#1July 20th, 2010 · 03:54 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
Marketing BandAMP Albums
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.
The above will direct you to the blog and author, you may find other useful information there to, or simply read below:

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 – Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 – Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience – who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 – Review Other Artists
With each profile – individually begin to review other people’s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 – Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
•    Best of Madonna
•    Great local bands from your hometown
•    Best of Bob Marley
•    Best of the 1970’s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 – Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don’t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 – Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don’t forget to vote for other people’s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 – Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don’t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on “update,” and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don’t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here’s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don’t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that’s when your iMixes will show up
#2July 21st, 2010 · 05:46 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Woah this is awesome Denis! I'm definitely gonna check that out
#3July 22nd, 2010 · 09:39 AM
50 threads / 32 songs
292 posts
I agree with TheKunadiun! Very nicely put together. However, it looks more complicated than I thought...

I guess it isn't after you've already published one album, eh?

#4July 26th, 2010 · 07:11 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 – Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 – Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience – who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 – Review Other Artists
With each profile – individually begin to review other people’s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 – Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
•    Best of Madonna
•    Great local bands from your hometown
•    Best of Bob Marley
•    Best of the 1970’s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 – Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don’t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 – Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don’t forget to vote for other people’s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 – Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don’t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on “update,” and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don’t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here’s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don’t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that’s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........
#5July 27th, 2010 · 04:41 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 � Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 � Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience � who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 � Review Other Artists
With each profile � individually begin to review other people�s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 � Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
�    Best of Madonna
�    Great local bands from your hometown
�    Best of Bob Marley
�    Best of the 1970�s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 � Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don�t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 � Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don�t forget to vote for other people�s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 � Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don�t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on �update,� and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don�t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here�s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don�t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that�s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........

This is the whole point, bandAMP is a small community, by applying quality marketing through bandAMP albums will give our members the recognition they deserve.
Open for discussion......
#6August 11th, 2010 · 12:38 PM
1 posts
United Kingdom
La Roux just featured Japan's 'I Second That Emotion' on her Sidetracked compilation, released today.
It features a bunch of tracks that have inspired her. Check out a sampler here: http://bit.ly/ahbvYo
#7August 12th, 2010 · 01:51 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
nairno you are the epitome of spam. go spread your filth elsewhere...perhaps in the bathroom
#8August 12th, 2010 · 04:48 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 � Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 � Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience � who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 � Review Other Artists
With each profile � individually begin to review other people�s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 � Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
�    Best of Madonna
�    Great local bands from your hometown
�    Best of Bob Marley
�    Best of the 1970�s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 � Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don�t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 � Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don�t forget to vote for other people�s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 � Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don�t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on �update,� and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don�t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here�s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don�t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that�s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........

This is the whole point, bandAMP is a small community, by applying quality marketing through bandAMP albums will give our members the recognition they deserve.
Open for discussion......

just doomed ...........any bandamp album idea .......why?? for who?? etc??

I know I sound very negative ............ but there is a positive potential aspect...

Its all to do with targetting....................and is very wooly...haha

gimme a ring
#9August 13th, 2010 · 02:50 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: re: re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 � Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 � Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience � who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 � Review Other Artists
With each profile � individually begin to review other people�s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 � Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
�    Best of Madonna
�    Great local bands from your hometown
�    Best of Bob Marley
�    Best of the 1970�s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 � Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don�t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 � Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don�t forget to vote for other people�s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 � Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don�t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on �update,� and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don�t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here�s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don�t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that�s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........

This is the whole point, bandAMP is a small community, by applying quality marketing through bandAMP albums will give our members the recognition they deserve.
Open for discussion......

just doomed ...........any bandamp album idea .......why?? for who?? etc??

I know I sound very negative ............ but there is a positive potential aspect...

Its all to do with targetting....................and is very wooly...haha

gimme a ring

Early days, I'm going to experiement with this technique with my own albums in September, learn from it then pass it on to bandAMP.
Nothing ventutred nothing gained
#10February 8th, 2011 · 11:36 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
re: re: re: re: re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 � Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 � Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely seperate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience � who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 � Review Other Artists
With each profile � individually begin to review other people�s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 � Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
�    Best of Madonna
�    Great local bands from your hometown
�    Best of Bob Marley
�    Best of the 1970�s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 � Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don�t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 � Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don�t forget to vote for other people�s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 � Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don�t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on �update,� and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don�t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here�s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don�t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that�s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........

