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#1October 12th, 2012 · 10:52 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
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black keys
For "Black keys" I've used footage from the "Sculpture park" on "Schloss Steinhausen" in Witten which are crafted of serpentine stone by artists from Zimbabwe under the label "Shona-art".

#2October 12th, 2012 · 12:37 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Yes - this one works well.
Like the effects used, more importantly your music went well with the video.

My only criticisms are some of the video shots were out of focus? perhaps you left it on manual focus.  Also some of the lateral movements were slightly too quick, my eyes strained a little. It may be an idea to do smaller sections of a lateral shot, or if your camera allows you to take several shots into one frame, your editing software can take care of the rest.

Do you have a tripod? - better to use that for a lateral video shots, they are quite cheap, I was lucky I got given one. You know me ULI always keen on a Bargain.

Well done - your videos are improving
#3October 13th, 2012 · 03:25 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Tnx a lot, Denis, for your detailed feedback. Itīs quite important to learn what works and what doesnīt.

Denis wrote…
some of the video shots were out of focus?

I had (have) massive PC probs when I worked on it. Rendering is WAYYYYY too slow
   -3:15 hrs for this 5 min. clip-.      
For some reason audio and video tracks arenīt synchron the longer the video durates.
The marks, effects, cuts etc. I set on the timeline arenīt at the same place after rendering. There can occur a difference of ~ 1 sec.
So I tried to correct the timeline-marks again and again and rendered again and again more than 10 times (3:15). Occasionaly my PC crashed also a few times.
Definately no fun.
Finally I moved the timeline marks a few frames towards and now every cut, effect, transition etc is spot on. But itīs not the same as on the timeline preview.
Horrble, unexplainable.
Due to the effects on some clips it may be caused in using time lapse function. I let the clips run faster and when Iīm adding effects it comes to this "flickering" effects on lateral movements. Til now I have no clue how to avoid or reduce this artifacts.

Denis wrote…
Do you have a tripod?
Yes, I have. But I didnīt carry it on my bicycle when riding through the nature.
Iīm carrying already my Rucksack on my back and itīs no place to take a tripod.

Guess I need to bring back my PC to the shop. Still having warranty .

Tnx again for helping

Uliver Stoned
#4October 13th, 2012 · 04:47 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
ULI wrote…
Tnx a lot, Denis, for your detailed feedback. Itīs quite important to learn what works and what doesnīt.

Denis wrote…
some of the video shots were out of focus?

I had (have) massive PC probs when I worked on it. Rendering is WAYYYYY too slow
   -3:15 hrs for this 5 min. clip-.      
For some reason audio and video tracks arenīt synchron the longer the video durates.
The marks, effects, cuts etc. I set on the timeline arenīt at the same place after rendering. There can occur a difference of ~ 1 sec.
So I tried to correct the timeline-marks again and again and rendered again and again more than 10 times (3:15). Occasionaly my PC crashed also a few times.
Definately no fun.
Finally I moved the timeline marks a few frames towards and now every cut, effect, transition etc is spot on. But itīs not the same as on the timeline preview.
Horrble, unexplainable.
Due to the effects on some clips it may be caused in using time lapse function. I let the clips run faster and when Iīm adding effects it comes to this "flickering" effects on lateral movements. Til now I have no clue how to avoid or reduce this artifacts.

Denis wrote…
Do you have a tripod?
Yes, I have. But I didnīt carry it on my bicycle when riding through the nature.
Iīm carrying already my Rucksack on my back and itīs no place to take a tripod.

Guess I need to bring back my PC to the shop. Still having warranty .

Tnx again for helping

Uliver Stoned

You could try disc clean up followed by a degrag, I use a free software called defraggler http://www.piriform.com/defraggler , it's much better than the windows one. Also, there are so may Video formats, I'd reasearch what works best for your set-up.
You could convert it the video using another great free video converter tool http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video_free/
#5October 14th, 2012 · 03:44 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Tnx, Denis for the tips, but Iīm shure my probs havenīt to do with filled hard disc or wrong video format. Have checked out diverse codec packs.
My hard disc isnīt very filled, I defrag it every week, but it doesnīt help.
In PD 10 I can choose any format I want......but nothing changes.

