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#16September 7th, 2005 · 01:31 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
i like the "homegrown" part-- it certainly gives it that "we're you're local people just like you who have something to show you" feel.

i certaily wanna use something of the effect of "the best of bandamp vol. I" somewhere on the cd face, too.

okay, here's what i've done so far, but keep in mind that i am able to change everything you see on it.  the title i put up on it was simply to see what it looked like, and i can change it to whatever we decide on, but for now, here are the graphics so far... click on them to get larger-sized views.

(i posted the thumbnails in order to spare those of you who may be on a slow internet connection.  the real file is better quality and it's much larger, taking up about 40mb per image! )

front of booklet / cover for cd

back of booklet

the inside of the booklet (opened view)

disc face

underneath disc holder

back of cd box
#17September 8th, 2005 · 05:25 AM
14 threads / 12 songs
76 posts
B R a V o
But...what u did is awesome!!! i think...i'll go with your idea...it's a wow...great job...
#18September 8th, 2005 · 05:41 AM
9 threads
98 posts
United States of America
well a few other ideas that came into mind were these...

BandAMP's Best

Brand New Day

Now, Not Never

The Star Room

Best If Heard Before 12/31/12 (where the hell that came from still confuses me...)

Don't Blink!

The Replay of Your Day

Carrige House

One Too Many Drinks ...

Memoirs of a Liftime

i'll try to add some as I think of them...anybody else have ideas???
#19September 8th, 2005 · 07:45 AM
14 threads / 12 songs
76 posts
ok, i'll give some of my ideas... hope it'll help...



A Dream Came True

Purest of Love

Deep From the Heart

Peaceful Minds


Just A Simple...Not  (???)

Not Just Another Compilation Album

N a I f & I n N o c E n t


that's all i can think...yet...=P
#20September 8th, 2005 · 07:59 AM
1 threads
17 posts
United Kingdom
..............do so well.
I don't have any suggestions but this is looking really really profesional.
#21September 9th, 2005 · 03:36 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
k, i keep updating the picture links above, so check them out again.  this looks like it's the final take on the artwork, unless someone speaks up about an idea or something.

ANY OBJECTIONS?!  last call!!

is everyone alright with the current title on the cd?  ( "Right Where We're Left" )  if anybody has an objection, please speak up with your single title choice so that this can be resolved asap!!  personally, my brain is fried from sitting in front of the computer so long, doing this, posting on the forum, and working my real job    , so if you guys wanna decide on a different cd name, then decide   i won't be able to get back onto the forum until monday.  i wanna do the printing that evening, possibly going into tuesday.

lets get this thing going 

heylittlelady2005, you took a longer lunchbreak than i was expecting ( ) so you'll have to PM me your address so that i can send these things to you once they're done being printed.  you should be getting a PM from Apache too, with his (or her--i have no idea don't get mad!) address.
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