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#1January 18th, 2007 · 12:42 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
broken (yet alive)
She falls asleep
After crying
She still breathes
After dying
She holds it in everyday
As to not let you see, you left her this way

Every song on the radio
Reminds her of you
Everyday that passes
Every Night she crys
She's officaly broken, yet alive

She wants to scream
She wants to rage
She trys to forget
That she feels this way
Every night she dreams
Every day she pays
For loving you and feeling this way

She begins to wonder
When it will end
She begins to fear
Her life has to end
She holds it in every day
As to not let you see, you left her this way

Every song she sings
Reminds her of you
Every day that passes
Every night she crys
She's officaly broken, yet alive

She wants to scream
She wants to rage
She trys to forget
That she feels this way
Every night she dreams
Every day she pays
For loving you and feeling this way
#2January 18th, 2007 · 12:48 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
This song.....
This song is about every feeling I have ever had about a certain individual, aka my ex... all i can say is...he's missing out. Lemme know wat you think!
#3January 18th, 2007 · 05:32 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
I think this is f***ing excellent (excuse the stars)

I really feel the flow of it, wonderful comprehensible poetic word play, I like it so much I'd even sing it my self.

I get a bit muddled with this though :

'Every song she sings
Reminds her of you'

Because the rest is so easy flowing this becomes 'demanding' on the mind! "Too many cooks spoil the broth" and there's loads of people in there!

Well done any way, funny init' how you have to have an ex to take the next step!

Maybe you should have more ex's they do wonders to your poetry!!!
#4January 18th, 2007 · 09:34 PM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
Yes, this song gives me this feeling that it will make a great, powerful song. As for kings's comment;
kings wrote…
Maybe you should have more ex's they do wonders to your poetry!!! 

i think this personal experience heightens the level of intensity of your words, however, I think this will make a great song for the fact that it is unique. That's the problem I have with writing lyrics, I have little heartache to write about (and it only filled one song!).

Yes this is something special.

Cheers for sharing it with us.

#5January 19th, 2007 · 12:00 AM
373 posts
i set the stage in my noodle with some heavy pouring out of vocals...
could even be perversely quiet...
smacks that much more of emotions at times...

how DO you dish out the vocals on this one..?
#6January 19th, 2007 · 12:20 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
KINGS: I guess having an Ex can do wonders! Lol I have had a lotta trouble with him, and at least we still talk. My music is based on him alot, b/c he is one of my first heart breaks. I plan on having many more ex's after all they do wonders, and apparently I am looking for that one in particular, that will never be labeled an Ex. Thank you for your enthusiasm in my music and my writing!
WRITERSBLOCK: Heartache can be good for music, and bad for you. Just keep in mind that whenever you do have your heart broke it's because you loved. It's kinda like that Three Days Grace song PAIN. I appreciate that you think my music is unique!
JACKFANCY: Well my song starts off slow, and easy Kinda like Crazy On You by Heart, but different, it leads up to a faster tempo, then so screaming is definitely Incorporated.
  *~~*~* thanks to all for reading*~*~~*
#7January 19th, 2007 · 12:47 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
To those that read my music and care Check out my home page, and blogs. You will read into how I feel over this song. The lastest blog is about my EX so read it, maybe you will understand my song better.
#8January 20th, 2007 · 01:16 AM
30 threads
169 posts
United States of America
So sweet, so sad, so very real
It's been said above, this is very beautiful. Simple and clear. Truthful. It shows. I like the POV, the third person telling of your feelings, your pain. It is one of those lyrics that would not take much but a simple melody, a clear voice, and someone to listen. Let it be me.
#9January 20th, 2007 · 11:10 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
xXxsaharaxXx wrote…
I plan on having many more ex's after all they do wonders

They do wonders! to what? your complexion! or your reflection?
#10January 22nd, 2007 · 12:16 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
They do do wonders I tell you wat! I hope that he reads this!   They do wonders to both.
Believe it or not I actually have a guitar part. Like I have said it starts off slow, then by the chorus I am flyin' down the fret board!

Thanks for your comments- keep em coming people!
#11January 22nd, 2007 · 07:45 PM
21 threads
235 posts
United Kingdom
re: WOW!
xXxsaharaxXx wrote…
then so screaming is definitely Incorporated.
Death metal screaming ???
Anyway, congratulations, it's sad but not emo. Maybe it's because these really are your feelings. I don't know.
All thats to be said has been said(as seems to be the case when I write coments.....) so just read some of the earlier coments again and you'll see what I'm getting at.
Good song, hope that fret board dancing includes a heartfelt solo.
#12January 26th, 2007 · 05:45 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
I don't really want to come off as an emo type writter. That is sooooo sterotypical. I write what I feel and just exactly how I feel it as ME. NOT emo, not goth not anything else but me.
I however do have a very heartfelt solo! It rox my sox!
#13January 26th, 2007 · 07:12 PM
373 posts
before 'emo' became another pair of jeans to buy at hot spot
it was simply just a way to describe a kind of music...
THAT's not a bad thing...
perhaps i've been outta america for a while but
allowing social pressure to affect your writing can
be both good and bad... just as long as you recognize it...
if you curb your expressions 'cuz it ain't cool no more
to pen it that way then you're taking a blow...
if you express how much that pisses you off then
you're tellin them to blow you...
in other werds...
don't give too many shits about
what's cool or not...
#14January 26th, 2007 · 10:52 PM
9 threads
75 posts
United States of America
Well around here emo is the sterotypical, " I wanna die, and slit my wrists," type people. You are right that it was a style of writting just to me it puts a feeling on my music that I don't want. U know? I totally apperciate the comments tho don't get me wrong.... I love them just i don't like the emo label.
#15January 27th, 2007 · 03:47 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
xSx wrote…
i don't like the emo label
well done !

I didn't even know what EMO was so I went looking for it on google, but I still don't know what kind of music it is supposed to partition!
I must be getting old!

If you write you must write what you feel, you can work it out as you go along, and you can put it to music, and it might be 'emotional' but as long as it's you, I'd say that that's what it's all about.
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