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#1September 5th, 2006 · 08:06 AM
18 threads / 18 songs
52 posts
All a lie
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It’s in the battle 2006-09

Killercore Antimusic without rules. Dischordant Leadcore EBM transforms into creamy avantgarde.

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#2September 5th, 2006 · 09:44 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Reminiscent of the noisier parts of a Skinny Puppy gig, or worse

Interesting, but very hard to discover structure / meaning. Perhaps intended this way... You could be a discordian... or just very angry? Anyway, I can't dance to this, though the strobes are going wild... some praise for that.

I like the title, but not the screaming inside my head. When I switch to rebel mode I keep a cleaner groove (not less agressive) so more people will listen. But that's just my idea.

Anyway good vote coz I do think you're very creative.
#3September 5th, 2006 · 11:34 AM
48 threads / 7 songs
429 posts
United States of America
i liked it , sounds like somethink i would listen to on a egular bassist, good stuf right here, sounds like something one would mosh to and croud serf i kinda want to now... lol... i agree with the strobe light deal, they are going crazy but you cant dance to this and i dont think you should!
 awsome job high vote from me

paper cut u
paper doll
#4September 5th, 2006 · 03:04 PM
34 threads / 17 songs
581 posts
I'll agree you've got some creativity going here...but still I have to say that the mix makes it very difficult to listen to this...seems like it's eq'd too high or something...there probably is a market for this style of music...so good luck to you!
#5September 5th, 2006 · 05:00 PM
8 threads / 7 songs
60 posts
United States of America
you should get a scholarship to work at IRCAM, man!

much better than what they normally turn out. very intense. like it (not a lie).

not exactly pop 
#6September 5th, 2006 · 05:44 PM
4 threads / 4 songs
145 posts
United States of America
This song would be great to have a flashlight rave to!!!

*whips out flashlight*

#7September 5th, 2006 · 08:53 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
Wound my sox right off....... think you've found the irrefutable  proof to string theory.
Takes you there and back , I'll just step of into the 4th dimension .I really got the message on this one ....excellent plusplus.Listened very carefully and the structure is fantastic , shades of starwars bar scene ,visceral texture made my old amalgum fillings meltdown , smell the ozone.....heroic battle marches and more ...yes
#8September 6th, 2006 · 06:15 PM
25 threads / 22 songs
132 posts
easily the scariest thing on this site,well done for that, not really my cup of tea, but on if i ever feel like going on a murderous rampage ill be sure to download this beforehand!!
#9September 6th, 2006 · 06:54 PM
7 threads / 5 songs
81 posts
Although this is technically quite impressive it is not something I would listen to, simply for the overload of material coming into my head (though I did like the riff somewhere around 0:48 - that could be a cool song or maybe it is already sampled???).  But as I say, I am impressed be it.
#10September 6th, 2006 · 09:44 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
I wish I got this but I don't.Some parts Im like oh ok and then its like wtf is going on.I don't  get it
#11September 7th, 2006 · 03:48 AM
131 threads / 114 songs
295 posts
United Kingdom
the production is really good.... but ow... it's painful... i think my ears are bleeding... 
#12September 9th, 2006 · 05:34 PM
10 threads / 7 songs
78 posts
Trinidad and Tobago
Dude this is amazing off the charts now this is my kind of music I'm downloading this and putting on stepmania (DDR for comp.)
#13September 10th, 2006 · 01:20 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
Holy sh*t!!
Man what's it like inside your head?!

This reminds me of John Zorn's "Naked City", an amazing collection of chaotic instrumental face-slaps that force your mind open so you can see beyond the boundaries of conventional music. I like this composition for its ability to kick me in the nuts and leave me smiling.

The thing is, smile or no smile, I don't want to be kicked in the nuts too often. Still, this is an impressively disturbing hand grenade of a... song (?). (I just realized my imagery has all been violent)

I can't imagine you intended this to be danceable unless this is what they dance to on your planet

Production-wise, I almost don't care. I assume you, of all people, know it's a mile-high stack of samples. I've heard your other stuff so i know this was not random; it was a conscious decision on your part. It's hard to listen to but it's also hard to ignore.

Anyway, thanks for the audio enema. It's cleared the decks (so to speak) and allowed me to re-think what music is to me. I wouldn't want to listen to this often but I'm glad you posted it. Musical anarchy is important to all of us, even if we don't embrace it.
#14September 10th, 2006 · 01:45 AM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
Killercore Antimusic... excellent description.

Rules? What rules?

It drew me in. I had to listen through to the end. Amazing.
#15September 10th, 2006 · 01:48 AM
3 threads / 2 songs
19 posts
United States of America
cool little different off the path abit but i like it
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