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#1January 24th, 2008 · 01:49 PM
2 threads
2 posts
United States of America
i hate the radio...
It seems to be the same old mess over and over. Where the heck is the talent? I gave up on the radio years ago (although some indie stations out of Los Angeles play a completely different deal...it's still overplayed) and turned my attention to the web to find the REAL music. Myspace's music section definitely has an amazing selection with at least a million artists signed up with their music, tour dates, band shots, even the ability to buy their singles or even the whole CD digitally. There's so much unfound/unexposed talent in the local/indie music scene out there that deserves some recognition! If your band or a band you know deserves some exposure, the guys at Alpine (the car audio co.) are currently holding a contest to help you out! They're giving away $18,000 in prizes, a car audio system hookup and some major coverage to the band who pulls in the most votes...all you need to do is head over to their site at http://www.rockthedash.com/, register your band, upload your songs, and get your fans to vote! I'm working with Alpine to try to get the REAL music and talent back into the scene, so check it out! And for those of you registering your band, good luck guys! 
#2January 24th, 2008 · 02:33 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
mmm.. see, the problem with "real music" and getting it back into the scene, so to speak, is that as soon as it gets there, it's the fad.  It *becomes* the next beaten path, something that would possess every radio station.

in short, it would beome just as annoying as the music on the radios is now.  it's like the republican / democrat battles for political offices... There's a good reason why power bounces back and forth between the two parties.. Once we've had one party in an office for a while, people get antsy and restless.  They want change.  wanting the change isn't bad, but to think that such a change would bring an absolute resolution to all problems is rediculous.    impossible.

I'm with you, in thinking that the radio music is pretty terrible, if only for the fact that each station out there (particularly rap stations) have a playlist of about 4 songs.. BUT... I'm telling you, and anybody else on here, that as soon as the biggest bestest undiscovered band were to hit the radio then they'd get fans and attention and money and yada yada, but they'd only become the new conversation piece to hate on.

and then a new group would arise from the underground to replace our new radio configuration with yet another one (which very well might be the "old" one that we have right now.)

just my opinion.

the best music is a secret.

but i won't tell anyone that they can't go looking for popular bands or music.  some of it's really good.


#3January 24th, 2008 · 07:22 PM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
...also the link forwards to Alpine's audio systems.  Spam.
#4January 25th, 2008 · 11:05 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
so... does that say anything about how seriously I took his post, that I didn't even check the link?
#5January 25th, 2008 · 04:40 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,965 posts
United States of America
hmm and to think I thought this site was a good venue to listen to indie music.. what was I thinking .. should be on myspace or the alpine thing... hmm nope  ...I like it here.
#6January 26th, 2008 · 12:18 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,394 posts
United Kingdom
toastedgoat wrote…
hmm and to think I thought this site was a good venue to listen to indie music.. what was I thinking .. should be on myspace or the alpine thing... hmm nope  ...I like it here.

Here here!!!!!!
#7January 26th, 2008 · 12:40 PM
27 threads / 2 songs
179 posts
Yeah, that thing just looks like a site trying to make a buck on your backs. 18k in prizes isnt much....considering they likely get them free from sponsors. So they snag your music there and get a viewership or whatever so they can attract more advertisers and make money. I am sure they don't care about what music is on the radio, as long it is played on their radio.

So according to an ancient Chinese saying my granny used to tell me, 'F#ck right off!'

#8January 26th, 2008 · 02:26 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Yea! Fruck off! from my Chinese granny too!!!  

I also followed the link and thought "Unfortunately the Indie musicians I know don't have dashboards like that to put your radios in them!"
#9January 29th, 2008 · 03:43 AM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
kings wrote…
Yea! Fruck off! from my Chinese granny too!!!  

I also followed the link and thought "Unfortunately the Indie musicians I know don't have dashboards like that to put your radios in them!"

