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#16July 12th, 2007 · 12:32 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
what do you think ya get in the back room of the
bar at closing time after last call?? Alot of hot air!!!!


yea, if this studio ever get's straightened up, loard
help us with the finished product..

cleaning up the junk off the hard drive too.. that's
supposed to help a whole bunch as well.. even supposed
to help with the latency problems just as much..

but yea you're right bro...
#17July 13th, 2007 · 04:59 PM
177 threads / 27 songs
2,345 posts
United Kingdom
re: lol
Emotion music..............
this is a killer ...............
the end is a bit ragged
but the song is so kooooooooooool
made me cry ................ that's a first

#18July 13th, 2007 · 05:03 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
thank you John.....

I don't know what else to say.. what an honor!!!


Danny - BluEyes

p.s. check both my myspaces.. the bio page is
www.myspace.com/180698077 and the artist
page is www.myspace.com/iamblueyes....
I hope you enjoy..
#19September 14th, 2007 · 02:49 AM
17 threads / 3 songs
185 posts
United States of America
i missed this one first time around
love the idea you had and how you got it to come across.. it really does sound like several different people just kickin back after the gig and trying to do some playing... Latencey did you get it figured out?  if your audio interface is not clocked into your software ... as in 16 or 24 bit selection and 44.1 khz or whatever you use then you will get pops, clicks and the music will sound off... you need to make sure that your tascam is running at the same as everything else ..they all have to match..  also if you don't have a pretty good computer and your using multiple tracks with effects ..lookout it'll screw with you too..

 I hope you got your stuff straightened out by now.. cause it's been quite awhile since the last post ..

anyway very cool song and i too love your voice.. Us southerners gots that sound
gets highvote
#20September 14th, 2007 · 03:18 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
lol, i love the studio chatter at the start. It reminds me of the start of the disnep song; dumbo, where he says "have you ever seen an elephant fly?... i seen a horse fly... i seen a dragon fly (avec laughter)"

anyway, back to the song, very nice harmonies, lovely singing

#21September 14th, 2007 · 11:36 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
lol Ian..
Thanks Bro..

oh yea like M.a.p. said  "I seen a Spanish Fly!!"

#22September 15th, 2007 · 12:08 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
a stereo cassette deck each track done with the other, then
ping ponged down to the second stereo deck...  then continue
with the same over and over..  thus the hiss - air....  then
play them and capture them to the puter..... 
 I ran anti-hiss on it Map, this was what I came up with..
oi vey...


#23September 17th, 2007 · 06:38 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
wish list..
will I have been known to waste
a little of my time wishing  that
I could turn back time, to when
I was hangin around the 64 track
neve... oh well.. hind sight's 20/20
is what they say..

#24February 1st, 2011 · 04:56 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
Marino, MAP and Gang..
Ya'll heard me speak of my uncle in Mobile,  here's an update since this was posted originally...
 My uncle Willard Lenz passed away Sunday....  his remains were donated in whole to science..
He was one of the most peace loving guys you would ever want to meet..  He served in the
Navy through the Korean conflict, retiring after a full 20 years, then retired with the Press
Registry as the assistant editor...

Peace and Blessings,

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