Bach represent fully his personality when, in reality, one can only guess what was going through his mind when the piece was being composed.
There are no recordings of his performances and, even if there were, he may have had new experiences after he composed the piece that profoundly chenged his concept as to how the piece might be performed.
Therefore we can only look and listen and create music the way we create it at the moment and learn from our experiences.

Right, the question is pertaining to music performed by the composer, as in this site is only music performed by the composer... That's the deal here, you write it, you record it, you post it... Since you can't post other peoples work, and you can only post cover tunes when certain specific criteria are involved, so, the question is, if YOU write a piece of music, and YOU record the piece of music, then does YOUR personality come through, and your soul show in the music? I think one can always cop out and say "noone knows what was going through the composer's mind at the time" but that is just it, He put right there, in the music, what was going through his mind, if you only open your mind...

I say again, "It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer..."
A piece that is composed is done at a different time than when it is performed. The idea comes first for the structure and then the perfomance is a realization of the composition. if YOU compose a piece of music and then YOU perform it you are a different person at the the time of the composition process than at the time of the perfomance of that piece.
There is a very common misconception that the score or notation is the MUSIC.
Music is something one hears not something someone reads.
The score is notation it is not the thing just as the word "DOG" does not wag its tail and bark.
That means every performance is different and every experience of that performance is different and each individual's perception of each and every performance is dictated by some many personal variables that one might say the LISTENER'S PERSONALITY would be more likely to manifest itself in the listening of the music than the composer's or performer's.
The mind is very interesting when it comes to creating associations. We are born into a universe in which we are bombarded with arbitrary experiences and from the moment of awareness we must create some order out of this "stuff" we experience. If we don't we would probably not survive.
If you arbitrarily choose two pieces of media and juxtapose them your mind makes order out of the experience as with film and music. It doesn't matter what the quality is of the two pieces all that matters is that together they appear to be one thing just as a low temperature and the rain appear as cold rain even though rain is water condensation whether the temperature is 80 degrees or 40 degrees.
OK. Enough. I know that sometime I'm verbose but I still stick with my original staement that "It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer"
#33March 3rd, 2007 · 05:19 AM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
I think this is moving towards something more...
I find that writing a piece of music is a broadening of personality, and with each new composition,  no matter how serious or silly it is, it still teaches us something new about ourselves. I think that performance is an extension of that growth. Really getting into the music to emphasise and really state boldy what the music is about and what you represent.
#34March 3rd, 2007 · 08:23 AM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
re: re: re: Whose music is it?
baverbach wrote…
I say again, "It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer..."
A piece that is composed is done at a different time than when it is performed. The idea comes first for the structure and then the perfomance is a realization of the composition. if YOU compose a piece of music and then YOU perform it you are a different person at the the time of the composition process than at the time of the perfomance of that piece.
There is a very common misconception that the score or notation is the MUSIC.

OK, I am confused, Maybe you don't understand what I am talking about.. What I said was, if I compose a piece, and I perform the piece, Does my persoality and emotion show through the piece? Ibelieve indeed it does, and if I am a TRUE performer, then I would be able to recreate that and want to recreate that same emotion each time I perform the piece..
Baverbach wrote…
Music is something one hears not something someone reads.
The score is notation it is not the thing just as the word "DOG" does not wag its tail and bark.
That means every performance is different and every experience of that performance is different and each individual's perception of each and every performance is dictated by some many personal variables that one might say the LISTENER'S PERSONALITY would be more likely to manifest itself in the listening of the music than the composer's or performer's.
surely Each listener is going to come away with their own interpretation of what the song means, BUT, they should also be able to come up with the basic idea of what the composer/performer was trying to get across. If not, then the composer/performer did not do a very good job....
Baverbach wrote…
The mind is very interesting when it comes to creating associations. We are born into a universe in which we are bombarded with arbitrary experiences and from the moment of awareness we must create some order out of this "stuff" we experience. If we don't we would probably not survive.
If you arbitrarily choose two pieces of media and juxtapose them your mind makes order out of the experience as with film and music. It doesn't matter what the quality is of the two pieces all that matters is that together they appear to be one thing just as a low temperature and the rain appear as cold rain even though rain is water condensation whether the temperature is 80 degrees or 40 degrees.
OK. Enough. I know that sometime I'm verbose but I still stick with my original staement that "It becomes a collective interpretation of something from the composer and the performer"
So your saying what, that rain that is 80 degrees is no warmer than rain at 40 degrees? that is nonsense..  We perceive it as Cold rain, because a.) It's water coming down from the sky, and that is called rain.. and b.)It's 40 degrees, which is cold...  so that makes it a cold rain.. This isn't a collective interpretation, it's science.. It's biology, it's nature, it's weather... I am not interpreting the weather, I am feeling the weather...  And, as a listener, I feel the mood of the music..  If I can't feel the mood, then it isn't done right... 

