#1December 11th, 2010 · 05:46 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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Saving a mix on Cubase SX
So it goes like this:
I'm mixing the drums for a song. I used EZdrummer. I finally got a decent mix (I think so) and I want to save it somehow so I can apply it in other songs I've used EZdrummer.
When I mixed the drums I didn't do via audio tracks. I used the VST-Instruments tracks that appear once you use a VST-i in your project.

Basically, I just want to be able to save all what's in that track (in the red box) so then I can load it in any other drums track.
Hope you can help me.

             > Iszil
#2December 11th, 2010 · 11:30 PM
38 threads / 11 songs
278 posts
I know nothing about cubase, but I would just render out the drum track first to an actual audio file (do a mix down of JUST the drums), and then copy the outputted audio file to "any other drums track".

But ask someone who know something about cubase first.  I clearly don't totally understand your question.
#3December 12th, 2010 · 04:38 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Do you want to copy the midi drum file, I'm sure M would know, or otherwise mix down onto a wav
#4December 12th, 2010 · 06:57 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
I'm not exactly sure what you want to export, your EZdrums is on a midi track so you can export the midi track which you can then import into ... fl or whatever program.......File/export/midi tracks.
But thats a folder marked in red, which I take it contains the separate settings for each separate EZ track...they are midi tracks...look to see if you can export each one as a midi file. You'd have to import each one separately into each corresponding track in the other program.

Make a search on google for "Exporting automation from Cubase", I got some interesting results last night.
This will export the automation but I dont know in what format or how youd then import that into another program.

I have Cubase 5 and there's an option to export OMF files, they look like a complete picture of the song, tracks, automation curves etc (a bit like FLs project bones maybe), it also looks like you'd be exporting XML files and the question remains...what do you want to import into the other programs?

You can also go through all the Effects/instruments you've used and save the patch (settings), they used to be **.fxp files, you'd be saving the whole instrument bank (all sounds/effects) in an **.fxb file.....these can be opened in an other program that also hosts vstplugins.

But the first thing you should do is get rid of SX and go for 5....and do it today .. now ! 
#5December 12th, 2010 · 11:43 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
I just had some time to check out the search I suggested.....
This page is REALLY cool, lots of very good tips if your a CubaseSX user.....


Check out the rest too....he's totally into SX .... http://www.thewhippinpost.co.uk/cubase/index.htm
#6December 12th, 2010 · 01:03 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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When you open any VSTi in a project you get a "new group of track" (first part of the image) in the bottom of all the tracks called VST-Instruments which contains tracks for each MIDI channel of the VSTi you are using.
In my case, I mixed all the drums using this tracks/channels (which are basically processing the MIDI coming from the VSTi into audio so you can mix it as if it was audio).

EZdrummer uses 8 different channels for each part of the drums kit. What I did was to mix each of them in whatever the way I liked and then finally got a decent sound. I want to be able to save the configuration (mix) of the whole EZdrummer multi-channel track (the one on the second image) or at least of each one of those 8 channels so then I can load them in the EZdrummer VST-Instruments channel of another project.

I hope I made myself clear now. It's quite messy,
Cheers guys.

             > Iszil
#7December 12th, 2010 · 01:23 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
That makes sense.....they are MIDI channels so you should be able to select the track/channel and export the settings as a midi file. So you are as such exporting automation...but it's all in midi info.
I havent been this far down the exporting road with Cubase so I dont know if it's possible, though it sounds very logical and plausible.
Marino uses Cubase, though he might know how to do this from the FL side.
Toasty is also a Cubase 5 user....wake them up with a PM!
#8December 12th, 2010 · 09:38 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
as far as i get it, you just save the song onto another new name, then you delete all track PARTS, but not the tracks themselves, save it again and your ready for a new song? or import the parts of another project...,( of course you can delete tracks you dont need also)
hope so
#9December 13th, 2010 · 04:12 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
MaxdB wrote…
as far as i get it, you just save the song onto another new name, then you delete all track PARTS, but not the tracks themselves, save it again and your ready for a new song? or import the parts of another project...,( of course you can delete tracks you dont need also)
hope so
I dont think that's what Iz means....that way you'd be using tracks and settings from one project to start another new project in Cubase. Iz wants to export the settings from the channels folder (marked in red) and use them in another program (like FL) where he's also got EZdrummer open in 8 channels.

Read up a bit more on this...I think it will be an XML file that's eventually exported, and it's not automation as I called it above...they are MIDI Events.
#10December 13th, 2010 · 04:24 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
MaxdB wrote…
as far as i get it, you just save the song onto another new name, then you delete all track PARTS, but not the tracks themselves, save it again and your ready for a new song? or import the parts of another project...,( of course you can delete tracks you dont need also)
hope so
Sorry I just read Izs second post and yes do as MaxB suggested....just save it as a new song and delete everything you dont need. You could even go so far as to make your edited song a song template.....but then that could be only a Cubase5 thing ! 
#11December 13th, 2010 · 06:49 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
Template was the word I couldn't find , I work with cubase SX 2.5 so i couldnt find it. and now I know why.
and thats why i do it this way i guess
now only hope that its what Isz is lookin for
#12December 14th, 2010 · 05:12 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
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United States of America
YOu can save you mixer settings , it includes all mixer inserts,eq' effects, sends. and I think you can even get it to save the automation. or as stated above you can also save the whole project as a template, you can also save parts of the project as a template.  right click on the mixer.. hit save mixer settings or something like that. you can also save selected tracks too.
#13December 20th, 2010 · 07:40 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
yes, but what is more simple as ctrl C, ctrl D, and ctrl S ? 
of course it can be handy to import them smashing settings from another mix..
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