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#16December 8th, 2005 · 01:16 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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me, again
i guess i didnt express properly all what i think so i better try to correct all what i said:
i didn't want to insult all the US people, cuz there r nice people there, but i wanted to express the angry i felt cuz of the way Livadream expressed all the bullshit he was thinking. he really was very overbearing and i hate people like that. i've know some US people here in bandamp and they r really nice, but when somebody like Livadreams appears saying al that i really explode. may be what i said or killing and murdering was a bit expreme and inmature, as Livadream himself said, but i was really burning inside . i just wanted a lil repect for other people. Chile is a small country, but i'm proud of being chilean. bigs countries like USA allways have problems like terrorism and that kind of things. i'm proud to live in a country whgere none puts his nose where he dont have to, and we r not ahted but others countries because of our overbearing actitud. he even insulted my flag and i guess none can stand that. i just wanted do speak with the voice of all lil countries who think the same as me ( and i know they r not a few). let's stop all those actitudes that dont take us anywhere and beging to accept other people. i can understand that everyone has their own opinion but when u say smth that pass over the respect for others u must shut it and keep it for urself. i felt insulted with the way u expressed ur feelings. i knwo that the forum is in english and that is needed to speak english, but u can ask the same in a respectful way. i liek to speak english, and love te music in english, but when u speak the way u do, well, is just unberrable. let's try to live in harmony.
Today is the 25th anyversary of John Lennon death; let's aplicate all what he said in his music carrier. MUSIC MUST JOIN PEOPLE; NOT TORE THEM APPART. we all here r music lovers, and i guess we shouldn't be fighting for smth that has nothing to do with music, but when u thing like said i felt in the obligation of defende myself and my country.
Livadream, when i first red one of ur post, before all this, i realized u were not a "nice" guy...u allways was rude and had a bad actitude. try to change that and be a bit more nice. i've recived mails from people who support all what i said, and people u think u should't be here, even some post in this forum says that!... what the idea of making urself hated and dispiced by people. try to change ur actitud. i dont want to be in this possition with u but it seems u were looking for it. i'll try also to calm myself before write the thing i wrote, but u must try not to be such rude. the main aim of this forum is to integrate muscians and share opinion, not to fight cuz of the language, so let's try to mke this over. i'm trying to be wise and clear with my words, so then everybody understands. all this is being quite childish, and guess we all r very grown up to keep with this on. i was tought how to be respectful with others; hope u were the same ( smth u r not showing till this time) and learn to be accept and allsy try to being accepted.
i must ask pardon for some of the thigs i said that was really rude and that were not needed to say. i was really angry and didnt measure the words i was writing. hope u all understand my position and try to forgive if in anytime u felt touched in a bad way by my speaking. Livadream, hope u r mature enough to undestand me and to learn smth of all what i said. i dont wanna have any "enemy" in here, cuz that shouldn't be. were r all in the same band: the music lovers.
well, it's tiem to say goodbay, i wish u all a nce year-ending, and ahve a nice time with ur families and the people u love. leave all ur problems in the past and learn to be fraternal.

PS: i dont like beer. rather drink vodka with orange or ron with coke...if we sit to drink smth like that, fine!... ahh!, u said i dtarted this, well i guess u were the one who insulted me and my country...even all not-USA-people and i responded u... just that!
#17December 9th, 2005 · 05:27 PM
13 threads / 1 songs
408 posts
United States of America
Very well said Iszil. I think what you have said is very honorable and I respect you all the more.
I hope you have a good New Year's too...and I believe you meant "rum with Coke"
#18December 9th, 2005 · 06:44 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
thanx for understandig!

PS: srry, i forgot that in english is "rum"... in spanish is "ron" (language problems...lol!)
#19December 9th, 2005 · 08:58 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
lol... that's nice...
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