Oh, yes, since they're completely oblivious to life outside of McDonalds. =P
#10February 5th, 2008 · 05:22 PM
1 threads
10 posts
United States of America
the radio
Within my group of my peers, I've heard that phrase quite a bit, and I always felt that wasn't true because how else would be able to hear any new music. Wouldn't you be bored listening with the same thing over and over again. The radio is there for a reason. But just standing by that statement, I see what they mean. I see that once that new single is out, then it gets old. Or the rest of the music listening audience begins to see or hear; they see it as new. So I try to stay ahead of the trend. I pretty much can tell what's a great hit [big whoop]. Its okay. The radio is there, but there is always the Internet.
#11February 5th, 2008 · 05:42 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,965 posts
United States of America
I am in a vehicle most of the day. I can't stand regular radio, I listen to either XM , or Sirious (sp) radio. I have both they come with FM transmitters built in so all I have to do is find an open Freq and I have commercial (sorta) radio. With genre specific stations and comedy, news, sport, talk, ect.   I can't stand regular radio anymore. It is like my computer after having high speed cable. I would do without the internet if I had to sit around and wait on dial up.   

  Yes I am kinda spoiled now, but I work hard for my money, I like to have a few cool things.
#12February 5th, 2008 · 07:44 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
906 posts
United States of America
I'm old enough to remember the cool old fm radio stations of the late 60's/early 70's when you had a laid-back dj...probably smoking weed, who would play what HE WANTED you to hear. He would usually be the type of guy who was a freak about obscure or meaningful tracks and he would TEACH you something. Many stations of that era, would play entire albums per sitting. Occasionally I would HATE what they were playing, but I always learned something and expanded my horizons. Now, broadcast radio stations are owned by large corporations who are completely focused on research of demographics and selling airtime (taking every last element of artistry or subjectivity out of it, playing the same old tired stuff over and over, never varying from the norm....absolutely "dumbed down" and depressing for me). I miss the old style of radio, and I find the current quality of fm broadcast intolerable. That is why I either depend on my mp3 player (which has some Bandamp stuff in it),my computer or my XM radio (the XM Broadcasts are vaguely reminiscent of my old fm stations.....its a shame you have to pay for it.....)
#13February 6th, 2008 · 03:31 PM
2 threads
2 posts
United States of America
Did anyone get to check out the Alpine Rock the Dash contest? Again, this is a great opportunity to get your music a lot of exposure (not to mention the $18,000 in prizes and a sweet hookup for the tour van's audio system)! Head to the site at http://www.rockthedash.com/ and register if you want in, if not, let your friends know that may be in a band     Good luck to everyone who enters!!!
#14February 6th, 2008 · 06:38 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
#15February 6th, 2008 · 06:51 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
well, cutoffyourhands, i've finally clicked on your link (it wasn't working last time i tried), and i've been waiting for... (*checks Opera's time counter on the loading of the page* ) 3 minutes now... 3.8mb worth of flash file so far... (that's a huge no-no by the way, for web programming... don't have flash files bigger than a couple mb's at the very most, man... people who are just simply browsing into your site are going to be completely turned off by a load time longer than a minute. 

final count...  4.7mb, 3:56 wait time.  you've completely failed the speed test, in my opinion.  i'm already far more interested in writing this reply than in what's on that website.  in fact, i've now missed the beginning intro part because i was having to keep myself from dying of bordom...

interesting interface... a little crowded for my liking.  it took me a while to even figure out how to push the buttons on the remote properly to change the display.

when i mouse-over on the artist list on the bottom right, the sound effect has such a high bit of treble in it that it actually rattles the back of my throat when i've got my speakers on.  it's inaudible, almost, but it's screwing with me.

it's interesting, really, but not for me.  i find myself writing my music for myself, and not for contests.  I'm pretty sure that only the good musicians out there were the ones who didn't go looking to get famous.

put simply.. i'm just not interested, despite my comment about the site being interesting.

I could remake that flash file for you and reduce the size of it by at LEAST a couple of mb by cutting out the super short & pretty useless introduction that it forces me to sit through a perposterous load time for.  really...  have a "skip this" button or something that would just take me directly to the part that shows me the other contestants and stuff. 

not for me, but hey, you other guys and gals can check it out if you want.
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