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#1July 25th, 2005 · 06:01 AM
29 threads / 21 songs
75 posts
United Kingdom
Be Aware
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This song is not in a battle

this is a later version of the song i had on here at first. has drums now and its faster. like to know what you think

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#2July 27th, 2005 · 01:36 AM
1 posts
Very good song!
#3July 30th, 2005 · 05:22 PM
3 threads / 3 songs
30 posts
United States of America
as always I like the singing, and in this song the backup singer is good too and adds more quality.  I think the guitar solo is pretty cool and has a little bluesy feel.
#4August 17th, 2005 · 08:39 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
i dunno why i didn't post on this originally... i've listened to it many times...

?  oh well

i really like the lyrics a lot.  you've definitely got a way with melody.

yay for drums.

i think that the occational guitar solo snippets are slightly too loud compared to the other volume levels, but there's nothing wrong with the actual music.  i like the pauses in the in lyrics a lot too.  the ending is nicely done, especially with the last little lyric stuck to the end.

your songs all seem to be varied from topic to topic, too.  it's very refreshing.  i can't help but listen to the radio and notice how many of the very same ideas and lines get put into songs that just get overkilled, especially when a single artist's songs are all the same.  you seem to avoid that trap, and you have my admiration for it.  It's tough to do sometimes!
#5August 17th, 2005 · 09:25 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,848 posts
A great song. should be re-recorded in a pro studio. Nice lyrics and top melody. I love the two voices.
#6September 1st, 2005 · 04:35 PM
49 threads / 42 songs
493 posts
United Kingdom
I like this, cool vocal harmonies and a nice vibe/melody going on. The production is pretty good too...but surprisingly pretty rudimentary on the vocals. They almost seem to drop out of the mix in places. The double-tracked vocals (hard wide-panned) are a nice idea but I dont think they work, they are too 'wide' and lack focus. Not meaning to pick holes I just can't help feeling that such a vocal orientated-track with your pleasant vocals was more deserving of a better vocal production job, thats all.

Anyway, I think this is a great track all-round, you have a good voice!
#7September 3rd, 2005 · 10:18 AM
3 threads / 3 songs
20 posts
United States of America
great vocals,great song
#8September 3rd, 2005 · 06:54 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
liked it...remind me Alanis morrisette... nice voice, and like melodic staff and 2° voice...
keep it up!!!
#9September 3rd, 2005 · 10:49 PM
1 threads
12 posts
the singer sounds like their nose is plugged (i can't tell if it's an adolecent male or a girl)
#10September 4th, 2005 · 05:51 PM
4 threads / 3 songs
34 posts
United States of America
Very Morrisettish... I know... you're not a Canadienne or French... but it is more than your voice (although that is very close to Alanis)...  I think the actual song has similar chord progressions that one of her songs woul contain.  I am not saying that that is a bad thing because she has obviously done very well for herself.  The levels are a little off.  Sometimes theguitars sound a little loud and at times the drums are a bit wild at some of the fills at about 1:40... and sound a bit tinny, but it may be my speakers... I don't know.  Great songs, though.  A wee bit polish and it has unlimitted potential.  Loverly.

P.S.  Don't let anybody bust on your voice.  You aren't nasal at all you are in your head voice, but not nasal... again... probably correctable in a studio.  Loverly.
#11September 5th, 2005 · 09:31 PM
17 threads / 15 songs
271 posts
United Kingdom
It's true that it sounds a bit Morrisette-ish, but i like it, I find a lot of potencial in you.
As for the recording I wouldn't mix the two voices in the same level, one should be underneath the other, you blur the melody line otherwise.
the recording should be improved. But the thing is that you've made a good tune here and that's what it counts. Try to get rid of the morrisette sound alike stuff, cause your voice is very good just put a little bit of your own-style-singing, it'll be great.
#12September 6th, 2005 · 05:19 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
11 posts
United States of America
The vocals are perfect, and the drums seem pretty sweet to(a little distant though) Loving the guitars.
#13September 7th, 2005 · 06:27 AM
3 threads / 3 songs
19 posts
United States of America
Be Aware
good job     keep at it
#14September 7th, 2005 · 02:01 PM
3 posts
United States of America
Good solid song. Nice changes – effective at any rate, though a little “tried and true” sounding. I think the drums could be handled more effectively in the beginning – perhaps just let the vocals and guitar carry the dynamics a little longer then come in strong with an acoustic piano and upper register cello part – just an arrangement thought. Actually with a good solid song like this, you should really experiment with your arrangement possibilities to make it sound very unique. I would go for acoustic instruments here, but keep it punchy and powerful. Maybe consider another vocal harmony in a few select places . . .
#15September 7th, 2005 · 02:20 PM
10 threads / 9 songs
44 posts
United States of America
Very Alanis driven, huh
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