Cheeky The Nosebleeds (so cool) |
How to make an insult to music.
5 Posh school boys in there last years of 6th form(must have had an over protected and spoilt childhood, you can get these from your local privarate school).
Lots of cash from dady
A bit of Coke(not cola)
A large amount of phone calls to Dadie's connections by Dady
a little bit of over comercialism
Musical training paid for by Dady
Bad Music Taste
Music Equipment paid for by Dady
the result should be as follows
If you end up with Busted you added too much comercialism and forgot the Music Training.
5 Posh school boys in there last years of 6th form(must have had an over protected and spoilt childhood, you can get these from your local privarate school).
Lots of cash from dady
A bit of Coke(not cola)
A large amount of phone calls to Dadie's connections by Dady
a little bit of over comercialism
Musical training paid for by Dady
Bad Music Taste
Music Equipment paid for by Dady
the result should be as follows
If you end up with Busted you added too much comercialism and forgot the Music Training.
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