#1May 27th, 2008 · 10:33 AM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
bandamp newsletter..?
hey.. i was thinking today... what could i do to help the amp... i kno i can post and review and stuff but i thought i realy want to make something USEFUL that actually has a purpose.... and there it hit me... a bandamp newsletter... i got a doctors appointment now post back in an hour or so... is anyone intrested? i could do it!!! and i would be more than happy to do it!!!!-
#2May 27th, 2008 · 01:17 PM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
so... guys what do you think... like have a sign up place in on the front page... actually i might could put one in the signiture of every post i make... idk does the amp have signitures??? man i havent been here in so long....i am gonna work on it for now... man i could prolly get MM interviews.. (wich i see have slacked off a bit... not critisicing just saying) in there and have everything together... i will see if i cant pull something together      
#3May 27th, 2008 · 03:50 PM
90 threads / 73 songs
263 posts
United Kingdom
Sounds like a good idea, and I just had an interview with MM .
#4May 27th, 2008 · 03:54 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
If you really want to write a Newsletter , why dont you put the idea forwards to the mods who might be able to send it on via the forums e-mail function. Members would have to opt-in though as having unsolicited e-mail from any one is a pain in the bum.
You can send it via the pm service , just send it to the ?40? most active members.

Sounds like a really good idea. I'll have a copy cheers !
#5May 27th, 2008 · 04:17 PM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
hahahaa i dont think i can send the same message more than like 3 times because it says its spam!! but im gonna write something soon!!
#6May 27th, 2008 · 07:31 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
just keep posting in the pit
its a rolling newsletter..........???

or not

#7May 28th, 2008 · 02:19 AM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
Hhmmm well there is one problem... What's there to write about? Mods pm me with info to write about! If anyone has a stories they would like to see in the newsletter let me know!!!
#8May 28th, 2008 · 04:07 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
What about nicking (editing) some articles from your Music Mags , some gossip, latest music news etc , stick a guitar tab for beginners to practice (this weeks tab) or a free drum tab (to punch into your midi processor) , Theres MissMs interviews, news of the bandAmp gatherings.
Getting some idea of the 'best' songs posted that week would be cool, not connected to the Battles but based on views/listens/comments/your own 'good' judgment !!
If you know some personal news (from blogs or just being observant) like how Flyer is doing after his ops or that some of us have lost dear ones or gained dear ones (children) or how some member has landed a record deal or that Toasty's touring (nag him for some stories).
You asked for ideas!! 
But aren't you supposed to be studying for school?
#9May 28th, 2008 · 12:01 PM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
haaha right kings me... study!!! thats great!?!?!?!?! but no i finished with school today!!! no more of those pencil pushing retards anymore!!! yet.. im still in computer lab!!! hahahaha i hope they dont read this!!!
#10May 28th, 2008 · 09:46 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
very cool.

    Kings... I like your ideas, note worthy news about new bands, new releases, new products, any pertinent information that someone might want to read  about...   Also there are some great bands that play in other countries that USA never hears about..  I thought about this awhile back but never did anything about it.
Posting some info on some well known bands or musicians from lots of different countries with links to their music. would be cool (not going overboard, but like 1 a month would be good).
#11May 29th, 2008 · 12:02 AM
24 threads / 9 songs
284 posts
hmmm I'm thinking about your idea ninja guy

I could collaborate, writing about the music in Mexico and Latin America.

I disagree with toastedgoat about the newest things, we can include oldies as well

I have many good songs to review&share

You could be the editor. I could send a review by week.

I recommend you don't do "thematic" every newsletter, feel free to include different things, and many visions too

What do you think?

#12May 29th, 2008 · 12:55 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
yes old stuff too..  i was just throwing out some ideas..   I  was thinking more like new products and stuff..  no need to disagree.     i heard that  Sammy Hagar and Micheal Anthony was putting a band together with  Joe Satriani  and one of the guys from RHCP .    Haven't heard anything more than that,...  news letters with that kind of info would be cool. too  ( just throwing out ideas here)..
#13May 29th, 2008 · 10:01 AM
15 threads
63 posts
United States of America
GET THIS RHCP BROKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so i will start righting the first issue of . ...... of.... of the... ugh.... any idea of what we are going to call it? btw dodo I like your idea you could be the Latin American Correspondint.... we just need to find us someone from Europe... possibly the netherlands... that knows a whole lot about music...... and loves the amp with a passion.... for our European Correspondance  *cough* KINGS *cough*  ugh srry i got something in my throat!!!

#14May 29th, 2008 · 06:47 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Hmm yea! Thought of your proposition today, came to conclusion....you keep on doing the newsletter and I'll give you loads of moral support !! 
Seriously though! I know your busy with the idea so.......we'll keep in touch 
You should get some iTunes for that cough!
#15May 29th, 2008 · 08:10 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
how about the BandAmp Bi-Weekly?

BandAmp Broadcast? (although it will be a newsletter... hard to think up of 'b' synonyms)

Hmmm.. maybe it should also contain pressing matters,not only with the amp but with the world.
And then include causes to help or whatever.

Just some ideas :]
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