This is the whole point, bandAMP is a small community, by applying quality marketing through bandAMP albums will give our members the recognition they deserve.
Open for discussion......

just doomed ...........any bandamp album idea .......why?? for who?? etc??

I know I sound very negative ............ but there is a positive potential aspect...

Its all to do with targetting....................and is very wooly...haha

gimme a ring

Early days, I'm going to experiement with this technique with my own albums in September, learn from it then pass it on to bandAMP.
Nothing ventutred nothing gained ;)

I wonder is this worked for you, Denis...
#11February 9th, 2011 · 02:49 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: re: re: re: re: Marketing BandAMP Albums
Iszil wrote…
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
swordfish wrote…
Denis wrote…
I used to use Tunecore to publish my albums including our album BandAMP Vol I. I've now switched to routemote.com, they are fairly new, you have a choice you can publish your music free and get 90% of the royalties or pay a subscription and get 100% of the royalties. The next bandAMp album will be published through routenote.com.
Recently they created a blog on how to market your albums from a proven method by other artists.  Here below is a copy of the blog. Once we have created the album, I will encourage all members to make the effort to apply the method below, I'm pretty confident it will be successful, PROVIDING we make the EFFORT.

There are a lot of artists who want to know how to use iTunes to increase their sales on iTunes. Here at RouteNote we have a lot of artists who do amazingly well from their sales on iTunes, and a top seller has provided the musicthinktank with some amazing tips on how to sell more on iTunes.
With iTunes you really need to promote yourself within the walls of iTunes, and this goes a long way to help you sell and grow your fan based across other sites.
Here is a step by step process on how to promote yourself within iTunes. Please remember that this does take a lot of time, but overall can really get some great results.
Step 1 � Sign up to iTunes and Buy Some Music
The first thing you should do is signup and buy some music (your and your friends), this gets you familiar with the process of buying, plus this will come in handy when you ask your fans to buy your tracks later.
Step 2 � Create at Least 5 profile accounts
Did you know that with each credit card that you register with iTunes you get 5 separate accounts? iTunes designed it this way so families in one household can all use one card.
All profiles are kept completely separate and not interconnected. One of the profiles will be use by you as your main account, but you can use the other 4 accounts to help promote yourself.
TIP: While you are creating these profiles: Think about your target audience � who are they? Older dudes that like prog rock, or teenagers that like Britney Spears? Create profiles that would fit the types of people who like your music. Choose a name for each profile so they each have an individual personality. Give them distinct personalities and even imagine where they might be from.
Step 3 � Review Other Artists
With each profile � individually begin to review other people�s music. You definitely want to review three or four other artists that have nothing to do with you or your genre so choose some of the artists that have influenced you or artists that you like and create some reviews.
Step 4 � Create iMixes
You will need to create 2 categories of iMixes:
1: iMixes that have nothing to do with you and your music
�    Best of Madonna
�    Great local bands from your hometown
�    Best of Bob Marley
�    Best of the 1970�s
Create mixes that include your own tracks with other complimentary tracks (artists you get compared to and who you are influenced by that sound good when played next to your songs). When you create iMixes think of yourself as a DJ or a curator and piece together thoughtful lists.
TIP: Add some of the top sellers from each week in your genre and style as buyers will already be looking for the top sellers when they come to iTunes.
TIP: You should create an iMix at least one time per week per account.
Step 5 � Vote for iMixes
Make sure you vote on as many iMixes as possible. Vote for your own iMixes using all of your profiles.
COOL: iMixes that begin to pick up votes rise to the top where other buyers will begin to respond to them and purchase your iMixes.
A Note about iMix voting: People who are key users who are also heavily promoting their own music sometimes can be competitive. They may try to vote your iMixes down so that the iMixes that they have created rise to the top.
What my friend says about this: Being malicious on iTunes is awful. Don�t give other people bad reviews. Stay away from this type of negative behavior. Just focus on your own voting and contributions.

