#1September 21st, 2008 · 02:08 PM
2 threads
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United Kingdom
HELP ME!!!!!! cubase sx question?????
I NEED SOME HELP!!!! ive tried everything to get my sx to record midi to audio,i know it sounds simple but everytime its finished recording the audio is always empty!!!!! is it a setting that is wrong!!!! ive got a dell pc and alesis io2 audio/midi interface....
please if you have an idea to why this doesnt work can you please reply to this post thank you.......
#2September 21st, 2008 · 02:38 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
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Puerto Rico
Recording midi to audio?Not sure what you mean..What are you trying to record?Is it an external analog instrument?Or are you trying to convert midi to audio?...The only way to record an analog sound to  midi is with a midi capable instrument as far as i know!Give me a run down of what your doing from source to platform and Ill have an Idea on what to suggest..
#3September 21st, 2008 · 02:42 PM
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United Kingdom
im trying to convert midi to audio do you know how to do it??
#4September 21st, 2008 · 02:49 PM
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United Kingdom
If its just a normal keyboard plugged into your pc via midi, then you need a program on your computer that will make a noise when you hit the keys (a vst program). Most host programs like FL and cubase have vst presets in them that can do this. When you hit the record button for midi, your not recording any audio, you're recording the note pitch, velocity and length. this can then be changed to any vst instrument...
 So, basically, you shouldn't be trying to record an audio file at all... If you've got a program like FL, then its dead simple just to record the midi messages. there's also plenty of tutorials going about on the web, that will tell you how to do this with a particular program.

Hope this helps

#5September 21st, 2008 · 03:00 PM
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United Kingdom
Marino wrote…
Recording midi to audio?Not sure what you mean..What are you trying to record?Is it an external analog instrument?Or are you trying to convert midi to audio?...The only way to record an analog sound to  midi is with a midi capable instrument as far as i know!Give me a run down of what your doing from source to platform and Ill have an Idea on what to suggest..

basically my tune is all in midi at the moment now it is ready to bounce down to audio for the finishing touch.  nice1  marino
#6September 21st, 2008 · 03:04 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
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United Kingdom
you've got sound coming out of the vst's in the program??? then it should just be a simple case of saving the file as a wav file instead???
#7September 21st, 2008 · 03:08 PM
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United Kingdom
ill give it a go nice1
#8September 22nd, 2008 · 07:08 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
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United Kingdom
re: HELP ME!!!!!! cubase sx question?????
this is qick and cool

the fish
#9September 22nd, 2008 · 08:55 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
you have to assign the midi tracks an instrument of some kind.  either outboard (keyboards, drum machine, ect.) or to a vst inside the computer... under devices tab at top of page a drop down menu with show you vst instruments. you can click on that and  a box will appear and you can pull up the vst from that by clicking on the black areas.   I assign the midi channel to what I want  in the MIXER at the top of the channel. ... you will have to pull up a audio track (watch swordies vid)  then you have to assign the input to the track from whatever source you using. if outboard gear especially..   you can write crap loads of midi tracks , assign them to different channels  to you outboard gear. assign inputs from each piece of outboard gear and record them all at the same time.

ex   I write a piano part in the piano roll in cbase.  I send that out to the corresponding channel on my keyboard that is piano, you will need to record the audio output of the keyboard into a audio track. .  I have also written drum parts. I send that midi signal out to my drum maching ( I now use ez drummer vst in the computer) (if you export the mixdown you do not have to have a audio track for vst setup like this) . if using a outboard drum machine you will need to record the output of it into a audio track.

what is so cool is you can write lots of midi parts and send them out to outboard gear/vst's and if you have it all hooked up right you can record everything at one time ( if you have a decent computer) .
#10September 25th, 2008 · 04:12 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
could the export function be what u are lookin for? make sure the left and right markers are covering the whole lenght of the track and click 'file' and 'export' to wav or mp3

   not sure if got the question right
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