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#1November 12th, 2009 · 09:39 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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The Lost Project
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

I found this.
I started this like 2 years ago but never finished it. It's not finished yet.
I want some feedback... maybe I feel in the mood to continue it.
It should have voice... Actually I think I wrote the lyrics once.
Well, any comment is welcome.
I'd love to have a synth solo in the 0:45-1:04 part, so if any of you keyboarders feels like playing something just PM and I'll give you my email so you can send me something.

             > Iszil

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#2November 12th, 2009 · 09:48 PM
15 threads / 8 songs
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The rhythm sounds a bit off, and it seems like theres too many things going on in the background, that just ruins it for me. The guitar sounds OK. I'm not sure what I can say to improve this, maybe re-do the percussion section? Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
#3November 12th, 2009 · 11:44 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
This kicks ass Iz..
Theres some wicked riffing there.The changes are great,can we say dream theater?Very epic man.
Suggestions..hmmm Finish it!
Love the details between the the different changes when the guitars stops and the synth jumps in..You should do more of this..The drums patterns are great but the sound of them needs some work IMHO!
Awesome Iz!
#4November 13th, 2009 · 12:03 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
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Well, first Fais, what you call an "off-beat rhythm" is something called a syncopated rhythm (that's actually not the word I'm looking for; Marino, help me here: "contratiempo"). Probably you are not used to it cause it's something used in more "elaborated" styles like jazz, alternative rock or (like here) progressive rock. No offense, but it's probably cause you are too used to pop music, which is fine.
Marino, about the sound of the drums, what do you think should be changed?
Thanks for the comments.

            > Iszil
#5November 13th, 2009 · 01:15 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
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Puerto Rico
I hear what izzil saying,I guess when your listen to more traditional beats you can become somewhat uncomfortable with out the box rhythms.In this case Izzil is using what is known as Odd beats(contratiempos)typically used in progressive rock.A good example is Dream theater,Yes,Camel,Gentle Giant,Rush,etc..In any case back in the 70's this genre was very popular within the college people ,it was considered intelligent music..The only problem was the it didn't attract girls..Lol..Imagine that, the ones I know are smarter than me..(lol)
Progressive rock now a day is much more developed and intense,totally in the line of what Iz did here.

Iz the drums sound like electronic like the V drums..I would take some the snare and kick and duplicate them,then eq them diferently in order to fatten them up.They also need somewhat of more room sound to kinda open som air to them if you know what Im talking about.Hope that helps.
#6November 13th, 2009 · 01:53 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Great work Iz, I love the arrangements and progression, the music is flowing and interesting.

Not sure about the drums, M said more room (similar to reverb), I actually thought the opposite simply to give it more depth, but yes duplicating the sound is a very good idea. It may simply be the kit, it just sounds too thin in relation the those lovely sounding guitars and keyboard effects.

Oh Yes and FINISH IT 
#7November 13th, 2009 · 09:55 AM
15 threads / 8 songs
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Iszil wrote…
Well, first Fais, what you call an "off-beat rhythm" is something called a syncopated rhythm (that's actually not the word I'm looking for; Marino, help me here: "contratiempo"). Probably you are not used to it cause it's something used in more "elaborated" styles like jazz, alternative rock or (like here) progressive rock. No offense, but it's probably cause you are too used to pop music, which is fine.
Marino, about the sound of the drums, what do you think should be changed?
Thanks for the comments.

            > Iszil

I'm familiar with the term, as well as jazz, and alternative rock music. I don't think I'm 'too used to pop music' as I listen to everything, so I don't think that's it. Maybe I'm not hearing what Marino and Denis are, but it doesn't sound that great to me. I hate giving out reviews like this, but I'm sure you could do better. The guitar sounds too lost in the mix, the synths (I think) don't really add much to the song and sound a bit cheap - for lack of a better word. The only thing I can compliment on is it sort of picks up in the end. But, you have to wonder if the casual listener will stick around that far, when the intro is pretty poor. I'm sure you can work on it to make it better. 

#8November 13th, 2009 · 10:29 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
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fais54 wrote…
Iszil wrote…
Well, first Fais, what you call an "off-beat rhythm" is something called a syncopated rhythm (that's actually not the word I'm looking for; Marino, help me here: "contratiempo"). Probably you are not used to it cause it's something used in more "elaborated" styles like jazz, alternative rock or (like here) progressive rock. No offense, but it's probably cause you are too used to pop music, which is fine.
Marino, about the sound of the drums, what do you think should be changed?
Thanks for the comments.

