#1December 20th, 2006 · 03:42 PM
1 threads
2 posts
exalt in joy
iam thinkig  not sure confuse  but surely in love with  you  may  just

imagine or delusion  life alineed  strage  sycronis 
be   iam be  may  my love for you  alway  be   on a blessing  day


(The fast words of a great Saint)

Dear friends.
Withdraw the mind from the senses and fix it in meditation. Control

thought-current. Find out the thought-centre; be quiet there. Then you

be conscious of the Divine Self; you will see it dancing in ecstasy.

Live in
that delight. That high delight, consciousness, is the God in you. He

is the
unique one. He is in every heart.

You need not go anywhere to find Him. Find your own core and feel Him

Peace, bliss, felicity, health, everything is in you. Trust in the

Divine in
you. Entrust yourself to His Grace. BE AS YOU ARE. Off with strange

and past impressions. He who lives from within an ingathered Soul-life

is a
real saint, though he may be a householder. He who allows his mind to

with the senses is an ignoramus, though he pretends to be a sage.

See as a witness, without the burden of seeing. See the world just as

drama. See without attachment. Look within. Look at the inner Light,
unshaken by mental impressions. Then, floods of conscious bliss shall

pouring in and around you from all directions. This is the supreme
Knowledge; realise.
Aum Aum!
—Saint Thayumanar

(Translated from original Tamil by H.H. Shuddananda Bha-rathiar, who

with Sai Baba during 1910-18. This gives the essence of the great

Indian saint Thayumanar just before his Mahasamadhi on January 15,


Source Sai Padananda October 1990,
This magazine can be read at www.saileelas.org
#2December 20th, 2006 · 03:44 PM
1 threads
2 posts
be may one day iam blessing you
Have you ever tried to buy an apple from a tree?

(Remembering where we live)

It is easy to see that we exist, the pent up fear about it is obvious

to us.  The problem seems to be that we can only get help from that

which frightens us.  Our minds are full of tools, gadgets and an

undeniable lack of knowledge and self-reliance.  Money is a crutch

that keeps us divided.  We surround ourselves with what it buys while

it zooms around the world through bank computers and out the ends of

our lacking in compassionate fingers.  We can’t remember how to live

without money.  We have to encourage a violent system to get it and

then encourage the system again just to receive our basic needs.

Because of fear and a lack of patience.  But it is ok because as you

are reading this, know that a part of you wrote it and a part of you

is reading. 

The fear of ourselves will deny the violence we perpetrate everyday

and consider someone crazy for suggesting that we stop using money. 

With patience one will consider.  We live on a planet (our home).  We

act alien and destroy it everyday.  Based on the belief that money is

a requirement.  An object worth nothing more than faith and most often

just numbers on a screen.

Everything we have is a manifestation of this planet, or more simply a

collection of cosmic dust.  It keeps our bodies nourished and provides

for itself everything that it needs.  It has manifested itself into a

diverse family of micro-organisms, lichens, mosses, algae, plants,

fungi, insects, fish, invertebrates, reptiles, birds, mammals, and

each of these is a collection of species, all supporting the existence

of one another.  We as humans are a part of this.  We are beautiful

creatures of the everything in face of our fear.  Like our other

brothers and sisters we have our own habits, diets, habitat and

offspring.  We can say that we have denied our existence on a planet

in a solar system in the universe(one song).  We are not different

than everything else, we just get lost in thought.  Watching the other

creatures around us we see quickly that they seem to own nothing but

their innate unconscious faith in existence.  We may see them as being

stupid for not progressing with the rest of us.  Where as they do not

analyze their self worth or think that they are lazy for not going to

school or getting a job.  They are an emanation of harmony. We are


Ask yourself why you would not drink out of the local creek or why we

destroy the forest and other natural habitats rife with food for money

to go to the store to buy some.  Nature does not hoard for there is no

place for nature to go.  Nature and all of its parts are always home. 

Harmony exists. We cannot exist outside of it.  Doesn’t that make us

the most beautiful thing ever along with the rest of the everything.

I am merely expressing what I have seen and how it makes me feel.  Our

division into lonely boxes weakens our bodies and our minds.  Allowing

us to feel helpless in our apparent madness.  Anger and fear do not

make us happy.  Love is real.  We are all lonely.  Realizing this we

lose fear because we are the same.  We all have the same basic needs;

love, warmth, water and food.  These are the basic needs of all

existence and they all exist inside of love.

Practicality is key.  Feeling connected to providing for ourselves and

others is also a key to finding harmony and being happy.  To be

practical we must realize that waste is a human word that really

doesn’t exist.  We are brainwashed monkies in a clearcut forest. 

