#1June 5th, 2006 · 01:53 AM
12 threads / 7 songs
46 posts
United States of America
Vocal cords!!!!! Repair needed!?
How can you tell if you've got nodes? My voice I've noticed has been relatively hoarse for about a week, at least that's how long I've been conscious of it...I hope it isn't..throat cancer...of coarse, I haven't seen any white growths so maybe I'm good...for now
#2June 5th, 2006 · 03:18 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
go see a good doctor
see a doc
#3June 5th, 2006 · 12:29 PM
34 threads / 17 songs
581 posts
It's only been a week?  take some vitamin C, drink lots of hot lemon tea, rest your voice.  You could just have a spring cold.  But I agree with TG, go see a doctor if you're worried.
#4June 5th, 2006 · 01:07 PM
23 threads / 20 songs
235 posts
i have them on my throat and i go to the clinic. There are many reasons they can happen or the affect is aggrevated. You can't know if ;you have them until you go to the dr. who refers you to a specialist and undergo some obtrusive procedure. They stic a camera up your nose and down your throat, very uncomfortable!!!! SO, aside from lemon, ginger was recommended. Another thing that wrecks the throat is gasteral reflex. you may not even experience symptoms, but alcohol, spicy foods, smoking and anything else fun you can think of aggrevates that. The WORST thing, believe it or not is throat clearing. DO NOT CLEAR YOUR THROAT it actually causes more mucus which causes more irritation. Swallow hard with water instead and sip water all day. Another thing is emotional issues because the throat is right in the middle of tonnes of muscles that are reseptive to stress! so if that's a problem, then destressify yourself with a massage, deligate responsibilities and /or remove yourself from uncomfotable situations. Hope this helped! - Siren =)
#5June 5th, 2006 · 02:04 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
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United States of America

sounds like a friend of mine...

waited a month, went to the doctor, it ended up being... well, not good...

seeing a doctor would be a good idea.
#6June 6th, 2006 · 06:45 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
81 posts
Hope you dont smoke
#7June 6th, 2006 · 10:13 AM
12 threads / 7 songs
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United States of America
Thank you for NOT smoking ;)
Nope. I've never smoked in my life, but perhaps I do need to cut my alcohol, which isn't that much actually. Only when I go out (every 1 or 2 weekends), and that's even only 1 drink and I leave it at that. As for foods, I don't know about Starbucks but my suspicions make me think that could be a contributor too. Could even the changing weather?...I had been under stress as suggested by Siren.  But what caused my stress was unknown until I found out the source was that I noticed I hadn't been singing lately...which kind of bummed me out. At any rate...thanks for your advice!  
#8June 6th, 2006 · 04:38 PM
13 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
just trying to help.
i am not a doctor but I play  one on tv (n/r)    -open up and say ah.-really go see a doctor.
#9June 7th, 2006 · 05:13 AM
29 threads / 14 songs
355 posts
May I refer you to http://www.med.nyu.edu/voicecenter/patient/tips/vocal_health.html
where one can find some tips oon how to keep your throat nice and heathly.
I am gonna take some of those seriously actually and implement in my life.
It's well worth it, I quess.
#10June 7th, 2006 · 03:25 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
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United Kingdom
re: TIPS
if u aint sure see a doctor........it will get rid of the black cloud of maybe...........I'm sure u haven't but allways best to check it out and put yor mind at rest......
lol jmt
#11June 14th, 2006 · 08:33 PM
12 threads / 7 songs
46 posts
United States of America
"Gettin' better all the time..."
It seems my voice is getting better. At least I don't feel the hoarseness as much, but I will definitely check it out with my doc.  Tell me if you think the hiatus my voice has had has paid off. I have just posted a new song. Check it out
#12July 2nd, 2006 · 09:43 PM
12 threads / 7 songs
46 posts
United States of America
Vocal Cords...Returns..
Okay..enough is enough...I'll be on hiatus...I shall return...I hope with much improvement vocally and musically! Don't miss me too much...lol
#13July 6th, 2006 · 03:39 PM
1 threads
52 posts
United States of America
Best of luck with the voice. And make sure you go to the doctor to get it checked out if it isn't improving!

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