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#1September 23rd, 2007 · 06:42 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
Ahhh..Can't you smell that PX interview?
A more relaxed interview…nothing too serious.
PX:it feels odd to be the one being interviewed, I’m used to having these roles switched around

MM:lol you used to do interviews?

PX:part of my education was journalism, so I did conduct quite a number of interviews with near and would be famous people.I studied creative writing - for a while. i suppose its called that, it dealt with all sorts of media, prose, poetry, film, theatre, commercials etc…but the lifestyle that goes with it can be very destructive on your health.

MM:did you enjoy it though?

PX: sure, it was a very interesting time, I learned a lot from it

MM: but if you had a chance to that instead of music,would you?

PX: let me say, its been the character-defining time for me. well, the pressure that time in my life put on my health was actually taking the best out of me, and the foresight of a career as a journalist or other type of creative writer actually didnt appeal too much to me.I would love to be more active on the media front though, but now I don’t have much time to spend since most of my time gets consumed by my job.
#2September 23rd, 2007 · 06:43 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
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Cook Islands
MM:why not just mix music and media at the same time?

PX: as in bandamp, yeah well I’m planning to do some film projects…simple things.. short artsy films with music to it… home productions. I will have to grow a lot into it, but I’d love t oget started. I ordered a very neat computer system suitable to handle the software, I’m waiting for it to arrive…I did a gig a couple of weeks ago, me and Grainshifter (also on bandamp) were doing the music while three VJ’s were projecting their material on screens siding and backing the stage.that was just a great experience, video projections are now definitely high on my wish list for any future show.

MM: if you could,would you quit your job for music,or would you like to keep a balanced mix?

PX: well actually I’d seriously love to have more time for music, since my job isnt very challenging. the point is, I do need to make a living, and making money with music or art in any other way - requires a much more commercial approach to making music.one I don’t really want to get into… I’ve been in a rock band, and we were making a sort of rock that was accessible and didnt have the type of depth that certainly would’ve loved to see being put it…only to get gigs, and to entertain on a “safe bet” level,it’s dispicable lol
#3September 23rd, 2007 · 06:43 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
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Cook Islands
MM: I see where you are coming from…so why do you make music?

PX: because I can, hehe.. I’ve always had access to instruments from very early age on, without any pressure from my folks to do something with it (lesson like).. but they were working instruments, not the crappy toys that cant produce a decent tune…so its always been fun to experiment with sounds… and then me and my brother got access to an old tape deck with a stereo mic and made our own “radio shows” … that was great fun… then at age 11 we got a really nice keyboard with programmable sounds and drums.. simple device, but very addictive. and I got hooked. at age 13 I got this electronic drum thing and learned how to drum… and at 16 I got my first guitar… and soon after a 4track recorder… I just love music… its a great way of expressing one’s “train of thoughts”… a trip, sort of, which you can share with others, especially when it’s danceable.I still have that keyboard…Ive been a little low on recording new material lately, unfortunately.


PX: probably too much stuff going on, maybe I just put in a subconscious sabbatical from music making - over the years, I’ve written and recorded over 600 songs.not at all good,but making something and understanding what you actually made are two very different things.I think I’m now more in the process of learning to understand what I actually made. I’ve been having a lot of new inspiration, just not the intention to put it to record. I will, eventually , but I don’t know when yet.
#4September 23rd, 2007 · 06:44 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
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Cook Islands
MM:I think that’s a really good method,since most people just throw music out there,and sometimes don’t really understand what they said.I think you may be one of the very few who actually do that…

PX:hmm, I don’t know when you’re talking about commercial music, that is just a very different type of thing. commerce is the devil! lol… not really, but making money and giving meaning to a piece of art are two worlds apart, worlds that will never truly meet

MM:well it is great to see someone trying to make them at least see each other,you know?

PX: yeah, I guess so.. I wish I knew how to make money with music but I guess I will always make something that cannot be united with sales numbers LMAO
MM:no,I am sure you will be able to make money one day

PX: I need to do more gigs and then we’ll see. gigs atleast unite the worlds of outgoing fun and artistic intensity, it’s the only real way I like to go out, hitting the stage. I love a good dance floor every now and then, but making live music can’t be beat by anything.
#5September 23rd, 2007 · 06:44 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
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Cook Islands
PX:well when I was young I was dragged to one of those gothic/industrial party things… hadn’t been there before, and i went there with someone who hadn’t been there before either… so we kinda both started to grow into it at the same time, and we did form a band too. I discovered Skinny Puppy as a band that made a huge impact on me(young, young, ha ha .. i was like 17 or so)so I bought a CD (The Process) and I got completely hooked. the mixture of electronics, vocals and guitar work was just great so I bought a decent drum machine and started to experiment a lot.not that i hadn’t done that already but I guess that was when my music became darker and i dyed my hair black.

MM: who do you mainly look up to?

PX:I often find myself looking up to people who seem to have found their exact place in life, doing what they do best and doing it with heart and passion. I always hope I can be in a similar position on time. but I don’t “idolize” people. Sure I look up to my father, because he’s a very good man, and has always had lots of patience and good advice, but he isn’t flawless. no-one is. The man in the mirror isn’t. But those who do what they know is best to do and do it with skill and determination, is something I seriously admire. LOl… god that sounds —–

MM:no,it makes perfect sense
#6September 23rd, 2007 · 06:45 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
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Cook Islands
PX:yeah. too bad I get to deal with a lot of people who are rubbish… well it’s part of life I suppose…

MM:yeah..no matter where you go you always get those idiots…

PX: I mean seriously, I learned the hard way to be the way I am, or maybe not everyone can perceive the signals that tell you to bug off if you’re being a [insert foul language]sometimes i don’t understand why so many people cannot read the signals that tell them to just adjust a little.. you know…that s how I wrote Burning to Rebel :P

MM:well not everyone can,and sometimes we have to be accepting of that fact I guess

PX: If you cant beat em, BURN em!

And the rest from here was just random conversation lol
And thanks Puppet for the interview!!It was awesome!
#7September 23rd, 2007 · 10:11 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
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United States of America
#8September 23rd, 2007 · 10:31 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
Fantastic! It's great to see Pup get his dues. He's an interesting guy with a story to tell... and I enjoyed reading it! By the way, Meow., you're a damn good interviewer, too! Really good work!
#9September 23rd, 2007 · 10:34 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
it was an interesting convo!!!
I got a song and a lot of facts out of it too :]
Aww..bc..I'm not that great!
And I try my hardest ^________^
#10September 24th, 2007 · 09:17 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Thanks, Meow, it is an honor to be interviewed really. I'm looking forward to read more of your work!
#11September 24th, 2007 · 12:19 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
No,it was an honor interviewing you!
Thanks again PX :]
#12September 24th, 2007 · 02:54 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
very very ....
#13September 24th, 2007 · 03:09 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Good Stuff !! 
Love these interviews of yours Meow, this needs it's own forum !

[edit] You could have your own site !!! lol
You could sit there interviewing loads of people at the same time, throwing questions at them and putting their answers in the appropriate threads!  Bit like a blog but different
#14September 24th, 2007 · 03:16 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
TK:Very what?
Kings:Thanks :]
I actually do have a blog of this stuff.Just in case it gets lost in the vast darkness of the pit.
Own site?I forgot how to make one..but hey I could ask around you know....
#15September 24th, 2007 · 05:08 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
Want to use bandamp.us ? 
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