Guess, Iīm going to reset my PC briefly and when some of the probs occur again Iīll bring it back to the shop cuz there more probs than the described issues.
Everything which has to do with graphics doesnīt work propely :
VLC player doesnīt play m2ts-files. Just frozen or blocky pics.
Irfan view plays the files but no audio.
Winamp delivers stumbling pics.
WMP is the only working player on my PC.
Internet vids as youtube loading slowly, stumbling in the beginning.
When I move the mouse over the screen, internet movies begin jolting and CPU runs up to 30-40 %. 
Sites building up slowly, delayed mouse gestures.
Online games donīt run smoothly.
And the best of all : Sometimes screen begins flickering, showing partial segments which look like barcodes.

I just can see 2 options : either I captured some malware or the machine is corrupted.
But after some complete system checks my puter says always that everythingīs running fine. Avira says: Puterīs free of malware. 

Slowly Iīm gonna believe having a digital ghost here, cuz every digital device doesnīt work properly. Not my cellphone, not my dvd recorders, not my PC, not my multitracker when it was new.............................spooky , he?
No, frustrating, deprimizing, annoying, resignating.

Brave new comuter world
#6October 14th, 2012 · 06:00 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,841 posts
Does your PC show the same behaviour in Safe Mode?
Have a look into the registry's Run and Run Once entries. Msconfig shows you any shit which is started when you start the computer. You can tweak it there. I never would use 3rd party progs to "configure" my system.
Is your HDD and controller driver updated?
Have you heard of SSDs? These disk drives are very fast because they are made of memory chips instead of rotating plates with mechanical disadvantages
Did you ever think about using a Mac instead of a Windows PC? A Mac is ten times faster than a PC because they are made for graphics and multimedia but too expensive to write a simple letter or do some calculations.
#7October 14th, 2012 · 07:14 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
Does your PC show the same behaviour in Safe Mode?
Have a look into the registry's Run and Run Once entries. Msconfig shows you any shit which is started when you start the computer. You can tweak it there. I never would use 3rd party progs to "configure" my system.
Is your HDD and controller driver updated?
Have you heard of SSDs? These disk drives are very fast because they are made of memory chips instead of rotating plates with mechanical disadvantages
Did you ever think about using a Mac instead of a Windows PC? A Mac is ten times faster than a PC because they are made for graphics and multimedia but too expensive to write a simple letter or do some calculations.
Good advice TK - I know when I got a second hand lBM lenovo laptop refurbished that had newly installed windows, it clashed with certain programs. An online technician gained remote access, deleted many unwanted, unrelated programs, Msconfig start up deleted all the programs. It now runs super smooth and is even faster and more efficient than my PC, which has a faster processor. I think I'll get a Mac next for my main PC, makes sense.
Perhaps ULI you can do the same with your PC, get an online technician to gain remote access.
#8October 14th, 2012 · 11:54 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
Reading your list of issues it sound like your system needs a complete overhaul. 
What graphics card do you have ... or did you mention that ?
Is it capable of running the newest programs? Drivers up to date?
Processor is also important ... obviously
You on 7 or still behind your ZimmerframeXP?
Keep system clean with minimal programs in the background .... get to know thy system !
Startup in Msconfig in Run box is a good tip ... regular defragmentation is also a good tip.
Your HD has space you say
Are you using Cyberlink for your editing ? .... I rendered a video once to AVI, it filled my whole HD ... literally took up all the free space I had ... it was a serious case of WTF!
If you are using Cyberlink .... mine had a virus embedded in it or I had malware that hid in the Cyberlink folders.
The truth is that are so many programs out there, free ones, on line ones, hacked ones, try outs ... enough to do what you want to do in any case.
Though your system does sound like it's in need of attention

Love the video , effects are really cool and flow (albeit not as you programmed) with the music.
Bloody hell you dare ... I would not walk around a gallery like that with a video camera! lol
You use a lot of stills .... just an idea, a 'video journey' around certain pieces, to the music of course , with the same effects, would have also worked ... it would make it more of a presentation video, with music .... you could sell it to the artist and gallery as promotional material.
#9October 15th, 2012 · 05:27 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Tnx a lot, guys. Some interesting tips.
@ Denis: I never used an online tech via remote. No clue how to do.

