guantanamo has killed the american sense of HUMANITY |
Since 9.11. the USA government has forgotten/lost its understanding of humanity, democracy, freedom, transparency, civil rights, law and order and all the other ethical worths/values what they are/were fighting for everywhere else in the world.
They´re lying, spying (friends), fighting illegal wars to spread THEIR understanding of democracy and human right.
Obama promised to close Guantanamo but those christian democrats always stopped any attempt to close this illegal KZ. Yes, this is like a KZ. Ignoring american laws, abuse, physical and psycholoical torture,
isolation, force-fed . Everyday life on this lil island.

The following video - produced by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def)- may give you a tiny, small, little impression of what it may mean sitting (perhaps innocent) in Guantanamo and being force-fed against your will .
Hello, NSA, CIA and............ , I know you will read nobody among you guys who find this also double-moral-standard ?????? Is this christian behaviour ??? No doubts in your doing ???
Is no honest, upright Snowden among you who wants just tell the truth ?? No ?? Pitty??
I´m totally nauseated
Watch this and puke.........
I guess I used a bunch of Keywords for the algoritms of their spy-machines........huuuuhuuuu

They´re lying, spying (friends), fighting illegal wars to spread THEIR understanding of democracy and human right.
Obama promised to close Guantanamo but those christian democrats always stopped any attempt to close this illegal KZ. Yes, this is like a KZ. Ignoring american laws, abuse, physical and psycholoical torture,
isolation, force-fed . Everyday life on this lil island.

The following video - produced by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def)- may give you a tiny, small, little impression of what it may mean sitting (perhaps innocent) in Guantanamo and being force-fed against your will .
Hello, NSA, CIA and............ , I know you will read nobody among you guys who find this also double-moral-standard ?????? Is this christian behaviour ??? No doubts in your doing ???
Is no honest, upright Snowden among you who wants just tell the truth ?? No ?? Pitty??
I´m totally nauseated
Watch this and puke.........
I guess I used a bunch of Keywords for the algoritms of their spy-machines........huuuuhuuuu

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