new guitar |
Hello, guys. Looks like you have an awesome site put together here. I found it while i was looking for tabs. But anyway.
So, my current guitar is an Epiphone acoustic. Its an awesome guitar, except for a few dents and scratches in it, but it still sounds as perfect as the day I bought it. But I'm still thinking about buying an electric guitar. So if anyone has any recommendations on what kind, it would be greatly appreciated.
So, my current guitar is an Epiphone acoustic. Its an awesome guitar, except for a few dents and scratches in it, but it still sounds as perfect as the day I bought it. But I'm still thinking about buying an electric guitar. So if anyone has any recommendations on what kind, it would be greatly appreciated.

yeah ... in fact can we please make a rule that everyone should be forced to read EVERY previous thread before asking a question?
not being mean to you licentia626, its just that your about the millionth newbie to ask that question. BTW, welcome to bandAMP - we're all looking forward to hearing your songs and getting to know you, blah, blah, blah!

not being mean to you licentia626, its just that your about the millionth newbie to ask that question. BTW, welcome to bandAMP - we're all looking forward to hearing your songs and getting to know you, blah, blah, blah!

yeah - thats a brilliant idea!! might save us all from getting RSI in our fingers from having to answer the same question a zillion times!!
hehe, s/he's prolly like "what?! i've gotta go looking for stuff? SCREW ALL YALL."
hahaha, i don't mean to make accusations. i'm just speculating
hahaha, i don't mean to make accusations. i'm just speculating

yeah, i think certain people (myself included) are a bit harsh on newbies. we ought to be kinder. presumably Mud made this site (and pays a lot of money to maintain it) with the dream of making it popular and successful and then selling it. after all the work he's done and the amount that we've all benefit ted, i think we owe it to him to not do anything to jeopardize that dream.
ok, in case your still confused about what you should do, try going around to different music stores and trying out different ones, according to your budget of course, a friend of mines owns a shop and he hates it when people come in and want to try out his good guitars when they know that they cant afford it... anyway just decide accoring to what you want in your guitar and the quality of it
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