#1July 16th, 2006 · 02:37 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
I can't upload songs
I can't get songs uploaded I keep getting the message "you already have a song with that title" message, even thought I don't have a song with that title uploaded yet.
#2July 16th, 2006 · 04:24 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
yeh, that bug seems to come up every now and then...

try emptying your browser cache and cookies, and try again.

lemme know if it works...
#3July 16th, 2006 · 05:14 AM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
had a song up last week but after a few days it refused to play in the bandamp player. the song was truncated to the first 5 seconds and that was it . the progress slider on the player skipped across vey quickly. Checked this against other songs, ours and others ...they were all fine , not a buffering download problem .So deleated , some kind of file corruption I guess.But will take your advice px and refresh browser .curious.
#4July 16th, 2006 · 11:13 AM
92 threads / 12 songs
911 posts
United States of America
Okay....this may seem irrelevant, but Blakhatz, you mentioned that "the progress slider on the player skipped across very quickly"  This happens to me constantly and consistently on ALL bandamp songs, (to be more specific, this happens on my computer ONLY on the bandamp wimpy player and all "Quicktime" players. Windows media player and Real player are not affected the same way) and I've never been able to find a fix for it .  Then you mentioned a "Buffering download problem". Can you explain what you meant by that,  and how one may go about fixing that?
#5July 16th, 2006 · 02:16 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
thanks pup
that probably would of worked , I uploaded the song under a diffrent name then edited the name after it was uploaded. But I think it was like you said.
#6July 16th, 2006 · 10:25 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
I usually associate that with preferece settings, but may be associated with the streaming being interupted as well.
We download allsotsof stuff and the quota with our servive provider is always at the limit by the end of the mont. Basically even basic pages take ages to function let alone any streaming media grrrrrrrr.
#7September 20th, 2006 · 05:16 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
I can't upload either
Tried clearing my cache etc. but I still get the "you already have a song with that title" message.
Any fixes come up yet?
#8September 20th, 2006 · 07:29 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
try uploading the song with @3##%6&*8 title .....when it is you can edit info , including the name of the song....goo luck
#9September 20th, 2006 · 10:26 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
If you have
punctuation of any kind in the song, commas(,)Periods(.)apostrophes(') etc. etc. etc. It will cause it to give you the old "You already have a song with that title" routine... 

     I find it happens all the time to me...  I am always using names like "When's the dog coming home with my paper", and "When you're hot, I'm not, and when You're cool, I'm still a fool for you"... things like that.... so I have real problems.. 


              Jim "tum podem extulit horridulum" K
#10September 21st, 2006 · 01:21 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
Thanks for the tip, Jim.
It was an apostrophe done me in.
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