            > Iszil

I'm familiar with the term, as well as jazz, and alternative rock music. I don't think I'm 'too used to pop music' as I listen to everything, so I don't think that's it. Maybe I'm not hearing what Marino and Denis are, but it doesn't sound that great to me. I hate giving out reviews like this, but I'm sure you could do better. The guitar sounds too lost in the mix, the synths (I think) don't really add much to the song and sound a bit cheap - for lack of a better word. The only thing I can compliment on is it sort of picks up in the end. But, you have to wonder if the casual listener will stick around that far, when the intro is pretty poor. I'm sure you can work on it to make it better. 


I'm totally aware about the synth's sound. Actually it's a free 2mb VST I found somewhere... Still, I like it. It generates the sound I'm kind of looking for, considering I don't have a real synth.
About the guitar sound you are right; I have to thicken it up. I'll probably re record it.
It's funny that you don't like the intro but like the verse/chorus part, cause that simply make stronger the idea that you are to used to pop music, or more than that (for that's not proper to say), that your tastes goes more in the pop music style. I actually love the first part of the song and I really think when the singing part starts (that's the "smooth" part of the song for: singing) is just average but it generates the atmosphere I want. As I said it's just about tastes.
As Marino mentioned, this is progressive rock - more precisely, neo-progressive rock - and it's not for everyone. Most of people simply don't understand it; I'm not talking about my work, but about the style. This specific tune goes in the line of IQ, The Flower Kings, Galleon, that are actually quite "pop" for the prog rock. Fais, I dare to listen to Gentle Giant, Area or the early Yes stuff; you'll love it . Although, I can say I won a battle few years ago with one of my prog songs ( Mental Trap), so I guess sometimes it gets closer to the public than what you think.
Anyway, thank you for your comments.

             > Iszil
#9November 13th, 2009 · 06:06 PM
15 threads / 8 songs
322 posts
'Differen't strokes', etc.
#10November 13th, 2009 · 08:04 PM
15 threads / 8 songs
322 posts
On second listen: The drums aren't off at all. Sounds pretty good. Ha Ha, sorry.
#11November 14th, 2009 · 09:21 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
fais54 wrote…
On second listen: The drums aren't off at all. Sounds pretty good. Ha Ha, sorry.

Many people can't get into some  Jazz styles, it was the same for me when I was in my teens, but after playing with some pro players in my thirties, I understood it better and indeed love it now
#12November 14th, 2009 · 03:05 PM
50 threads / 32 songs
292 posts
The swing tempo was a bit hard for me to wrap my head around at first, but I got used to it and naturally started to bob my head to it.

Quality is great, equalization is great too. The drums are pretty well written as well - if anything, change the sound of the bass drum because it seems as if the snare is being played in a large stadium, whereas the bass drums sounds like it's being played in a room. However, with the right speakers, I think this could pass off as well - the "kick" sound gets covered over when the guitar plays chords, which isn't as much of a problem for me.

The heavy chords near the end are great; love that sound.

#13November 15th, 2009 · 01:56 AM
117 threads / 55 songs
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re: re: The Lost Project
swordfish wrote…



Answering that questing - running the risk of sounding pedantic - no, I haven't dropped it, but I kinda aware that I'm in a higher level than them, and somehow they know too, that's why I make basically the 95% of the composition/arrangement work there. There are not skilled players - neither I am - but we have tastes and a friendship in common and somehow I like how it works. Iszil is one sound; Crack (my band) is a totally different sound - with some roots in common - but a different feeling, and that's basically because my band mates make my compositions go into another path. That's why I like my band.
Well, after that explanation - one I felt I had to do: I owe it to my band - I just say thank you for the positive feedback. It'll probably take a while until I start recording this again as I have to fix my guitar and that will probably be after X-mas. Sorry for the ones that really wanted more out of this.

              > Iszil
#14November 15th, 2009 · 10:49 PM
8 threads / 2 songs
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United States of America
rock n rooooll! m/
For real though, this sounds great, I want to hear the lyrics. It's very 90s sounding imo, but I mean that in a good way, very rocking with an awesome guitar.
I'd like to hear the song finished some time
#15November 15th, 2009 · 11:14 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
You should totally revisit this track this rocks..I came for another listen...
By the way I see you quoted Swordy but I don't see his original post..Im confused!
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