#1December 30th, 2005 · 05:34 AM
14 threads / 13 songs
60 posts
United States of America
You said I used you but
It was your game to begin with
You twisted the words I said
to make me look like a fool
No more running No more hiding
My thoughts are undenying
Can't escape this Can't replace this
My mind has settled in

I'm going to break you!
I'm going to end your reign of terror
You think you've won but this war is far from over
If it's the last thing I do
I'm going to break you!

You wanna be me but you can't see
that I'm nothing close to you
You drown yourself in a sea of tears
Cause you see that you're alone
Show your strength Show your independence
I'm not asking you to resolve this
I'm asking you to get out of my life!
There's no shortcuts in life
So why are you trying to run mine through?
Why are you trying to break me?!  Well...
How can you act like nothings wrong
When you've done nothing right?
How can you tell me I have lied
When there is no truth in sight?
You say there's a cloud over your head
But there's a storm within me
I can feel the rage building
It's only a matter of time before you realize
Your game is over but I didn't win this time
I'll take this to my grave but
It's an open casket
How can you say you'd die for love
When you only live to hate?
You wear this mask to hide your face
But I can see right through you
In the end you're no better than me

I need help naming this one. All help will be appreciated
#2January 6th, 2006 · 08:06 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
ok well I already commented on the actual song, but I'll try to have at your lyrics too.

to start with, the message is obvious: you want people to think for themselves instead of being led like sheep... that is a good message, and indeed deserves being stressed every so often.

the first verse however, although a clear imagery, not sure if I'm getting it. what tables are you referring to? I'm not natively english speaking, so I might be missing an obvious symbolism here.

second verse is strong and right to the point. actually it's the clue to the whole lyric.

stressing it in the third verse: the choir sings / the minstrels speak the truth / the collective that you listen to / didn't tell you that it's cool I am definately getting the same message from How Fortunate The Man With None by Dead Can Dance. if you're into social protest songs, you should definately check it out!

and then in the final two verses you become more agressive, delivering harsh critique to the mentally blind, though I think I would have switched the order, personally. ending the song with "you might be known as gentlemen / (but) you're animals today"

maybe a stronger order of verses would be 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 - for really stressing that thinking for oneself is very important, that blindly following a leader may lead to disastrous effects in the big picture.
#3January 22nd, 2006 · 07:37 AM
55 threads / 30 songs
1,558 posts
United Kingdom
I see this whole piece about the destructiveness of war!

The tables a training ground - this could be a mapping room, where table top exercises are carried out and scenarios planned for.  Hence the they decide what we do, were all pawns in the game.

The wind carried the sound of far off thunder - the sound of battle in the distance.

the minstrels speak the truth, the collective that you listen to didn't tell you that its cool - possibly a comment on the number of anti-war social protest songs that you're now saying got it right.

you might be known as a gentleman, you're animals today - is a comment on the people actually in the battle, who, when it comes to it, fight for survival irrespective of social values outside of the combat scenario.

Finally, I think the last statement you believe that you're the master, your future is secure.  What if the things that you take for granted weren't delivered to you door? is a challenge to ask whether you would be prepared to go and and fight for what you believe in.

Or, of course, I could have it completely wrong!!!

#4October 3rd, 2006 · 11:13 PM
14 threads / 13 songs
60 posts
United States of America
Good interpretation.
Its not exactly right lol but thats whats awsome about symbolic lyrics... they can be taken in many ways and still have strong meaning.

Thanks for the review.
#5October 4th, 2006 · 07:37 AM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
I was thinking...
THe tables a training ground, referring really to the metaphoric table, Everything revolves around tables, Knights of hte round table, MApping rooms as JiminUK said, Dinner table, THe old saying the tables have finally turned, etc etc. it is in reference to more of growing up, the school system is a table of learning, in which we are all taught to be sheep, to follow our Government(shephard) and stay with society(Our flock)..

Then I believe it speaks of Your own dreams and your own ideas for your future being blown away, because you followed what you were told you could do, and should do... and didn't follow your own mind...  THe distant thunder referring to the storm of depression, and hard times to come due to following the herd...

         That's my Interpretation..... Like IKe said, they can be taken many ways....

                   I like these lyrics... And this thread proves you have written a good song, it sparks conversation, and creativity....

#6November 18th, 2008 · 08:54 PM
23 threads / 2 songs
45 posts
United States of America
You said I used you but
It was your game to begin with
You twisted the words I said
to make me look like a fool
No more running No more hiding
My thoughts are undenying
Can't escape this Can't replace this
My mind has settled in

I'm going to break you!
I'm going to end your reign of terror
You think you've won but this war is far from over
If it's the last thing I do
I'm going to break you!

You wanna be me but you can't see
that I'm nothing close to you
You drown yourself in a sea of tears
Cause you see that you're alone
Show your strength Show your independence
I'm not asking you to resolve this
I'm asking you to get out of my life!
There's no shortcuts in life
So why are you trying to run mine through?
Why are you trying to break me?!  Well...
How can you act like nothings wrong
When you've done nothing right?
How can you tell me I have lied
When there is no truth in sight?
You say there's a cloud over your head
But there's a storm within me
I can feel the rage building
It's only a matter of time before you realize
Your game is over but I didn't win this time
I'll take this to my grave but
It's an open casket
How can you say you'd die for love
When you only live to hate?
You wear this mask to hide your face
But I can see right through you
In the end you're no better than me

I need help naming this one. All help will be appreciated
#7November 18th, 2008 · 11:29 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
Your question marks totally screwed the pooch on this one... I would yell at you, but I fear the reaper...


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