@ Tk: hab gestern mal in msconfig gekuckt, aber das schreckt mich alles ziemlich ab. Keine Ahnung , was davon wichtig is o. was abgeschaltet werden kann. Was Safe Modus is, weiss ich auch nich. Hab versucht, die Startkonfiguration zu ändern, so daß nur die nötigsten Programme hochgefahren werden, aber irgenwie is immer wieder auf die vorherige Einstellung zurückgestzt worden. Das Avira hat wohl auch noch dazwischengefunkt, (kein Audiodienst z.B.) so daß plötzlich alles anders aussah. Irgendwann hab ichīs wieder so hingefummelt, wieīs war, hab dann aber verschreckt die Finger davon gelassen. Kann nich unterscheiden zwischen wichtigen Startprogs und Diensten.

@ Kings: I purchased PD 10 premium on ebay from a regular online shop and good reputation, new, incl.CD and book, for 30€ instead +70€. When I rendered my first vid with it the SVRT option was displayed and available (smart video rendering technology) for fast rendering. When working on my second vid  I clicked on a small CL-window saying to download patches.
Couriously I did so, nothing special happend. So I continued my editing work and after a while ..........crash....blue screen. Couldnīt switch off the PC, only pulling the plug. After restart I could continue my work. But THIS was the day when SVRT wasnīt displayed anymore
But a small blue "info"-icon appeared which said by clicking on it that a certain codec pack is lacking and I can download it from the AMD website. I did so but nothing changed. Few days ago I repeated this procedure .....no change. No SVRT. Mmmm..
Strange, yes?  A malware idea came also in my mind. I de- and reinstalled the prog...
no change. Now I donīt have any idea can be wrong.

Glad you like the vid. Wasnīt a prob to make fotos/ clips there.
1 . Itīs not a conventional gallery or exhibition or museum. Itīs a private person whoīs contucting the old castle / gastronomy / gallery / sales.
2. I asked for permission of course, so I didnīt need that much "chuzpe". hihi. 

My system is updated regularyly/ automaticly, Avira every day update, every week a system check. Defragging every week, but not needed. Donīt have many datas on my PC.

Here tech specs:

#10October 15th, 2012 · 08:06 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,841 posts
ooops AMD (!!!!)

Download Teamviewer (personal edition for free) and ask someone whom you will grant access to your computer

Better you talk with "him" during that remote session and you can watch in realtime what "he" is doing on your computer. If you're not sure about it you can close the session at any time you want. It's that easy like one step forward to do the jump of your life from the stratosphere.
#11October 15th, 2012 · 02:56 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
@ Denis: I never used an online tech via remote. No clue how to do.
This where some can work on your PC - They will be able to display your desk top on their own computer and navigate, very clever stuff - Obviousely you would only use a tusted source - Most Computer companies will have a tech department that can do this. Are you able to phone their tech department?
#12October 15th, 2012 · 03:16 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Loved the video and music...I think you're taxing the Pc with more than it can handle with all the awesome effects you have put together...but that's only my thought on the matter!
#13October 15th, 2012 · 06:15 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
Oo!  Hewlett-Packard .... and an AMD  ..... scary !
I dont know what to do with this set up ... I actually hate both, H-P computers and AMD processors   LOL
But icons telling you to update are not a good sign
Any other strange behaviour ?
#14October 16th, 2012 · 02:30 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Whatīs wrong with AMD? Iīve seen a MAC in the store which has AMD chips built in.
Apropos MAC : I thought about changing to a MAC, but itīs toooo expensive, especially for my few employments.
Which setup would you recommend ?

Other strange behaviour ? Tons. 
One example : some (simple) online games donīt run smoothly, stutter when moving the mouse. Games from "my play city.com" run best. No prob, no stuttering, no flickering.
#15October 16th, 2012 · 02:58 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
If it's under warranty send it back, or phone their tech department. Sounds like your PC has a permanent problem.
I've got an HP PC running dual core pentium processor 2.7 ghz 3gb ram - runs as smooth as water off a ducks back. I also recently purchased a second hand IBM Lenovo T400 from a quality PC company, paid about Ģ160.00 - it's the bees knees - dual core 2.4 ghz, it works well with Cubase 5, not tried rendering any videos, but it runs quick and flawlessly.
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