#1November 4th, 2006 · 01:33 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
Some of my random thougts...
I'm on a laptop, not used to this crazy keyboard, please excuse any ytypos

Well, for starters, I think we need to get some stickies going, espcialy in the recording. It has  great potential as a forum, but is getting totally bogged down buy generic, un-intuitive questions being asked over and over again.
"Does anyone know any good recording software I can use..."
"Where can I get Fl?"
etc. etc. etc.

It gets tiring, and maakes for a pretty useless forum. So could we compile a FAQ or something and stick it at the top of the page?

Ummm....other things......
pretty random and irrelevant, but PX and JIm should have some indication that they are Mods that you can see when they post, to avoid possible confusion for newer members.

Even more random, my mom shouldn't make me get my hair cut. I like it long.
And my brother got all of my CDsout of alphabetical order! I can't find anything!

I hate touch-screen mouses pads. Give me a real mouse.

Popcorn is too salty.

There should be an underwater radio in the school pool, swimming for three hours every day gets monotonous.

Oh...I guess it's about time to end this post. 
#2November 4th, 2006 · 04:28 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
re: Some of my random thougts...
Oldies324 wrote…
I'm on a laptop, not used to this crazy keyboard, please excuse any ytypos

Well, for starters, I think we need to get some stickies going, espcialy in the recording. It has  great potential as a forum, but is getting totally bogged down buy generic, un-intuitive questions being asked over and over again.
"Does anyone know any good recording software I can use..."
"Where can I get Fl?"
etc. etc. etc.

It gets tiring, and maakes for a pretty useless forum. So could we compile a FAQ or something and stick it at the top of the page?

Ummm....other things......
pretty random and irrelevant, but PX and JIm should have some indication that they are Mods that you can see when they post, to avoid possible confusion for newer members.

Even more random, my mom shouldn't make me get my hair cut. I like it long.
And my brother got all of my CDsout of alphabetical order! I can't find anything!

I hate touch-screen mouses pads. Give me a real mouse.

Popcorn is too salty.

There should be an underwater radio in the school pool, swimming for three hours every day gets monotonous.

Oh...I guess it's about time to end this post.  ;)

I think you should gently cut your bro's hands off so he will never mess with your cd's again! Actually a lil much but I HATE when people mess my dvd's and cd's up. Yes popcorn is too salty and instead of a radio there should be a live band..all female wearing only heels and go oldies ribbons.As for your hair..as long as you keep it clean and combed whats the problem?
#3November 4th, 2006 · 11:07 PM
8 threads / 2 songs
47 posts
well yeah i totally agree that...
these "qustions" can be compiled as FAQs..
it would be great..!!
#4November 5th, 2006 · 02:06 AM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
FAQs??? don't know about that. It would be great to have a "Lessons FAQs" for all the new members... but if they are too lazy to check out the previous post to see if their questions are already answered I find not worthy the time etc.
#5November 5th, 2006 · 02:29 AM
6 threads
138 posts
aetheris wrote…
FAQs??? don't know about that. I would be great to have a "Lessons FAQs" for all the new members... but if they are too lazy to check out the previous post to see if their questions are already answered I find not worthy the time etc. :shake:
then maybe we should gently cut off their hands too.

i monster
#6November 5th, 2006 · 01:56 PM
26 threads
86 posts
United States of America
I don't have a clue where any of my cd's are, the second I get a new cd (a rare occasion really...) I immediately rip it into my library and that's pretty much the only time the actual cd itself is used. The only exception is artists that come out with DualDiscs, and yes I know I could rip the dvd as well but it's still more convenient to actually just use the dvd.
#7November 5th, 2006 · 03:38 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
What's a CD?

   My albums are in milk crates next to my record player...  and my 8-tracks are in the coke boxes, fits perfectly..

  I can get a couple dozen in each box...  awesome....  I have some of those cassette things, but not sure if I like em much.... don't think they'll stick, I thinks it's a fad like those bell bottom pants...  I hope so, the 8-track is cooler, you can skip around so easy between the tracks, and it loops, so it's continuos party music man! 

              Anyway, yeah, the pool definitely should add some Oldies fans singing your praises....  and FAQ things are ok, I guess...  As for people being too lazy to read the previous posts, I kind of agree on that, I mean, there is a search option, and if you use it, you will find most questions have been asked 5 or 8 times... some more than that.... so I agree it does get tiring answering the same queations over and over.. I personally have posted the link http://audacity.sourceforge.net at least 25 times answering the same question "where do I get free recording software?" so, yeah, that would be a good one to put in a FAQ list... we will see what we can come up with....  anyway...  

                  Rock on!! OH, and about the hair thing... I just had to get mine cut because of work, so I know how you feel man...  I liked my long hair... I miss it.... sigh.... oh well....  That's life dude... Long haired freaky people need not apply.... 

#8November 6th, 2006 · 01:35 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I love salty popcorn better than the sweet type, but I like them both. It's just that the salty type doesn't remind me of the dentist all the time.

Touch pads are useful, but I agree they get bothersome after a while. You can easily get an optical usb mouse ofcourse, they're not expensive, but I'm still waiting for the invention of the controller-headband which allows you to just THINK about the movements (or position) of the pointer on screen and it will follow. Better yet, you should just be able to think which programs should do what, and all you have to do is sit back and relax. I'm not sure how far they are developing this, but if it were, say, $300, I wouldn't hesitate to get me one! (provided it does not require regular driver updates from Microsod)

Uh, I like it best when people do not instantly see my moderator status. Whenever I come across an issue requiring "mod" interference, I simple post as "PX (mod)" and I guess that should be clear enough.

Did you guys know btw I accidentally banned myself from bandamp last saturday? (thanks mud for restoring my account)

Hair is good. I got tired of having it very long though, especially after staying sick in bed with a high fever for a week. That stuff turns to rope when you twist n turn being all sweaty all the time... And it sticks to your body when you're trying to sleep, making for an awful itch experience...

And CD's ... I have loads of em, stacked in racks, so-so sorted by "playlist", I guess. I just put some music close together of which I know I'd want to play close after the other. Then there's the good ol' itunes library ofcourse, sorting every track automatically. Put that through the P/A and all will be OK!

Hm, I don't have much time to comment on the stickies/FAQ thing right now, but there is an alternative on the drawing board, I actually had a talk with mud about it. Behind the screens, bandamp is being worked on all the time, doesn't that make you feel good?

I know it makes me feel good.


#9November 6th, 2006 · 06:24 AM
6 threads
138 posts
PuppetXeno wrote…
Did you guys know btw I accidentally banned myself from bandamp last saturday? (thanks mud for restoring my account)

hilarious.....guess its the over time effect. i have a solution for you, its BC idea: maybe you should try gently cutting off your hands                                              
#10November 6th, 2006 · 09:37 AM
34 threads / 17 songs
581 posts
*sorry - I have no idea what you guys are talking about because I didn't read the previous posts* 

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