Step 6 � Master iMix Sandwiching
When you create an iMix, you want to sandwich yourself between hot chart-toppers in your genre, and add artists that already have five-star reviews.
For each iMix, make it at least 20 songs, but you can go to 40 or 50 songs. To stay on top of the charts for your iMix, you must get the most votes and the most stars.
TIP: Don�t forget to vote for other people�s iMixes so it looks like you are well-rounded.
This is where registering different credit cards and different personalities so you can actually log in and vote for yourself comes in handy.
Step 7 � Remove Unpopular iMixes & Update Them
If your iMix fals below three stars you should take your iMix down from iTunes, add some new tracks to it, and then add it again as an updated iMix.
It will take a few hours for your updated iMix to show back up into the iTunes profiles, but you don�t want to have a poorly rated iMix sitting in the iTunes system with your music in it.
How To Update an iMix: In order to update an I-Mix: Click on the arrow on iTunes. Then click on �update,� and add some new tracks,
TIP: Don�t rename your iMix
iMixes are good for a whole year, so you want to make sure that you start voting, when it goes back up. It takes between 6 to 12 hours for a newly edited or a new iMix to show up.
Here�s The Wrap Up:
For each profile you create: Their iMixes to match their personality:
1. Create then wait for your iMix to show up.
2. Log in as each of your different reviewers and users.
3. Vote five stars from each of the profiles you have created.
4. Start watching your music sell
5. Go in two times per week and create new iMixes.
6. After a while to stay in the most recent, you must continue to make new iMixes. Vote, vote and vote.
7. Remember, you must log in and submit votes for each of the iMixes with each of your separate accounts and many sepearte times. This is the most time consuming part of the process, but if you do this, the rewards and the sales will pay off deeply
8. Log in and vote for: Was this review helpful? And click yes per account. This will help your iMix move up the charts.
9. When you make an iMix, don�t only include the chart toppers, but also include what appeals to you as a listener and what the fans of this iMix might actually like.
10. Remember, you are creating a useful contribution to the iTunes community. The key is make iMixes on Mondays because on Tuesdays the new release schedule will kick in and that�s when your iMixes will show up

I am not convinced that creating an album for sale from music that is freely available on the site is a good idea.......economically that is...???

Perhaps rerouting the battle to give the prize of being on the playlist '' HALL OF FAME ''is a bit more like it ..........

This is the whole point, bandAMP is a small community, by applying quality marketing through bandAMP albums will give our members the recognition they deserve.
Open for discussion......

just doomed ...........any bandamp album idea .......why?? for who?? etc??

I know I sound very negative ............ but there is a positive potential aspect...

Its all to do with targetting....................and is very wooly...haha

gimme a ring

Early days, I'm going to experiement with this technique with my own albums in September, learn from it then pass it on to bandAMP.
Nothing ventured nothing gained ;)

I wonder is this worked for you, Denis...

Not tried it Iszil - I suppose I'm just not money motivated, I have a regular job, it pays enough, my wife too.
We are comfortable.
I know at the time of posting this I tried researching the marketing aspect, there are no members that I am aware who have gone to town on the marketing.  At the end of the day if you want to be success full in life, 99.99% of it is sheer hard work, the other .01% is knowledge/understanding.
So Is if you want your album to get recognised, MARKETING is the main key, unless the world are aware you have music, you chances if it getting recognised is next to nil.
List down as many ways you can market your music, research to find out how others have done so, who have succeeded in their efforts.

Good luck
#12February 12th, 2011 · 08:28 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
how true mate
Marketing is the key , a sobering stat I recently heard was that 98% of material on itunes has never been touched so if you've had only 1 track paid for and downloaded just once you would be in the top 2%.
A lot of people making music but fewer buying , we have more pet shops than cd shops and  digital sales downloads are stalling.
Models for distribution eg last FM also losing money fast so sustainability limited.
There is no music business really any more.. a scramble to find something a platform which returns to the artist very elusive ....a lot of hobbyists though.
Having said that we are looking old fashioned A&R placement service getting gigs at festivals airplay video presence  etc comes through  recognition and that comes from gigs or a million hits on your youtube video , an endless vicious circle.

A& R placement gets around the unsolicited barricade to some extent , it costs $X thousands up front but can be worth it.
Looking at it realistically as indie musos we spend money on instruments training recording mastering video artwork package etc but when it comes to marketing we left it up to luck.
You could also take those $thousands and go on a nice holiday or buy a new gibson or just go to the track and put it on number 8 in the 8th race.
Any thing that makes you & family feel good.

BTW we are doing radio interview tuesday 15th Feb ..9pm Australian Eastern Summer time for new album Who's Driving.
Yo can listen on line here.
thanks &
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