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#1November 28th, 2008 · 01:56 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
hey flyer,
I completely agree wtih everything you just said.
I think we all need to get to rating songs more! maybe while TLS is doing the re-write, he can incorporate some way where it is require that you rate when u view a song and make a comment.

also all of the profanity isnt needed at all. this is a friendly community site.

i am trying to get in the habit of rating each song i listen to, and I think its great, and i love how flyer always rates.
#2November 28th, 2008 · 03:34 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
When I decided to maintain the website a bit at the beginning of this year I found a few scripts to finish a battle voting. But I wasn't sure which one to use. I never got an answer back. TLS now might know the script and I am sure he will implement the correct function in his further developements of his new face of BandAmp, do you TLS? 

As for the chat I suggest to make a new rule to ignore those "hey, I've uploaded a new song, please rate" messages, like I have seen on other music sites. And I've seen that it works. I think it's fair enough against other members with decency

Yes, The Canadian (let's think about how to confuse him again  )
#3November 28th, 2008 · 03:40 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
re: November, 2008 Battle and more
FLYER7747 wrote…
One other thing that also bothers me is some of the language that is being used ...I feel that using the F_ _k word, and other profanity is out of line here on Bandamp...It shows a lack of class by  the individuals part in my opinion   No matter the context one says it is being used in.....

Can't say more about it, you're right Ralph
#4November 28th, 2008 · 04:53 AM
27 threads / 2 songs
179 posts
I'm Canadian....

But yeah for sure. People should rate songs. That is why they are posted...for feedback. I rate every song I listen to...honest.

I would suggest scripting the program to do this:

*User presses PLAY on the trac*
  -Script records last song listened to and lists that on their profile.
  -Script records if the song has been rated(not the actual rating though)
     -If the user has rated the song, he may listen to another
     -If the user has not rated, it blocks the user and redirects them to the previous song for rating.
     -Once the user rates the song...
*User enjoys the next song*

I don't know a thing about this kind of programming, but when i programmed a game I did, it was simple enough. Something called 'tags'. You are tagged when you do an action such as playing a song. The tag is removed when another action is performed, such as rating the song. And if you perform certain actions while the tag is still on, it has a consequence. In this case it would send you back to the stored weblink.

Anyways, I'm too tired and am likely going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and ...hmm what was I saying?

G'night Ampers
#5November 28th, 2008 · 11:45 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
I agree 100%.  people want to come on here and upload their songs, get critiques but don't want to return the favor.. if I comment on your song .. it will have a vote .  I think some people may still be confused as to how the voting works.. The stars beside the subject box should have a word that says "vote for song here" or something ..
It is just 5 stars sitting there. If your not  the site a lot, or are new, you won't have a clue as to what the stars are for.
#6November 28th, 2008 · 12:39 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Ditto... if I comment, I vote.  If I listen, I vote (but may not comment).
This issue has been discussed so much... but really, how hard is it to wave your mouse over the stars until it shows an appropriate rating!?
#7November 28th, 2008 · 03:32 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Vote/Rate/Comment
How about a 3D finger that just popped out of your screen and poked u in the eye ..............

the solution needs 2 be as simple as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no flashing lights or stuff just a simple vote.......

Be In or Not.........

I have been on the site fer a while and have seen this debate run and run .............

fer me it just needs to be a simple yes/no ........solution that says

y ........ i'm an active member/part of the community ....... and vote (every time) on every thing I hear, and therefore continue my uploading and comment rites

or not

How Simple can It Get??
#8November 28th, 2008 · 03:37 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: Vote/Rate/Comment
As  for the base language.....
f word.............etc........

we have done so well without it ................

why the hell let it creep in ........

I would prefer it if my students could come here and look around without the site being blocked by establishment filters just lookin fer profanity

Keep it Simple ..................... Swordfish
#9November 28th, 2008 · 03:46 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Actually, the fishman has a point with the "if you vote, you can post your own music" theme.  At the moment it's tied to the number of posts you have (don't remember the specifics, but isn't it something like 3 posts and you can upload a song?).  Perhaps it should be tied to votes as well.

Profanity... unnecessary.  Keep it clean, keep it open to all.

#10November 28th, 2008 · 06:35 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
re: Thanks
FLYER7747 wrote…
Thanks Lil man...Its so good to see how you have become very involved with whats going on here ... You have become a great addition for us ...  I for one am glad that you joined bandamp ..you have become a top notch member...TheKunadiun (lil man) 


Hey thanks man. I look forward to posting more stuff soon.

lol yeah TK (tritonkeyboarder) i think it would be just great if you all confused me again. it really brightens up the community.       
#11November 28th, 2008 · 06:36 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
I think that all of these ideas are great.
I think I am helping TLS with some of the skins so I can let him know about some of this stuff.
#12November 28th, 2008 · 06:43 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
awww come on man, you dont have to leave just cause of fish!
you are a great member on this site!

Im sure most people will try really hard to rate, and I think we are all going through a tough time right now, especially cause things are degrading on bandamp, but thats what this whole rewrite is for!

TLS is hard at work trying to get everything set up! We are going to have a fresh start and a better system

I guess you could take a break until the new site is up, but dont give up just yet
#13November 29th, 2008 · 05:14 AM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
Hey Flyer No disrespect intended AT ALL ........to you or any one else for that matter ........ no need for you to walk ..........
My massive apology for getting your goat........ 
#14November 29th, 2008 · 03:02 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
I honestly think the Battle is not the main goal on BandAMP.
When I first joined this site I really enjoyed the way people could come and comment in your songs and say "Hey, yeah, that sounds good, may be less bass, more vox, try to remix it, take out a verse" etc.
I this the Battle is simple a plus you can have, but just that, not where BandAMP aims. I prefer 100 times a comment in a song than 10 votes.
But I you really care about the Battle, it's simple as "review+vote = upload your songs".

           > Iszil
#15November 29th, 2008 · 05:52 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Well, friends, I have to say that I agree with most opinions on here... there are good points on all sides presented, and this is my idea... (in brief)

We should continue to discourage the use of colorful/salty language in casual posts.  On the lyrics forum is one thing, but in casual posts it's a whole other thing.  I'm thinking to put in some filters that each user can use to block certain words that s/he would simply prefer not to see, but a site-wide blocking would only be encouragement to use the words more freely, and then we'd get people petitioning to have the filters removed.  So, we'll just conduct ourselves like friendly adults.

An "adult content" section of the forum was suggested not too long ago... (age protected, etc).  I'm not sure how far this idea should be carried out.  I think it's a good way to complicate things in the beginning.  It's easy to implement in the future, but for now, we'll probably keep it simple.

As for rating: It's my intention to do everything I can to have 100% of listeners rate the songs they visit.  I hope to do that by being "inviting" and making it seem very "easy" and "no-hassle" to the users.  I'll probably get to the rating system in a few weeks.  Progress can be slow at times when I work full time and am married and trying to juggle a few personal projects

The battles?  Yes.  I think that Flyer has expressed some really relevant concerns.  Whether people want to participate or not, those who DO participate should not have to suffer the incessant disappointment of not even qualifying.  If we can make people rate songs on a regular basis anyway, then we should hopefully never run into this sort of problem.  I'm still mulling the details around in my mind, but I hope that we can dispel this issue.

A contest for ALL media types would be great.  Flyer said that a contest for lyrics would also be good.  I agree.

I hope we can all anxiously hold out until this site gets the feature additions that we're all after.

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