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#16April 18th, 2009 · 01:22 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
thanks for those great ideas denis! ill try those out! yeah usually im pretty comfortable with the guitar, but it takes me a while to get everything else in time with whats in my head lol.
#17April 23rd, 2009 · 04:36 AM
77 threads / 31 songs
353 posts
Really cool intro. Good vocals.. And I think all the guitar parts are really nice.
All in all I think you did a great job on this one.
#18April 23rd, 2009 · 12:26 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Thanks kine!

My teacher just graded it I got 133% on it!!! (45/40 or 20/15...its one of those...i forget).

Thanks so much for your support guys, this would not have been possible without your help! thanks!!
#19April 29th, 2009 · 01:19 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
I just wanted to say that while I was experimenting with the recording techniques that I used on this song, I found some brilliant ways to record some of my new ideas. New stuff coming soon.

Also, my teacher was spreading this around to her students and other teachers, so it turns out that the teachers want to use the lyrics for a newsletter and all this other stuff. Its so exciting!!!
#20April 30th, 2009 · 04:48 PM
2 posts
United Kingdom
I think everyone's pretty much helped give a lot of constructive criticism, and there's not much really I could add. Seeing as I don't have a lot of experience =P
But from what I can tell, this is actually a really great song, and your vocals go well with the song, as well as all the effects you've added, which gives the whole surreal sound. I enjoyed listening to it! Keep up the good work. For you to have done everything on this is pretty amazing.
It's a good reflection of the Holocaust, and WW2, in essence, and since I haven't read the book "Night" I can't comment on if it's a good portrayal of the book. In any case, keep rockin' dude! =D
#21April 30th, 2009 · 04:56 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Thanks so much for listening and reviewing. I appreciate any comments and help anyone can give, even if its been stated 70 times. (I might be a little thick sometimes lol)

#22May 6th, 2009 · 12:54 PM
9 threads
98 posts
United States of America
You know. I just listened to this song again this morning and I realized that the part where the solo comes in along with the drums and FX it sounds very very good. the beats and tempo and all that in my opinion, are matched perfectly at that point. That part was really cool though. I mean, the entire song is good. But at about 4:20 or so that's when it gets very good.
#23May 6th, 2009 · 01:12 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
awesome thanks zach. yeah i think the song really blends together there pretty well. thanks for listening again!
#24May 6th, 2009 · 02:55 PM
60 threads / 45 songs
149 posts
United States of America
I like the heart beat and the dogs diid u do all of it in fl
#25May 6th, 2009 · 06:19 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
no i did it in audacity actually. i think it turned out pretty good. for a few of the effects i went to www.freesound.org and edited them in audacity
#26May 22nd, 2009 · 03:12 PM
89 posts
Well first, and I have to say it, I quite liked the song... rough, true, but I have always been a fan of rough work.  Second, you did some of that with Audacity?  Ok now maybe I am confused, are you on a Mac?  And on the off chance yes, kudos because I have used Audacity for the Mac and I'd stab my eyes out before I could handle developing what you did in that calibre of program.  You earned your grade:  well thought out, developed, and (timing aside ) I thought it progressed nicely.

Some advice from my all too inexperienced personal catalog?  Keep working the voice, but don't choke it.  Think of your vocal chords as focusing, not creating the sound.  That may seem silly, but find someone to explain the larynx (etc) anatomically to you.  And before the obvious is pointed out...I know I am terrible for it

Huge progress, you're sounding great.
#27May 22nd, 2009 · 04:09 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
hey thanks man! im on a pc not a mac, but what i did was i got some sounds from freesound.org and created the rest with my guitar and keyboard and created soem eerie sounds, and then i mixed them together in audacity and set them to come in and pan them to wherever i saw fit. it took me like 2 weeks or more i think to finish everything.

thanks for listening and im still working on my voice a lot! thanks!
#28May 26th, 2009 · 03:40 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
This has a real bob dylan'esq protest song vibe to it... yes there are some timing issues but with a little work this could really be something!
#29May 26th, 2009 · 06:08 PM
15 threads / 14 songs
140 posts
United Kingdom
The soundscape at the beginning is very good- I very much like the dark synth sound over the top.

The vocals are confidently delivered.

The out of time guitar line is very distracting, unfortunately. I get that there was some intention in this regard but to pull something like that off (I assume along the lines of the piano in NIN's 'Something I Can Never Have') requires a very high level of skill and is perhaps a little ambitious just now. I would suggest that if you brought the guitar in time with everything else this could be a pretty good song without the need for this particular technique.

Compositionally, this is really good, and I say that without taking into account anything of your age or experience.

The production seems pretty good also- a couple of balancing issues maybe, but other than that, the recording and mixing seem fine to my ears.

Well done.
#30May 26th, 2009 · 07:46 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Thanks MAP! i appreciate the listen!

ktartandude wrote…
The soundscape at the beginning is very good- I very much like the dark synth sound over the top.

The vocals are confidently delivered.

The out of time guitar line is very distracting, unfortunately. I get that there was some intention in this regard but to pull something like that off (I assume along the lines of the piano in NIN's 'Something I Can Never Have') requires a very high level of skill and is perhaps a little ambitious just now. I would suggest that if you brought the guitar in time with everything else this could be a pretty good song without the need for this particular technique.

Compositionally, this is really good, and I say that without taking into account anything of your age or experience.

The production seems pretty good also- a couple of balancing issues maybe, but other than that, the recording and mixing seem fine to my ears.

Well done.

I really appreciate this helpful advice man! I suppose I was pretty ambitious to attempt something like that with the guitar, and I really have learned QUITE a lot from this. I think over the summer Ill do another take at this song, maybe expand it more, make it more playable for live audiences....but yeah i think I'll try and do another take but this is as good as it gets for now.

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