#1June 15th, 2006 · 06:07 PM
21 threads
235 posts
United Kingdom
I can't help it. I need to rant.
Now; I will use myself as an example but I fully understand that at this age I feel I am invincable anyway. I don't think you can't help it at this stage in one's life-it's instinctive. But anyway...
Faaaaaaaaaaaaar too many people are self conciouse about their health and in the process make themselves extremely vonarable to becoming unhealthy.
I have a friend who is like this. He is so worried about his health he does everything he can to prevent himself from getting so much as cold. A while ago he had to have part of his liver removed as something bad got down there and messed up his system (in technical terms ).
Point is, he's  been like this for about two years now and at first it was good. Now he is constantly plauged by ilnesses like the one just mentioned.
I'm not like that;
I smoke(alot), drink(a fair amount), work as a machanic around dodgey chemicals and variouse other things and yes.....wait for it....I wisper.
Cause I live my life without worrying like the rest of the world seems to (I'm not so carefree it's stupid, ie I don't snort aspesdoss or anything) I have a strong imune system.
And for it, I seem to be a hell of alot healthier. I get less colds than all but one of my friends (he's one of those people who just seems to be imune to everything) and I can bike ten miles in thirty minutes. Quicker than anyone I know could...other than Alex, my next door neighbour, but he bikes the same ten miles in to work every day so....
Also I'm not stupid, in the sense that, I look after myself. But it's not hard. All I do is aviod obviously bad situations. Like eating dirt off the surface of a land fill site or something...
Everything else is covered by my body. If it isn't, it's instinct not to do it. It's not instinct to talk quietly instead of wisper. It's instinct to wisper. I wonder if there is a good reason for that.
Instead scientists seem to think they know the human body better than mother nature does.
You see my point, I'm not having a go or anything, mearly stating that the imune system is there for a reason. If you are about to expose yourself to something that will do some damage, generally instinct will tell you so.
If not, it's a situation that will not be avoided by becoming overly self consciouse or you imune system will deal with it.
After all that, though, I suppose it is matter of opinion over who is overly cautiouse and who needs to watch themselves a bit more.
The end, thank you for reading ,
#2June 15th, 2006 · 08:58 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
I think awareness of health risks and keeping a good physical and mental balance and condition is important in any person's life. Like we all know not a lot of people can't manage that... Glad to say: I myself  haven't needed a doctor in years but I do get sick sometimes, and I can always feel it coming.

Do you feel "clean" inside? Can you really "listen" to your body? Those are keys to a good physical balance. Know what you ingest, when, and why. Ingesting means eating, drinking and breathing too. Understand the signals of your body. Any muscles protesting? Stomach? Bowels? Throat? Respiratory system? Vascular (body heat distribution / heart)? If these things are in order then you should be pretty good. If not, then try again. Oh, and... don't forget the brain... When that one protests you won't be very happy

My 2 cents...
#3June 20th, 2006 · 06:02 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
81 posts
You want to feel clean inside , stop smoking and drinking alcohol , even cafe or tea that contain cafeine...thats wonderfull after...be patient
#4June 20th, 2006 · 06:17 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
right... I don't smoke (since 1,5 ys), I don't drink excessively, I avoid coffee (but I really enjoy a good herbal tea), and guess what happened last weekend?

The saddle of my racing bike broke off beneath me while going approx. 25 kmph (yes, taking it easy)... It's like your bicycle simply disappears while you're hanging above the road... Severe abrasion to both knees as a result... Bad cut at the tip of my left ring finger (and I'm a guitarist...) also bumped my head (luckily, on my arm, not on the road)... But I borderlined concusion.

Anyway, I hitched a ride per ambulance to the hospital to have a bit of a chat in the waiting room. They gave me a tetanus shot afterwards, but I declined the X-ray offer for my twisted knee.

I should have known better and not post that earlier reply. I guess I got what I deserved...
#5June 20th, 2006 · 07:49 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
81 posts
what i learned back , is when you are thirsty , nothing better than a big glass of fresh spring water!!!
#6June 20th, 2006 · 06:25 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Health and all that Jazz!

I am healthy.........

              I've never smoked, because - well, I just never have
              I don't drink to excess (well, rarely) because I don't like getting drunk
              I exercise, but only in the form of Aikido, because I enjoy it as a sport
              I relax by doing T'ai Chi, and playing music, because I enjoy them too.
              Oh, and I stay healthy partially through being a Reiki practitioner because I'm a little on the flaky side!

Do I do the above because I'm trying to stay healthy?  No, I do it because I enjoy it!

Now, that being said - I do still get colds and aches and pains, but I don't seem to end up as sick as others I know.  I also have a great appetite, and will eat anything I feel like, and drink coffee or tea freely during the day, night, or any other time I want!

What is the secret to a happy, healthy life...... I think Moses has got it about right!  Do what you feel comfortable with, listen out for those "don't be stupid" voices in certain situations.

And above all - enjoy yourself!  Work or play, always have fun  -  that's been my motto for many years!

Now, will I be struck by the same curse as hit PX after his posting?  We shall see!
#7June 20th, 2006 · 10:01 PM
24 threads / 9 songs
284 posts
damn, i think i'm not healthy because I smoke near to 15 cigarretes by day, I eat just after the 14:00 hours (my estomach don't resist the breakfast), BUT i feel OK

the main problem is i have to take care with my health, i'm father. I care my hands not to play the bass or the guitar, my hands help me to carry my son. I use my body, mind and soul as a whole. I did this things to be a little more healthy:

I bought a antireflex glasses (i spend 12 hours daily in front the PC) 
I use a couple of ear plugs when i practice (i hate the drummer hehe)
I up from my chair every hour by ten minutes to walk
I never used drugs ( )
I meditate at the end of the day all the things and plan the next
I give a kiss everyday to my wife and my son
I don't use the bike (it's true pup)

the health is inside you


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