#1August 11th, 2006 · 03:04 AM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
Reviewers... Claim for your rights!
Just a tought.  Reviewing a song takes some effort and time, plus it's not only aimed to the autor of the song but to everyone who sees it.  So, I don't like to see that some ampers delete their songs as soon as they think they had enough comments.  I guess you can access to the comments left from the audio review forum (?) or from every musician's home, but it has no meaning without the song.

What do you think?
#2August 11th, 2006 · 04:31 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Well yah: this is my personal word of warning to some members: if you are a notorious song deleter, don't expect me to write comments to them. I do put effort in writing something sensible and I never enjoy finding out my observations were lost because the author decided to take the song down. I definately go with aetheris on this one.

By the way, it seems that people who do this have overlooked a few rules we have here:

I quote:
"(...) ... That is to re-record the song in a new & innovative way — taking into consideration your critiques. Once you have substantially improved the song, and would like to give it another shot, you may re-submit your work... Please title this song: “Your Song Name v2.0”.

Please keep in mind, you get two chances, and that is it.

Yeah, consider that!
#3August 11th, 2006 · 07:03 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
PX you speak right out of my mouth.

I regarded some of my posts and the songs which I posted to. And under special circumstances the song was deleted suddenly by the member. And it seemed that the reason was my "non-friendly" comment. Non-friendly means that I talked about missing rhythm, out of sync, instrumentation doesnt fit and other things like that. And anyhow the member felt insulted and deleted his thread. Thats what happened to me.
#4August 11th, 2006 · 07:17 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
maybe  some delete songs  after they have been on for sometime...then the songs are re added once again..( kinda like dusting off the old 45's they accumaltated) and then  see what kinda feedback..if any is giving...from a fresh page...so that the listeners dont have a previous reference to go by  from other post....I hope you get what I am trying to say...If songs were deleted because of bad feedback.....ummmm  there wouldnt be many songs on here...some people have a hard time saying something nice or trying to find something good to say...there is always something positive to say...we just need to find it...as well as the destructive...but, even destructive can somehow be a positve..if stated properly... Rock on

#5August 11th, 2006 · 02:16 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
Flyer I'd be with you if the threads were only for helping the author to improve his/her music.  But as I said before this is not the case.  Feedback is aimed to anyone with the same problemes... or any amper at all.  So when deleting a song, please consider:

1) The work that many people put on your thread.

2) The help you're taking away from a lot of ampers.
#6August 11th, 2006 · 04:21 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
removing old to make way for new
I have deleted a few of my older songs simply because I was sitting with SOoooo many mp3's on here, and I figured I shouldn't be hogging so much server space.. this is a free site, and I figure although there is no limits set by mud to the number of mp3's you can host here, of a song has been on here for a while, and I got the feedback I needed, and I am uploading some more stuff, I will delete a few to try and keep myself under 20 songs... If I am going to re-do a song based on the feedback, I leave it on, and re-do the song, so that one can reference the feedback given on the previous post... I feel it is my duty to show that I care about the feedback I receive...
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#7August 11th, 2006 · 04:27 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I think that's a really good way to do it Jim, and about the 20 songs limit yeah, I wished I could keep myself to that. But unfortunately, I've had some problems deleting songs because it would mean deleting the comments that came with it, too... And they are precious to me.... So I'll leave them on, and try to stay under 30 from now on... Leaving only the songs on here with the most interesting feedback to them on here....
#8August 11th, 2006 · 04:39 PM
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United States of America
as well as the destructive...but, even destructive can somehow be a positive..if stated properly... Rock on

There's a BIG difference in being destructive and offering constructive criticism. I'm hoping constructive criticism is what you were meaning.

One cannot improve without feedback. Positive feedback is great, helps you to know you are on the right track.

But I always learn more by my mistakes, and constructive criticism helps me learn from those mistakes, whether it's my own evaluation or others. It's not always easy to hear, but necessary.

We artists can be quite sensitive to criticism towards us, and our "creations". But the music field is a harsh one, and you won't get far if you take every negative comment personal.

Sure, I may go cry myself to sleep , but once I let the emotions run their course, I go back and see if they were just being mean (IE You SUCK, you are a talentless hack) or if they were being honest and trying to help (IE: guitar is out of tune, bring the vocals forward, it needs a B section, etc.)