  That's what I think...  after over 20 years as a sound engineer, I got a good handle on feeling the music, I can't hardly hear it now anyway, I have to feel it, after that many years of speakers blaring at me... hahaha...

#35March 3rd, 2007 · 06:22 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
I think bbach and Jim are talking about two different (sorta) things coming from two different experiences

  If you look at long dead composers you might not get a idea of the personality ...but there music does carry  what I call a musical type of personality.  The way they write ...what tones they used,  instruments used ,
What order of the tones... dynamics ..  pppor fff,, or in between ,,...tempo , accents .... ect.  All composers used musical writing styles that were unique to them and there era.  I also believe that they tried to do there best to convey to the listener a unique listening experience for that piece.  Older composers used several moods within one piece of music to express joy/sadness./humor/anger ect.  by use of modes(scales)  and dissonance/resolve..ect..

I have to believe that the composer was doing the best to convey in his music his ideas and what he was hearing in his head at the time he wrote it......the performer reading the music does his best to convey that emotion to the audience That is why music has so many symbols  from dynamics to tempo ect.  It is up to the performer to get the mood across the best he can.

Now for Jims thing as related to this site it's for writer/performers for the most part. So If your writing current music and your the performer then yes you can get your personality across for that song or songs .

I'm  pretty sure that most of us have heard interviews with famous singers/songwriters/performers where the interviewer asked a question like this " so this is your latest release ..this one seems to be different than your other releases" and the person would respond something  similar  to " I was going thru a happy/sad time and this album helped me during that  time.... or " I feel stronger things have changed in my life and because of that my music had to change with it"  (these are from actual interviews mixed together)  Now if we can perceive this from the music....and we can because I recently had this happen with  someone I like to listen to (Amy Lee)  I had thought that her latest release was stronger and more confident music ..then later on I read  in a interview that she had kicked her abusive longtime boyfriend to the curb, and was feeling very good ,and confident about herself, and no longer felt like the weak girl.  If I had picked this up just from listening to her music,   then I would have to conclude that her personality at the time of writing the songs did come through.

I can only go by my experiences,  cause I only have one brain, and body, and personality, (hopefully one personality only)  and have yet to figure out how to inter in to another person.  Since we are all different our perceptions of things are different thus our likes and dislikes are different too. Some people get the emotion and feel of heavy metal or country or opera some people don't even get the feel of music and don't listen to it much.

So after all that BS ,    I think that current music can and does convey emotion and personality to the listener from the writer/composer
#36May 2nd, 2007 · 08:09 PM
3 posts
United States of America
ANSWER: Beethoven would have written different music if he hadn't been deaf. This should answer your question in spades.
#37May 10th, 2007 · 05:47 PM
113 threads / 58 songs
464 posts
As if I had a choice!
I certainly don't make music to make money or to get any kind of recognition
I've got no choice! The music is there in my head all the time and it needs to come out the reason why I record it is only to make space for the next song
Does it represent a true image of who I am?
I'm so many persons that you can't really put a style on me!

my very schizo self and all of my friends...
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