#1October 21st, 2007 · 08:51 PM
44 threads / 6 songs
305 posts
United States of America
Re: Power to the People CONTACT INFO PLEASE
How about we group everyone's Instant Messenger contact information on this thread for discussion about modifications to the site/future plans?

Post you AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Skype handles, email, whatever--make sure you post as many as possible to facilitate communication

For example I'm:

Zach Blume
zachblume@gmail.com  - Email
zachblume@gmail.com  - MSN handle
salamander2456  - AIM handle
zachblume@yahoo.com  - Yahoo Handle
No skype
#2October 21st, 2007 · 09:28 PM
74 threads / 5 songs
441 posts
United States of America
Hey man, I wouldn't post your email on a public forum, you're bound to get spam from autobots.

You could do something like blah [at] blah [dot] com

AIM is muddster7
ICQ is 53505173
#3October 21st, 2007 · 09:30 PM
44 threads / 6 songs
305 posts
United States of America
Gmail owns spam, I never have gotten a single piece.

But yeah, for non gmail users, that is a good point lol
#4October 21st, 2007 · 09:39 PM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
WOOT GO GMAIL!!!!! it rapes!!!!!! (the spam that is)

#5October 21st, 2007 · 10:55 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
haha.. yeah... that's the spirit.

I've got a gmail account, but hey.. take precautions.  you will get spam eventually, though if you mark it as spam, gmail will zap it in the future.  it's still comforting to me to know that the whole internet doesn't have my email address.

maybe that's just me.

TonightsLastSong is my AIM.  I'm not always on, but it would be fun to use it as a discussion medium for the site.

I have all of the other popular messager screennames as well, but i can't remember them all.  I'll get back to you individually if you want to chat on yahoo, icq, msn, or other.
#6October 21st, 2007 · 11:07 PM
50 threads
259 posts
United States of America
i think one of the first problems is to fix bandamps chat!!!!
#7October 21st, 2007 · 11:12 PM
64 threads / 13 songs
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United States of America
I'm not posting it here, but if you want to contact me on any one of the following, please feel free to PM me: AIM, Yahoo, MSN Messenger, Skype, GTalk, Email, Twitter.
#8October 22nd, 2007 · 01:47 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
I agree avi... pm me I will give you the info. skype yahoo, aim, whatever but pm me first ..not posting in open web page. get enough weirdness from the internet without  a open invitation.  i was thinking that maybe we could get downchuck or mud to put together a page/ thread that takes a passcode to see so only members will have access and only members will be able to view it.. for discussions..just a thought.
#9October 22nd, 2007 · 01:17 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
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United States of America
that's effectively what they do for the Administrator/Mod forum.  It's been there all along, but since our statuses aren't high enough, the site scripts filter that forum out so that there's no link to it.  If you ever try to manually enter the forum by editing your url position in the site, the forum will check your credentials and kick you back to the forum root if you're not up to par.  The same could easily be done for members.  There could be a Members Only forum (name it what you will) that simply isn't viewable by guests.  It wouldn't stop the madman who realizes that he only must sign up for a free account before he can get our "confidential" info, but it'll screen through a lot of easy simpletons that would like to see what it is we would put in such a thread/forum section.

#10October 24th, 2007 · 02:43 PM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
Not enough for me, unfortunately.  Granted, I have enough security on my computer, my emails and my website to force a lot of crap away, and that my website has my email address on it (for professional reasons), but, for the most part, I refrain from giving out IM information because it's much harder to set filters on that.

So yeah, PM me.
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