If they are just being mean, I choose to ignore them and their comments. If it's someone I respect, I may PM them and ask them what the heck, but otherwise I lose all respect and consideration, and choose to ignore.

If it is constructive criticism, I give the comments weight and consideration. I may or may not chose to act on the suggestion, depending on the direction I'm headed, but at least I give it full consideration.

Granted, I haven't submitted anything to Band Amp, but from what I've seen of the comments here, it's nothing compared to the honest, and sometimes very harsh and even sometimes mean criticisms I endured in college in piano and composition juries. 

If you are wanting to go professional with your art, you best learn to grow a thick skin, ignore mean comments, treasure honest well meaning constructive criticism, learn from them, as the music industry can be very harsh.

Just my 2 cents.

And I too think songs once here, should be kept here, especially if there are newer versions, as folks can compare the 2.
#9August 11th, 2006 · 05:31 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
RaySun2Be wrote…
as well as the destructive...but, even destructive can somehow be a positive..if stated properly... Rock on

There's a BIG difference in being destructive and offering constructive criticism. I'm hoping constructive criticism is what you were meaning.

One cannot improve without feedback. Positive feedback is great, helps you to know you are on the right track.

But I always learn more by my mistakes, and constructive criticism helps me learn from those mistakes, whether it's my own evaluation or others. It's not always easy to hear, but necessary.

We artists can be quite sensitive to criticism towards us, and our "creations". But the music field is a harsh one, and you won't get far if you take every negative comment personal.

Sure, I may go cry myself to sleep , but once I let the emotions run their course, I go back and see if they were just being mean (IE You SUCK, you are a talentless hack) or if they were being honest and trying to help (IE: guitar is out of tune, bring the vocals forward, it needs a B section, etc.)

If they are just being mean, I choose to ignore them and their comments. If it's someone I respect, I may PM them and ask them what the heck, but otherwise I lose all respect and consideration, and choose to ignore.

If it is constructive criticism, I give the comments weight and consideration. I may or may not chose to act on the suggestion, depending on the direction I'm headed, but at least I give it full consideration.

Granted, I haven't submitted anything to Band Amp, but from what I've seen of the comments here, it's nothing compared to the honest, and sometimes very harsh and even sometimes mean criticisms I endured in college in piano and composition juries. 

If you are wanting to go professional with your art, you best learn to grow a thick skin, ignore mean comments, treasure honest well meaning constructive criticism, learn from them, as the music industry can be very harsh.

Just my 2 cents.

And I too think songs once here, should be kept here, especially if there are newer versions, as folks can compare the 2.

I am just curious.......you mention receiving criticisms and what not but I see you don't have anything posted? A different name maybe?

Moving along..........................
I am guilty of deleting songs that I've redone,I never thought about it the way a few have stated in here. I will no longer do it.I really enjoy this site and the input I have received......just last summer I was afraid to sing,couldn't mix properly(still can't) and had no idea how to program drums and use FL. I owe allot to this site and the fellow members...........................TY to all who make the amp what it's supposed to be
#10August 11th, 2006 · 05:31 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
"And I too think songs once here, should be kept here, especially if there are newer versions, as folks can compare the 2." So, make sure you only upload the songs you're willing to see on "your home" for the rest of your life!
#11August 11th, 2006 · 06:04 PM
1 threads
52 posts
United States of America
I am just curious.......you mention receiving criticisms and what not but I see you don't have anything posted? A different name maybe?

While I haven't posted anything here, I did go to the Conservatory of Music, UMKC. Had to deal with piano juries, composition juries, pedagogy class feedback, etc.  and have been involved with performing music for a long time. Mostly amateur, but some professional.

I was a computer programmer for a long time, with peer reviews, QA reviews, etc., as well as yearly performance reviews. Some of which included review comments by manager, peers, and subordinates.

So while I haven't uploaded anything at BandAmp and thus received comments here at BandAmp, I have had a lot of experience with reviews, constructive (and destructive) comments and criticisms.

Plus I've been married for a LONG time. I don't even want to THINK of all the "constructive" criticism I've received over the years in that area alone! LOL!
#12August 11th, 2006 · 06:12 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
Plus I've been married for a LONG time. I don't even want to THINK of all the "constructive" criticism I've received over the years in that area alone! LOL! 

I've been for 11 years so I here ya loud and clear.
#13August 27th, 2006 · 01:19 AM
44 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
Hehehe raysun. Don't delete that marriage!
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