#1April 20th, 2007 · 10:01 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
Im just jumpin up and down.......

Dump the battle please.............


replace it with something better........................after debate


#2April 20th, 2007 · 10:08 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
I have to agree.  I have alot of questions about the battle.  Maybe its all there to be read about but isnt that

taking away from the whole experience?  It should be straight forward and simple to participate.  The criteria

should be obvious at first glance.  Where do these percentages come in at?  A couple of my songs have them the

rest don't?   I think if the rating process was easier and more OBVIOUS then we would see a larger

participation.   They overall lack there of is very frustrating.
#3April 20th, 2007 · 10:23 PM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
Re: Battle
Hold your horses fish.

There is a solution...

(That's aimed at the people who don't really vote too much...)

If you don't vote and you're in the battle, the votes will be low, and people won't be bothered voting for you.

As I said on your crossing the states audio review, I think some alternatives have been discussed, although they haven't really been discussed with any officials of the site. So, I think, if we seriously come up with an alternative, we NEED to bring the mods to this thread.

Ok, found the link I was looking for. I think there's some good discussions here:

I'd be happy with anything that works! The battle is below standard atm...

#4April 21st, 2007 · 12:03 AM
13 threads / 12 songs
149 posts
United States of America
battle on bandamp
an alternative to battle is to have different levels of skills(for obvious reasons,there are some heavy hitters  here,w/some sophisticated equiptment not to mention talent)my suggestion is to have the participant rate him/herself then enter the song in the level of choice.for example skill or talent level 1 would be beginner level 2 intermediate,level 3 would be for the heavy hitters.to complicate matters more we would  vote on 3 levels as well(1) for the music,(2) for the vocals/lyric quality(3)for the mix quality.Each of the 3 segments(for lack of a better word) music,vocals,mix would have a point value ,say 1-10 then the average would be the song rate.I know this would take some serious "tuning",but this is  the computer age somebody on band amp with computer knowledge could figure how to do it!!!!No,yes ?Or am I crazy???
#5April 21st, 2007 · 02:15 AM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
Sounds too complicated.
#6April 21st, 2007 · 03:10 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
time limits
no matter if you keep the battle we now know or
change it where it would reflect levels of expertise..
I know I am not the only one that noticed (as a
few have not failed to mention) that there should
be a time limit to how long a song can remain in
the voting before I is removed and the author
has to rework it or at the very least re-enter it..
loosing votes that have been accumulated over
the period set for the time limit..  I myself had
noticed songs that were only now reaching as many
votes as a few of the new ones which have gotten
the same number of votes within only a few weeks
of being in the battle.. hey, I could leave my song a
couple of years too and win...   that is my fifty two
cents worth, on the subject...


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