Distractions keep us from harmony which leads to despair and around

and round.

The earth was given to all of us when we were born unto it.  Private

property is theft. No one part of the forest can own any part of the

forest.  This is an illusion that we must move away from.  Turning the

earth back into the garden of eden is the future.  Growing food

everywhere, eating the wild food known as weeds, sharing food

everywhere, abandoning distraction (ie; cars, television, money, etc.)

is a must.  Recognizing that everything is alive and respecting that

which gives us life is integral.  We cannot be harmonious by defending

suffering (factory farms, oil spills, war, fascism, dumpsters full of

edible food, etc.).  Fear, anger, and hatred have no justification. 

Money hurts us and everything around us.  Food grows from the ground,

water falls from the sky, the sun provides everything with energy.  We

will do what we can to find inspiration.

We will be happy because we exist. Which is a precious gift. We will

remember how to be children and cure our addictions.  We will find

harmony and see what it brings us.

by Daffodil = jesus

oness only truth
#3December 20th, 2006 · 03:47 PM
1 threads
2 posts
i love it   like that
if  you guru  dosent  turn you in a god   is not work  talking to him
be  a dreamer is sweat life is live  like in the honey  pot  in

sweat   live fill   with wath the mass call miracle  but   for me  and

all the awake one 
its just a daily  observation
not many  are able  to experience  many reality    in one time
but is   wath buda theach you   or  at lease   be creating reality as

you walk
that  is  wath  we call   having life
 then that  way no one will  experience  disease    or  stress   or

despair   that  the real truth
belove  and imagine  taht  you are god   à
jhon lenon imagine  is all you need

iam thinkig  not sure confuse  but surely in love with  you  may  just

imagine or delusion  life alineed  strage  sycronis 
be   iam be  may  my love for you  alway  be   on a blessing  day

i love it   like that
if  you guru  dosent  turn you in a god   is not work  talking to him
be  a dreamer is sweat life is live  like in the honey  pot  in

sweat   live fill   with wath the mass call miracle  but   for me  and

all the awake one 
its just a daily  observation
not many  are able  to experience  many reality    in one time
but is   wath buda theach you   or  at lease   be creating reality as

you walk
that  is  wath  we call   having life
 then that  way no one will  experience  disease    or  stress   or

despair   that  the real truth
belove  and imagine  taht  you are god  
jhon lenon  imagine is all you need

all  a have is wisdom  and in reality  is all you need  the  rest  is

misery  that you created you sefl




you are a god
author: cosmic oreder        e-mail: 2012@2012.com.au
ask for
me in no real need walking in a world not wet created thath a tale
scrip by a idiot taht is most be purely fiction but wait where is

the real
as we slowly turning back the machine in the rigth track
on the push of my dream thee fasl president walk away in trembling

hola skywalker real or fiction dont know wath real anymore


god is one
love is the only truth
iam floating betwen two world

the more its weird the beter it is
havenly state
give it some to laugh

so above from donw below
if it not look like fiction most be fasl

you are a god 

 homepage: http://www.2012.com.au/Site.A.html
#4December 20th, 2006 · 05:14 PM
34 threads / 17 songs
581 posts
I think this would be more readable if you picked one subject and stuck with it..instead of trying to philosophize on everything under the sun....there are quite possibly some good items for discussion here...but...what is your purpose?  This is in the "ideas & feedback" thread...so....um.....er......what's your idea exactly and precisely?
#5December 20th, 2006 · 05:20 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I think...
... therefore I am, but

Indeed, what is your idea, and your purpose? would you care to elaborate (preferably in less than 100 words)?

PX (mod)
#6December 20th, 2006 · 05:53 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
It's Spam
Checking the links he is posting, it's SPAM SPAM SPAM!!

       Not wanted....   It especially is not wanted, as it has NO MUSICAL CONTENT..  It is of no use to MUSICIANS!

      Jimk (mod)
#7December 20th, 2006 · 05:57 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
I think it's a misunderstanding of 'ideas and feedback' as 'ideas and beliefs'!

Or maybe it's something we can all get together and do over Christmas?

Pithy wath buda dident theach yoth to writh pothely.
#8December 20th, 2006 · 06:01 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
And any way there quotes : one by a daffodil called Jesus
#9December 21st, 2006 · 01:54 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
so, mr Raccoon, how do you plea?
#10December 23rd, 2006 · 01:47 AM
5 threads / 2 songs
51 posts
well this is a really strange forum..!!
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