#1November 16th, 2007 · 04:11 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
bandAmp.US - Show us yer files babe!
As some of you bandAmparians know I bought the name bandamp.us a while back. It is at the moment linked to bandamp.com.
I am working on the site when I can, and as I do I get a better idea of what it could become.
At the moment the idea is for it to be a site LINKING the bandAmp community and in doing so being another stepping stone in the bandAmp network.
Linking to things like Interviews, Tutorials, vst Plugins, Instruments, Equipment etc etc
If you see it as being a glorified version of our own 'links' pages but categorized and with a forum you'll be on the right lines.

It's not up yet, though PX has been there and become a member but that was because he picked up on an address I'd linked an image too, if you want to know where it is you'll have to blag the address from him for now! 
Once I'm happy that it functions reasonably I'll put it up at bandamp.us.

So, to why this post in the pit ; one of my many lines of thought is the idea of hosting Settings files, as in Patches and Banks and 'smaller' sample files like SoundFonts, Midi and small Mp3's.

I'm looking for these file types :
.fxb (banks)
.fxp (effects)
.bnk (GuitarRig2)
.sf2 (Sound Fonts)
.rx2 (Rex files_Recycle)
.f7a/b/p (FM7)

There are loads more but this is a start.
I'm looking for your own settings or sound.

If you do have any to share put each patch/bank/sample file in a separate zip or rar file and include a .txt or .nfo file with a short explanation, your own name for the setting and the name of the instrument where it belongs. Could you also format the zip files name : "Instrument-name_Settings-name".

If you have any or if you save any in the future, please send them on to me or keep them till the site is up and running. I 'might' have a function written in where members can upload and categorize their own files!

I hope this is not seen as spam, I'm tying to build on the community thang here boys and girls.  

If you have any suggestions for links, categories, bank files, the site or just questions please post
#2November 16th, 2007 · 08:52 AM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
I think you should maybe have like several things such as beginners guides to ..... recording/acoustics/etc.
and then you can build on that AND remember most people (well me) are visual learners so try to put as many video tutorials as possible
#3November 16th, 2007 · 12:35 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Damn good idea.
I could link to some video tutorials on youTube, get them to show on the site.
I've discussed this before with other members, that video tutorials are very popular and very handy , another approach to 'hands on'.
I like the idea of a whole category dedicated to only learning and tutorials.
It will be so. 
#4November 16th, 2007 · 06:31 PM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
I'd be very, very careful here, Kings.  SoundFonts, for the example, can cost a lot of money.  Asking for and hosting pirated material is a slippery slope.
#5November 16th, 2007 · 06:34 PM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
yea AVI are some like piracy police today man!
#6November 16th, 2007 · 06:36 PM
8 threads / 7 songs
83 posts
Yep. Some samples are free, some are paid for use. Is better to share links to mid like for the sequencing material, some tutorials, videos, etc..
#7November 16th, 2007 · 07:04 PM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
silentslaughter wrote…
yea AVI are some like piracy police today man!

I am saving your ass, and the integrity of the AMP.
#8November 17th, 2007 · 03:09 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
My ass is OK thank you Avi, Its right here behind me the whole time.
You can make your OWN sound fonts dude. With programs like Vienna.
As I said "I'm looking for your own settings or sound."

From Creatives Vienna page : What is SoundFont?
Combines a professional sampler synthesizer with a simple to use bank management and authoring tool for quick customization of instruments and sounds.

Ai! Shiver me timbers, and all that !
#9November 17th, 2007 · 01:43 PM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
avinashv wrote…
silentslaughter wrote…
yea AVI are some like piracy police today man!

I am saving your ass, and the integrity of the AMP.
hey i didnt mean any disrespect to you by me saying that...
in fact if there were more people like you the world would be
a better place i was just saying!!! (btw im glad you care thanks)
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