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#16September 18th, 2006 · 12:07 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
something may be wrong with my system...when I clicked on that link I got nothing but a blank screen with "Image Hosted by Triton" logo. I reeeeeeeally wanted to see those costumes!
#17September 18th, 2006 · 01:13 PM
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yeh hehe, I really would like to see those costumes too!

anyway for my currently-on-the-drawing-board new live setup I'm gonna wear what I like to wear most: just my sporty shorts (not of the underwear type btw), my good old (worn) working boots and a sleeveless T. This is what I feel most comfortable in and I hate too many clothes anyway. I'm still not sure about extra personnel - if I'm gonna be a one man act then I would require a mental coach and a dedicated tech team anyway. Extravaganze is not for me ... I am the grunge type, and NOT as a fashion statement. I'm just too lazy to shave and comb my hair everyday, and I'm just my good ol natural me, that's all
#18September 18th, 2006 · 01:13 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
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United States of America
try this google page

There's a lot of pix but yikes! it brings back sweaty memories.
#19September 18th, 2006 · 04:47 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
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United States of America
ohhhh....THAT's what parachute pants were...these didn't seem too far "out there". I always thought parachute pants were those embarassing things I used to see guys wear...like "Balloon" pants or "Harem" pants (MC Hammer wore them, among others....). Remember those? Yikes!
#20September 18th, 2006 · 06:07 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
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United States of America
Yeah i don't see the really goofy ones on there. i had a pair of parachute pants with 12 zippers.
My jacket had 3 in a row on ewach sleeve and more in the front and sides. if i find a pic I'll post it.
#21September 23rd, 2006 · 05:44 AM
8 threads / 2 songs
47 posts
music matter when you hear a CD or Mp3..
but during live performances ...
how a band is presented really does matter...

but at the end of the day
its music that matters....

but for any costume designs...
go to a fashion designers...
we are musicians....
#22September 28th, 2006 · 11:48 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
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hey just had to write something about a puppet xeno's post.  He said: "music is entertainment".  But I disagree with that.  Music is art, a tv show is entretainment.  Art is about depicting given reality to create a new one.  In a live performance music gets toghether with theatre (another for of art) to enhance the reality of the world the artist is creating on stage.  But not everyone that wears a costume is automatically doing art...
... in my opinion Kiss is olny entretainment, they do what they do for the money, so they are pop artists, and pop is not music  
#23September 29th, 2006 · 01:43 AM
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aetheris wrote…
hey just had to write something about a puppet xeno's post.  He said: "music is entertainment".  But I disagree with that.  Music is art, a tv show is entretainment.  Art is about depicting given reality to create a new one.  In a live performance music gets toghether with theatre (another for of art) to enhance the reality of the world the artist is creating on stage.  But not everyone that wears a costume is automatically doing art...
... in my opinion Kiss is olny entretainment, they do what they do for the money, so they are pop artists, and pop is not music   :razz:

bold statements! ok I guess you can distinguish art for aesthetic and art for entertainment. TV shows are definately not art... Though some of the stage designs of some shows may very well be designed from an aesthetic-artistic point of view. PLus, it can be quite an art to develop a TV show that sucks so bad that millions of people will be completely mesmerized by it's sheer stupidity that they will tune in and watch the damn thing thrive on the breaking down of their brain cells.

If we exploit our talents to create an aesthetic merely to please the public, do we give up on being artists, or have we become artists of entertainment? Or is "artist" a title arbitrarily handed out to some, as an alternative to a popularity status?
#24October 2nd, 2006 · 02:00 AM
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I think there's nothing wrong with combining art and entretainment, and obviously I'm not the one to say what is art and what is not, but from a theoric point of view.  In a general aspect, art is alternative reality, art is a world diferent form the one we live on.  Entretainment in the other hand takes the parts of the given world that people wants to see and hide the others.  So what about taking art as a finality and entretainment as a medium? I mean, it's nice when you get "entretained" by a piece of art, but not every piece of art should entretain you in order to be art.  I'll quot this funny words from Masami Akita, one of the greatest noise music exponents who said that "if noise can be definited as an uncomfortable sound, then pop music is noise for me"

#25October 2nd, 2006 · 06:42 PM
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aetheris wrote…
obviously I'm not the one to say what is art and what is not, but from a theoric point of view.
I have to disagree.... I think you ARE the one to say what is and isn't art... Art is subjective... it is what YOU feel, and YOU Think that matters most...  What you deem as art, I may deem as garbage, and the opposite holds true... and we may agree on some...   So, Art is what YOU feel, not what hangs in a gallery, not what is taught in schools.... This is the reality of art....

#26October 3rd, 2006 · 12:06 AM
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Simple question: then there's no knowledge in art? only feeling? then... there's not good and bad music, and every sound you hear in the street may be art? 
#27October 3rd, 2006 · 01:54 AM
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How wow, a discussion on the true essence of art

OK I thought of this one: it takes skill to be a good entertainer ... it doesn't have to take skill to create art (you can really be a crap artist, creating art with office papers, paperclips and plastic coffee cups just by piling them together in a fashionable way... as we all know, nobody who works in an office truly has to have skills at all - though it MIGHT help)

To create art via music, DOES take skill. And to become skillful, either as and artist or an entertainer, takes dedication, persistance, a bit of inspiration and a lot of hard work. The two can be well combined - artist and entertainer - in I dare to say that all professional (rock) bands are FIRST entertainer, and THEN artist. Maybe not by choice, but atleast by the shackles of the commercialism they have become slaves to. Art doesn't sell if there isn't a hype behind it, and hypes are created with a specific target audience in mind to "give them what they want" which is - as aetheris put it - show them parts of the given (virtual) world that they want to see and hide the others. Seems like the definition of entertainment to me!

So here goes.... I write a tune, I want to do it on stage. My manager says "that's ok but go see your stylist first" because he wants me to look good while I don't really care about that myself. So I say this to my stylist and she says "well then just let me cut your beard a little bit and you put on these torn jeans, and this used-to-be-white pizza stained T... And let me mess up your hair a bit more - now you look like the real, natural artist that you are" and there you have it.... All in service of the public....
#28October 3rd, 2006 · 02:47 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
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Remeber I quoted Akita? try listen to his stuff.. we could start a new thread about if it's really noise-music... or just noise. He's better known as Merzbow.  Check it out...

... I just realised that has nothing to do with band custumes...
#29October 7th, 2006 · 12:53 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
Alice Cooper is cool!!!...Prince even...  I love m'  Not a fan of Kiss... unless there are 2 LIPS!! HAHA

    there are even performers in country/bluegrass that wear/wore an outfit or costume
Like Green Jeans or Grandpa Jones....also Sergio Mendes on occasion

just a comment,....

#30October 8th, 2006 · 03:09 AM
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138 posts
Elvis Presley was once asked why he danced and moved around the stage so much when he was at his performance. he replied saying if i didn't do so people would say "i can listen to this fellow's record at home, why should i come to his shows?".

not a hardcore Presley fan, but i guess that's what he said..............think so. hope the Presley fan wouldn't start a riot in the name of this and stone me.

anyway the point is that the common man sees music as entertainment along with art and when people go to a live show they want to see something more than music something extra ordinary instead of performers just standing like a statue. at least that's what this so called "modern" generation wants. for example Slipknot, i wouldn't want to see them perform with out their costumes. it makes them stand out and keeps me entertained cause i don't know, there is some kinda mysterious emission to it. thus costumes are a few steps more in the world of entertainment.

i guess with the times the modes of doing things also change...............so tada!!!!!!!!! costumes.

*just wondering how people would have taken Mr.Presley in a costume
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